Editor visual/Boletín/2015/Ochobre
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Fai click nel iconu del llápiz p'abrir l'editor pa una páxina. Dientro, usa'l menú de la rueda dentada de la esquina superior drecha pa "Switch to visual editing".
El botón d'edición recordará qué entornu d'edición usasti la última vegada, y volverá a presentar el mesmu la vegada siguiente. El sitiu del escritoriu cambiará a un sistema asemeyáu a esti nos meses vinientes.
Puedes lleer y ayudar a traducir el manual d'usuariu, que contien más información tocante al usu del Editor visual.
De últimu boletín a esti, l'Equipu de VisualEditor iguó munchos bugs, amestó nueves carauterístiques y fexo dellos pequeños cambios nel diseñu. Esti equipu asoleya informes d'estáu selmanales en mediawiki.org. El so cuadru de trabayu ta disponible en Phabricator. Les sos prioridaes actuales son ameyorar l'encontu pa llingües como'l xaponés y l'árabe, facilitar la edición en preseos móviles, y ufrir ferramientes de medios arriquecíos pa les fórmules, gráfiques, galeríes y xubir conteníu.
Ameyoramientos de recién
Educational features: The first time ever you use the visual editor, it now draws your attention to the Link and ⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽ tools. When you click on the tools, it explains why you should use them.(T108620) Alongside this, the welcome message for new users has been simplified to make editing more welcoming. (T112354) Tán planificaes más carauterístiques educatives internes nel software.
Links: It is now easier to understand when you are adding text to a link and when you are typing plain text next to it. (T74108, T91285) The editor now fully supports ISBN, PMID or RFC numbers. (T109498, T110347, T63558) These "magic links" use a custom link editing tool.
Uploads: Registered editors can now upload images and other media to Commons while editing. Click the new tab in the "Insert Images and media" tool. You will be guided through the process without having to leave your edit. At the end, the image will be inserted. This tool is limited to one file at a time, owned by the user, and licensed under Commons's standard license. For more complex situations, the tool links to more advanced upload tools. You can also drag the image into the editor. This will be available in the wikitext editor later.
Mobile: Previously, the visual editor was available on the mobile Wikipedia site only on tablets. Now, editors can use it on all devices regardless of size if they wish. (T85630) Edit conflicts were previously broken on the mobile website. Edit conflicts can now be resolved in both wikitext and visual editors. (T111894) Sometimes templates and similar items could not be deleted on the mobile website. Selecting them caused the on-screen keyboard to hide with some browsers. Now there is a new "Delete" button, so that these things can be removed if the keyboard hides. (T62110) You can also edit table cells in mobile now.
Rich editing tools: You can now add and edit sheet music in the visual editor.(T112925) There are separate tabs for advanced options, such as MIDI and Ogg audio files. (T114227, T113354)
When editing formulæ and other blocks, errors are shown as you edit. It is also possible to edit some types of graphs; adding new ones, and support for new types, will be coming.
On the English Wikipedia, the visual editor is now automatically available to anyone who creates an account. The preference switch was moved to the normal location, under Special:Preferences.
Cambeos futuros
Pronto vas poder cambiar de testu wiki al editor visual después de principiar la edición. (T49779) Anteriormente sólo podíes cambiar del editor visual al editor de testu wiki. El cambiu nes dos direiciones va posibilitar una llingüeta editar única. (T102398) Esti proyectu combinará les llingüetes "Edit" y "Edit source" nuna única llingüeta "Edit", asemeyada al sistema que s'usa yá nel sitiu web pa móviles. La llingüeta "Edit" abrirá cualquier entornu d'edición qu'usaras la última vegada.
Trabayemos xuntos
- Comparte les tos idees y fai entrugues en VisualEditor/Feedback. Esta páxina de comentarios usa Flow pa los alderiques.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at What to test if you can help, and report it on Phabricator (Korean - Japanese) or on Wikipedia (Korean - Japanese).
- Local admins can set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki. If you need help, then please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- Los conceyos selmanales de clasificación de xeres tán abiertos a los voluntarios. Depriende cómo xunite a los aconceyamientos y cómo señalar bugs en mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Sicasí, nun necesites asistir al conceyu pa señalar un bug pa tener en cuenta. En llugar d'eso, entra en Phabricator y "asocia"'l proyeutu VisualEditor principal col bug.
Si nun tas lleendo esto nel to idioma preferíu, ¡ayúdanos coles traducciones! Suscríbete a la llista de distribución de correos de los traductores o comunícate con nós direutamente pa que podamos avisate en tando disponible la próxima edición. ¡Gracies!