WMGHUG Planeando Wikipedia 15

Días para Wikipedia 15
Días que faltan para Wikipedia 15
Hurray! Wikipedia will be 15 years come 15th January, 2016 and we wish to celebrate and create a huge presence with massive impact. The big question however is how do we achieve this?
What could we possibly do?
A stakeholders meeting/conference for members and well wishers/prospective members. It will focus on the journey so far for the Ghanaian community and the movement at large, the way forward for the community in Ghana and a dinner/party to climax and or celebrate the 15th anniversary.--Flixtey (talk) 11:30, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
Prospective events
Name: Post one Wiki a day.
Date: 1st to 15th January, 2016
Detail of activitie(s): Sharing a Wikipedia article each day from 1st to 15th January and sensitizing people about what the whole movement is about via social media posts (Facebook, Tweets, Google+, etc.)
Party Celebration
Name: WMUG Wikipedia 15 Celebration
Date:16th January 2015
Location:Impact Hub / Goethe Institut Accra / iSpace, More are allowed
Detail of activitie(s): A small party following our online activities prior to the celebrations and creating the awareness of Wikipedia and the journey so far.
- Raphael Berchie (Wikimedia GH user group Member)
- Rexford Nkansah
- Felix Nartey
- John Ecklu
Detail of activitie(s):