WSoR datasets/dataset name
Explain what the dataset is and what it is useful for. Make sure to *at least* include what you used it for.
editSpecify how someone can find it.
If it is a file on a server, give at least <server name>:<absolute path> (eg.
If it is a table in a database, give at least <server name>:<database>.<table name> (eg. db42:halfak.user_first_message
editDisplay the fields and describe what they mean For database tables, run: $ mysql -h db42 -e "EXPLAIN <table name>;SELECT * FROM <table name> LIMIT 3" <database> For files, run: $ head -n 3 <filename> Copy and paste the output including the command you ran and the prompt so we can see what directory you were in
Each row represents a thingie. There is a row in this table/file for each thing that the rows correspond to.
field name1
: What do values in field1 represent?field name2
: What do values in field2 represent?
editInstructions for reproducing the dataset. This could be an SQL query or a script that you (should have) checked into version control.
It may be a sequence of operations. Describe them. Give examples.
editIs the dataset incomplete? Are there known issues? What kind of things should someone who uses this dataset be aware of?