Wiki4MediaFreedom konkurrence

This page is a translated version of the page Wiki4MediaFreedom contest and the translation is 63% complete.

Beskrivelse og baggrund

Drawing on a GLAM initiative, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa has been running the Wiki4MediaFreedom initiative since 2015. This initiative aims at boosting the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in Europe on Wikipedia, resulting in open-access, freely reusable quality contents for the wider public in multiple languages.

The Wiki4MediaFreedom editorial effort has focussed on media landscapes and other media freedom-related issues in South-east Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries, and Turkey, as well as Visegrád countries, and Baltic States.

Dozens of quality articles have been created and updated in English, focussing on specific topics like transparency of media ownership; media concentration; access to public information; censorship and self-censorship, with a set of country entries developed for each of them.

Now it is time to further share this knowledge with the wider Wikipedia community and foster societal engagement at local level to increase the ownership of Wiki4MediaFreedom in several languages across Europe: that’s why on the World Press Freedom Day (May 3rd) we launch the Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest to invite the community to contribute and join the Wiki4MediaFreedom initiative in support of media freedom, pluralism and quality journalism in Europe and beyond.

Hvad du kan gøre: Opdater, udvid, oversæt

Inden for Wiki4MediaFreedom skrive- og oversættelse konkurrencen kan du:

  • oversæt en eksisterende artikel fra engelsk til de andre målsprog, for eksempel italiensk, albansk, bulgarsk, serbisk, kroatisk, bosnisk.
  • opdater og forbedre eksisterende artikler på engelsk.

Vi inviterer brugere til at oversætte, artiklerne om de nyligt dræbte journalister Daphne Caruana Galicia og Ján Kuciak der allerede findes på nogle forskellige sprog, til målsprogene.


Målsprogene er: engelsk, italiensk, albansk, bulgarsk, serbisk, kroatisk og bosnisk.

Regler for deltagelse


Konkurrencen vil symbolsk starte den 3. maj 2018 aka dagen for den frie verdens presse dag og kommer til at vare indtil den 15. juli 2018. Bemærk': Tidsfristen blev udskudt (oprindelig tidsfrist var den 3. juni)

Deltagelse er åben for alle brugere der er registreret på Wikipedia før den 3. maj 2018.

Liste over artikler

Please, pick the article you wish to work on from the list below. Participants can freely choose to work on further items, provided they are added to the list. To avoid overlapping, we ask you to report your name and the language you are working on on the tables below next to the article on which you want to work.

Artikler at oversætte

Målsprog: italiensk, albansk, bulgarsk, serbisk, kroatisk, bosnisk og montenegrinsk.

Artikler at oversætte fra engelsk
Artikel Bruger Sprog
Daphne Caruana Galizia Mudroslov Croatian
Murder of Ján Kuciak Mudroslov
Goth nespresso
Media freedom in the European Union Kaspo Italian
European Charter on Freedom of the Press
Media of Albania Camelia italian   Udført
Media of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Media of Bulgaria
Media of Croatia Camelia italian   Udført
Media of Kosovo Kaspo italian
Media of Montenegro Samuele2002 Italiano
Media of Serbia Camelia italian   Udført
Media of Turkey Camelia italian   Udført
Censorship in Turkey
Media freedom in Serbia Kaspo italian
Media freedom in Russia Kaspo Italian
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Kaspo Italian
Reporters Without Borders Francesca_me (talk) Italian
2017 Block of Wikipedia in Turkey Camelia Italian   Udført
Press Freedom Index CaterinaL. (talk) Italian
Internet censorship in Germany Kaspo Italian
Culebra Cut Giova.amb Italian
Censorship by country Goth nespresso Italian
... please add the in rows below the articles/s you want to translate
World Press Freedom Day Goth nespresso Italian
  • Articles to be translated can also be chosen among the articles included in the Category Journalism Organisations in Europe. Users may propose additional articles to translate.

Artikler at opdatere / forbedre

Målsprog: engelsk

Artikler at forbedre på engelsk
Artikel Bruger
World Press Freedom Day Prose-proem (talk)
Media freedom in the European Union
European Charter on Freedom of the Press
Censorship in Turkey
Freedom of the press in Ukraine
Media freedom in Azerbaijan
Media freedom in Russia
Media of Albania
Media of Armenia
Media of Azerbaijan
Media of Belarus
Media of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Media of Bulgaria
Media of Cyprus
Media of Czech Republic
Media of Croatia
Media of Estonia
Media of Georgia
Media of Greece
Media of Hungary
Media of Italy
Media of Kosovo
Media of Latvia
Media of Lithuania
Media of Moldova
Media of Montenegro
Media of Poland
Media of Russia
Media of the Republic of Macedonia
Media of Serbia
Media of Slovakia
Media of Slovenia
Media of Turkey
Censorship in Turkey
Media freedom in Serbia
Media freedom in Russia
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Reporters Without Borders
2017 Block of Wikipedia in Turkey
... please add the in rows below the article/s you want to improve

Artikler der skal opdateres / forbedres kan også blive udvalgt blandt de artikler der er inkluderet i kategorien Journalistiske organisationer i Europa. Brugere kan forslå flere artikler der skal forbedres.

Jury og præmier

A jury, composed of experts in the field of media freedom and Wikipedians, will review the articles translated, improved and updated and award prizes to the winners. The jury will include researchers and curators of the Media Freedom Resource Centre, an online open online platform that facilitates quick and systematic access to an ever-growing collection of resources on media freedom and pluralism in Europe. The jury will also include the multilingual network of translators and local correspondents of OBCT.

Contest participants will be responsible for tracking their work on the main contest page in META. They will list each article they have worked on. We are using a simple scoring system: one point will be given for each 1,000 bytes improved and translated. 3 points will be given for every new source added. The addition of local quality source will be positively evaluated.

Prizes will be given for the two categories, i.e. Translation and improving/updating content, to the top three scorers. Prizes are online gift voucher.
  • TRANSLATION / across languages
  1. first place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 50
  2. second place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 30
  3. third place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 20
  1. førsteplads: Amazon kupon til en værdi af 50 euro
  2. andenplads: Amazon kupon til en værdi af 30 euro
  3. tredjeplads: Amazon kupon til en værdi af 20 euro

Yderligere information

The Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest is part of the broader initiative Wiki4MediaFreedom. In addition to the editorial effort, we have worked to mobilise the Wikipedia community with two Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon which have been have been held respectively in Belgrade (2016) and in Sofia (2017), in cooperation with Wikimedia national chapter, user groups as well as other organisations. New edition of the Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon will be run over the course of 2018.

The Wiki4MediaFreedom initiative is part of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom.



The other prizes for the category "Improvements" have not been assigned.

Congratulations to the Winners and thank you to all participants!

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