WikiCite/2020 Virtual conference/What other metadata could be made open about a research publication

Open citations & linked bibliographic data | 26-28 October 2020 | #WikiCite

Part of Celebrating Wikidata's 8th Birthday | #WikidataBirthday

What other metadata could be made open about a research publication

23:45 UTC

=10:45 Tues AEDT




We’re used to knowing a publications’ authors and it’s becoming more common to indicate handling editors and even peer reviewers. How might this be extended further? Wikidata’s flexibility makes it ideal including broader information: from “who gave ethics approval for this work?” to “what statistical methods did this work use?” to “other than the authors, who else contributed to this work?”. Currently this is in a proof of principle stage with features added manually to a set of showcase text items, however the aim is for it to eventually be generally extensible to a wide portion of publications, projects and other initiatives.

Thomas Shafee is a data specialist in La Trobe University, with a background in evolutionary biochemistry. His professional role focuses on open data and open research outputs across the university - ranging from data analysis and visualisation to sharing and dissemination. He also helps to run the WikiJournal User Group, a small publishing group of open access, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals, and is an experienced editor of Wikipedia and Wikidata.