WikiConference India 2016/Submissions/Study on Actors and Activities in the Area of ICT and Women Empowerment in India

               “Study on Actors and Activities in the Area of ICT and Women Empowerment in India”
                                             Seied Beniamin Hosseini[1]


In the present study, the researcher through brief overview of ICT’s operation going to discuss about the impact of ICT on the women’s life in India. As we know, accessing to ICT can promote sustainable socio-economic development and develop the women’s life as a significant portion of the world’s population. Technology exists in a social world and when technology is considered under the social context the issues of women become of interest. Because in other words technology can affects women just as women can affects technology. But unfortunately the research and experiences determined that the more men than women have access to ICTs especially in the global south.
This paper will explore that the empowerment of women can help to gain their insight of actions and issues in the internal and external environment which influence them, to build their capacity to get involved in decision making in effective and better way and to overcome social, political and economic barriers and strengthening them to participate in to the same processes. The researcher will express that the ICT nowadays can be operated from every home in India irrespective of its location and plays very important role in empowerment of weaker segment including women and promotion of gender equality. Therefore there is need to recognize the potential of ICT as a tool for the promotion of gender equality and women empowerment and to understand how women can have more access and participate through the media and new technologies with the aim of developing their own path.
The present research work will prove that the women should not be considered as passive recipients of information and technology but as developer. Furthermore, to focus and study on NGOs and their operations towards making awareness and clarifying facilities of this strategy for making a big improvement of women’s life to be needed.

  1. B.A, L.L.B, PG Student in MBA Department of BIMS Manasagangothri, University of Mysore (