South Asia Open Community Call

South Asia Open Community Call
Dates 23 June 2024
Call Time 6 pm to 7 pm, IST
Google Meeeting link
Etherpad Etherpad Link



The Open Community Calls (OCC) is an online space to share activities like Edit-a-thons, Workshops, and meetups (especially updates related to WikiConference India 2023) with a wider community audience who are contributing to Indic Wikimedia projects and beyond. This is a monthly call where communities come together. Everyone is welcome to participate, share their community activities, and ask questions in the moderated discussions.

  • Any community member who is contributing to Wikimedia projects in the Indic language and beyond can join these calls.
  • These are monthly calls which will be scheduled every month on a Sunday.
  • Please click on this public link and add the Open Community Call calendar to get meeting invitation directly to your calendar, so that you don't miss out on any calls.
  • To share your ideas/suggestions/thoughts with the organizers of OCC, you are free to use the talk page.
  • Alternatively, you can join the Telegram group for the same

Agenda Proposals


Please add your suggestion/submission for the agenda along with the Presenter's name and the expected duration.

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Moderator Sign-up


Interested in moderating one of the Open Community Calls? Sign up below by adding your username. You can also reach out to us at contact

  1. TBD
  2. TBD

Details of the upcoming meeting


The next Open Community Call is on 23 June 2024.

23 June 2024



  • Navya
  • Agenda:
  • Hello and Welcome: 5 Mins
  • Updates
    • MCDC: 5 Mins
    • Event Registration Tool- Benedict, WMF: 15 mins
    • MinT for Wiki Readers - Uzoma: 10 mins
  • Open Community Updates (30 mins)
Hello and Welcome: 5 Mins

Updates - Event Registration Tool- Benedict, WMF: 15 mins - MinT for Wiki Readers - Uzoma: 10 mins Open Community Updates (30 mins)

    • Tribal Culture Photography contest - Gopalakrishn's
    • Movement charter voting process and ratification update ; Manav (5 mins)
    • Wiki Loves Mangaluru; Santosh (3 mins)
    • Updates from Tamil Community : Selva
    • Updates from Telugu Community on Grant proposal: VJ Suseela
    • Technical training, Chennai by CIS-A2K: Bhuvana
    • Kashmiri language project: Sabrina
  • AOB

Previous meetings


19 May 2024


Moderator: Chinmayee Mishra

  • Agenda:
  • Hello and Welcome + Call Agenda (5 mins)
  • SAOCC Survey and Next Steps (5 mins)
  • WMF Annual Planning (45 mins)
  • Community Discussion (30 mins)
  • Summit Updates - Shreya Dwivedi (3 mins)
  • Hackathon Updates - Vasanth (3 mins)
  • Conference Updates: Summit and Hackathon (10 mins)
  • ESEAP conference updates: Suyash Divwedi (3 mins)
  • Wiki Loves Mangalore - Santosh (3-5 mins)
  • Upcoming Mini Hackathon in India - Vasanth (3 mins)
  • Wiki Technical Training - Nivas (3 mins)
  • Closing - Nitesh (5 mins)

17 March 2024


Moderator: Siva Kosaran, Sri Lanka

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Ice Breaker- 5 mins (Moderator)
  • Focused Agenda:
    • Movement Strategy or Movement Charter Session- 25 mins
  • Key Updates:
    • Wikimedia Places Update: Amal and Jazmin (WMF)
    • Call for candidates for the UCoC Coordinating Committee (U4C): Ramzy, WMF
    • Gender Campaign Update :
      • Gender Campaign Updates- Masana, WMF
      • Nitesh (CIS-A2K: She Leads)
  • Open Community Updates

18 February 2024


Moderator: Chinmayee Mishra

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Ice Breaker- 5 mins (Moderator)
  • Movement Strategy Session- 30 mins (Kaarel)
  • Updates from WMF
    • Newcomers Onboarding Tools- 10 mins (Benoit Evellin, WMF)
    • South Asia Regional Grants Committee- 5 mins (Jacqueline Chen, WMF)
    • Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy - 5 mins (Suyash Divwedi or Manavpree Kaur)
  • Open Community Updates- 15 mins
    • Tulu Community In-Person Events or Activities: Babitha Shetty

21 January 2024


Moderator: Shabab Mustafa

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Introduction to the call
  • Movement Strategy
    • Presentation
    • Activity
  • Open for community updates
  • TBD

17 December 2023


Moderator: Sanjog

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Introductions- 5 mins (Sanjog)
  • Introduction to Movement Strategy- 30 mins (Kaarel)
  • Open Community Updates- 20 mins
  • Updates from Indic MediaWiki Hackathon- 5 mins (Nivas and Gopa)
  • Updates from Indic Oral Culture Project- 5 mins (Amrit Sufi)
  • Update from Punjab WikiEducation Program- 5 mins (Jagseer)
  • AOB and Closure- 5 mins

19 November 2023


Moderator: RockyMasum

  • Agenda:
  • Introduction and Icebreaker activity: 10 mins
  • Announcements & Community Updates: 23-25 mins
  • Updates from Bangladesh Chapter by Tanvir Rahman: 10-15 mins
  • Hindi Community activity updates by Praveen/Rachit: 5 mins
  • Wikimania 2024 Scholarships announcements by Rachit: 3 mins
  • Major Changes to the Open Community Call by Nivas: 10 mins
  • Activity on Movement Strategy by Nivas/Rachit/Praveen: 15-20 mins

29 October 2023


Moderator: Nitesh

  • Agenda:
  • Opening: 3 mins
  • Affiliate strategy and AffCom elections: 15 mins
  • Stories from recent events:
  • WWC 2023: 10 mins
  • TTT 2023 : 10 mins
  • Community Spotlight:
  • Maithili Wikimedians User Group: 7 mins
  • Karavali Wikimedians Project: 5 mins

10 September 2023


Moderator: Nitesh

  • U4CBC (Universal Code of Conduct Building Committee) Conversation
  • Learning experience from Wikimania Participants
  • Community Update

16 July 2023


Moderator: Nitesh and Nivas

  • Agenda:
  • Opening and Welcome - 4 mins
  • Streaming "WikiConference India 2023 — Recap and Highlights" - 6 mins
  • Global Council Draft by MCDC (Ciell, Manav, Runa) - 35 mins
  • Upcoming WMF fundraising campaign in India (Julia) - 10 mins
  • Open space for Communities, Closing, and next call update - 5 mins

18 June 2023


Moderator: Yakshitha

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • WCI 2023 Updates - 10 mins
  • Honorarium for attendees
  • Report
  • Blogs & Films
  • Movement Charter Drafting Committee Updates - 10 mins
  • WikiWomenCamp (Info on Scholarships) - 5 mins
  • GLAM Conference (Info on Scholarships) - 5 mins
  • LanguageWiki Celebrations - 10 mins
  • Punjabi Wikipedia - 5 mins
  • Kannada Wikipedia - 5 mins
  • Updates from CIS-A2K work - 5 mins*

Etherpad Link:

  • Meeting details:

21 May 2023

  • Agenda:
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Updates from WCI
  • WCI 2023 Overview
  • Stipend Update
  • Your best memory from WCI in one word- Open Question
  • Next Steps
  • Video- Work in Progress
  • Reporting and Feedback
  • WikiCelebrate
  • Leadership Development Working Group Updates
  • Any Community Updates
  • AOB

16 April 2023

  • Agenda:
  • Conference updates
  • Pre-conference activity update
  • Board of Trustees lead affiliate strategy interaction during WCI
  • Anual Program Plan & Fundraising
  • Women’s Month Datathon update
  • Stories by Communities

19 March 2023

  • Agenda:
  • Hello and Introductions- 5 mins
  • CIS-A2k and CPUG- Women’s Month DataThon- 5 mins (Suyash)
  • Wikimania and Upcoming Hackathon- 10 mins (Rachit)
  • WCI Updates- 30 mins (Nitesh/Nivas)
  • Program Updates
  • Scholarship Updates
  • Self Funded Updates
  • Key Announcement Dates
  • Pre-Conference Activities
  • Open Question- 10 mins

19 February 2023

  • Agenda:
  • Conference update & Update about Meta page updates: 5 mins
  • Programs update & Pre-conference activity: 10-12 mins
  • Other Community activities:
  • Hardware Donation Program: 3-5 mins
  • 2nd Wiki Technology Summit by Kasyap: 2-3 mins
  • Women's health edit-a-thon announcement by Netha: 3-5 mins
  • Brief Introduction to Diversity&Inclusion (D&I) at conference and why by Manav: 3-5mins
  • Privacy & Digital Safety by Max from the WMF legal team: 10-15 mins
  • Scholarship updates: 15 mins
  • FAQ update & AOB: 5 mins