WikiConference USA/2014/List of Registered Participants

This list is for informational purposes. It may be edited by any registered participant of the conference. If you have registered for the conference, it is encouraged but not required that you list your name here.

Registered Participants


Click edit above this line to add your name to the list.

State Username Languages Arrival Departure Comment
OR drohowa en live here live here I am one of the conference organizers and a member of Wikimedia NYC.
bluerasberry en live here live here I am one of the conference organizers. Contact me to talk about medicine, open access, LGBT issues, or Wikimedia chapters. I am from Seattle.
DGG en live here live here I am one of the conference organizers and a member of Wikimedia NYC.
Mozucat en live here live here I am one of the conference organizers and a member of Wikimedia NYC.
scottandrewhutchins en live here live here Will attend most of Saturday.