
This page is a translated version of the page WikiForHumanRights/2021/Organize and the translation is 2% complete.
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#WikiPourLesDroitsHumains 2021 : Droit à un environnement sain
Rejoignez-nous du 15 avril au 15 mai pour célébrer le Jour de la Terre!

Écrivez sur les droits humains, la santé-environnement et les diverses communautés touchées par les problèmes environnementaux dans le monde !

Comme à la maison ! 🙂 En savoir plus sur le défi et comment s’inscrire Consultez le calendrier! Participer au défi
Page d'accueil Comment participer ? Événements Défi de la campagne

Organize an event


We want to encourage editing across languages and contexts. To expand impact, organizers might consider:

  • Hosting a webinar
  • Hosting an Wikipedia editathon or editing workshop
  • Running a local wiki drive or contest
  • Recording expert feedback about a Wikipedia article
  • Try something else? add it to the list

Need ideas? Watch our office hour video. If you need help please reach out to Alex Stinson and Michel Bakni Please remember to evaluate your context in light of local COVID-19 protocols for events, consider using the WMF Grants COVID risk assessment.


Webinar or digital event

Human rights topics are not always straight forward for a general audience of Wikipedians and activist audiences may need help seeing the connection between Wikipedia and Human Rights Communication. Consider running a webinar in conversation with an expert organization. Hosting a webinar includes: designating a topic, inviting guests, hosting the event, and sharing that on social media channels. Let participants know about the event by reporting it: click here to add a row to event page with Visual Editor


To run an editathon, consider the following:

  • Identify if you want to run a human rights editathon as part of the campaign. If you are a Wikimedia organizer, make sure to discuss with your local partners and decide the venue and location.
    • If you don't have experience with editathon consider partnering with a local Wikimedia affiliate. If you need help please reach out to Alex Stinson and Michel Bakni
  • If you have never run an editathon before, we recommend reviewing the the Programs and Events Dashboard training on editathons before developing the event.
  • Create a local wiki event page using the best practice for your wiki or community. Please use a tracking tool such as a Programs and Events Dashboard event as part of the Campaign. If you need help, see instructions below.
  • Let us know by reporting your event by adding a row to event page with Visual Editor
Other resources?

On-Wiki Campaign, Contest or Content Drive

To run a local content drive:

  • Create a Homepage for the event on your Wiki (consider formatting it with your localized WAM template)
  • Create a page on your local wiki for letting people sign up and report their contributions. We recommend including:
    • A brief explanation for the campaign
    • A way for People to Sign Up
    • A place to report work that they did as part of the campaign
  • Consider using notices, contacting village pumps, social media, mailing lists and other tools that you usually use to invite people!
  • We invite you to think about ways of overlapping with other campaigns (e.g. Wiki Loves Earth), WikiProjects or programs (i.e. CEE Spring).
  • Let us know by reporting on the event list page with this link

Expert interview

Human rights, climate topics and other environmental issues topics are sometimes hard to navigate for non-experts. Several communities have been experimenting with various methods of collecting feedback from expert communities. In light of COVID, we recommend that organizers try recording.

Examples of this kind of organizing include:

  • Wikimedia DC tried an Expert protocol to collect feedback as part of the National Academies of Science editathon in January 2020
  • Wikimedia Switzerland and Écrire pour les droits experimented with expert consultations on missing information in migrant rights pages
  • Wikimedistas de Uruguay recorded a critical reading workshop with activists and experts on missing information about underrepresented groups and the environment for the City of Montevideo page as part of an editathon.

Recording a critical reading can also help with creating expert videos describing why certain topics are important as part of Wikipedia articles (for example, see this #Wiki4Climate newsletter by Scann (en español).

If you record an expert, report it on the event table.

Autres ressources

Here are some additional resources if you need help organizing. If you have questions, need advice or mentoring, or need support contact


Create a Programs and Events Dashboard event as part of the WikiForHumanRights Campaign. Make sure to pick an "Article Scoped Program".

Tracking "in scope" articles

To track contributions to the list of topics follow the following instructions:

  1. Go to the articles tab within the event you just created.
  2. Click on Add Petscan ID
  3. In another browser, Modify a Petscan Query:
    1. Go to Petscan ID 13015247
    2. In the Use Wiki section, pick your language Wikipedia in the last radio button and adding "enwiki" or similar.
    3. Click the "Do it!" button
    4. Copy the Petscan ID
  4. In the Programs and Events Dashboard, paste the PSID and click "Add this PSID"
  5. Add individuals who participate in your event to the campaign event, so we can track their participation and edits.


Do you need funding for your event? Rapid Grants are available, and will be prioritized for emerging communities. Please apply. Grants will be available during the entire window of March 1 - April 15 2021.

Working with Activists on Sensitive Topics

Human rights topics can be complicated to work on: they are both complex to write about and participants in events or activities may have strong emotional connections with the topics.

Wikimedia Argentina has been running events in several countries with activists working in Human Rights fields. They have developed a set of recommendations to keep in mind for your event:

English event kit for working with Human Rights activists.

Privacy and Safety

Working in Human Rights it's also important to pay attention to the safety of participants. Activist participants may be taking risks by being public. If you are concerned about safety at your event and want to learn more, we recommend taking this training and using the resources available on Commons.

If you have incident reported at your event, please share it with the Wikimedia Foundation's Support and Safety team: ca(_AT_)

Keep in mind the campaign schedule

Évènements de la campagne WikiPourLesDroitsHumains 2021 [translate]
Langue Type d’évènement Communauté cible Page de l’évènement Coordinateur Date, heure (avec fuseau horaire)
et éventuel lieu
Page de suivi
(sur le Tableau de bord)
en, fr, zh, ar, es, ru Webinaire International, mondial Annonce sur Diff Astinson (WMF) (talk · contribs) 15 avril 2021, 15 h GMT Pas de suivi
en, ar, fr Formation des nouveaux International, mondial Rejoignez-nous le 16 avril !

(fr) 14 h 30 GMT (lien Zoom)

(en) 15 h GMT (lien Zoom)

(ar) 19 h GMT (lien Zoom)

MBakni (WMF), Astinson (WMF) (talk · contribs), NANöR (talk · contribs) Le 16 avril Dashboard coming soon
Toutes Concours d’écriture International Défi WikiPourLesDroitsHumains MBakni (WMF) 15 avril – 15 mai Participants
ar, ary, shi, fr Concours d’écriture Communauté marocaine locale Wiki pour les droits humains 2021 au Maroc Abdeaitali (talk · contribs),
Rachidourkia (talk · contribs)
18 mars 2021 à 00 h 00 (GMT+1) Participants
mk contribuathons, journées contributives, weekends de contribution Wikipédia en macédonien Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021 Kiril Simeonovski (talk · contribs) 4 février 2021

15 avril — 15 mai 2021

Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021
es Contribuathon, autres à définir Wikipédia en espagnol Contribuathon en ligne pour la semaine de la Terre Sophivorus (talk · contribs) Scann (talk · contribs) Cbrescia (talk · contribs) 19 – 25 avril 2021 Tableau de bord
Ar, Fr Journées contributives WikiDZ Algérie (à dét.) (à dét.) 15 avril 2021 – 15 mai 2021 (à dét.)
en Webinaire, traducthon, Wikifestival Caraïbes, Diaspora caraïbéenne, Amérique du Nord, international, mondial Semaine de la Terre Wiki Caraïbes 2021 Shanluan (talk · contribs) 17 avril – 3 mai 2021 Semaine de la Terre Wiki Caraïbes 2021
bcl, tl Contribuathon, Traducthon, Conférences Wikipédia en bicolano central, Wikipédia en tagalog Wiki para sa Karapatan Pantawo Daramlagon (talk · contribs) Kunokuno (talk · contribs) 15 avril – 15 mai 2021 Wiki para sa Karapatan Pantawo
en Contribuathon, Concours d’écriture Communauté ougandaise locale Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021 en Ouganda Sandra Aceng, Kateregga1 24 avril – 15 mai 2021 Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021 en Ouganda
Ar, Fr, En Contribuathon Wikimedia Tunisie WikiForHumanRights 2021 in Tunisia (à dét.) Du 15 avril 2021 au 31 mai 2021 (à dét.)
Ha Atelier et concours de contribution Groupe d’utilisateurs wikimédiens de langue haoussa Concours de Wikipédia en haoussa pour la campagne sur les Droits humains 2021 Abubakar A Gwanki (talk · contribs) 15 avril – 15 mai 2021 Tableau de bord
Ar Concours d’écriture Wikimédiens irakiens Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021 en Irak Ravan J AL-Taie (talk · contribs) 15 avril – 15 mai 2021 (à dét.)
Ar Concours d’écriture Wikimédiens du Levant Concours de Wikimedia Levant/Droit à un environnement sain Sandra (talk · contribs) 20 avril – 2 mai 2021 Tableau de bord
en Contribuathon Wikimédiens de Nouvelle Angleterre, et tous les intéressés par la santé-environnement Contribuathon Wikipédia : Jour de la Terre BU 2021 (à dét.) 22 avril 2021 Jour de la Terre BU 2021
sv Journées contributives Wikipédia en suédois Wikipédia : WikiPourLesDroitsHumains Ainali 15 avril – 15 mai 2021 (à dét.)
it Journées de contribuathons et concours, webinaire sur le Jour de la Terre (le 22 avril), entretiens avec des experts sur le changement climatique Wikipédia en italien Progetto:WikiDonne/WikiForHumanRights 2021 Camelia.boban (talk · contribs) 15 avril – 15 mai 2021 WDG – Wiki pour les Droits humains 2021
Ar Contribuathon Wikimédiens d’Égypte et Projet des Contributeurs wikipédiens arabophones (à dét.) Donia 23 avril – 1er mai 2021 Tableau de bord
en,tw,ha Contribuathon, Concours d’écriture
Journée mondiale de l’environnement (5 juin)
Wikipédia en anglais
Militants pour les Droits humains au Ghana
Groupes locaux
[1]Wiki Moment, Contribuathon WikiPourLesDroitsHumains au Ghana Joy Agyepong (Conseiller)
Stella Agbley (Coordinatrice en chef)
25 avril – 20 juin 2021 Tableau de bord
sr Contribuathon Wikipédia en serbe Википедија:Уређивачки маратон о животној средини 2021 IvanaMadzarevic (à dét.) (à dét.)
el Contribuathon Wikipedia en grec WikiPourLesDroitsHumains en Grêce : ciblage des camps de réfugiés Saintfevrier 15 avril – 15 mai 2021
Ha, En Contribuathon Wikipédia Nigéria Wiki pour les Droits humains à vivre dans le Nord du Nigéria Uncle Bash007 16 juin – 30 juin 2021
Ig Contribuathon Wikipédia en igbo WikiPourLesDroitsHumains Tochiprecious Du 24 avril au 15 mai 2021 Tableau de bord
es Editathon Wikipédia en espagnol Medioambiente: más allá de la naturaleza Cftoro (WMCL) (talk · contribs) Du 5 avril au 2 mai 2021 #DíaDeLaTierra
bn Atelier, Contribuathon Wikipédia en bengali উইকিপিডিয়া:মানবাধিকারের পক্ষে উইকি ANKAN (talk · contribs) 29 avril (atelier),
30 avril – 10 mai (contribuathon)
Fountain tool
en, ar Webinaire
  • General audience
  • Wikimedia Sweden
  • Wikipedia Arabic
WikiForHumanRights 2021 - sustainable environment NANöR

May 22, 2021 17:00 UTC

el Editathon
  • Greek Wikipedia
  • General audience
WikiForHumanRights/WikiLovesEarth - climate change Wikimedia Community User Group Greece 1 June to 30 June 2021

Pour ajouter votre évènement à la liste, ajoutez une ligne à ce tableau avec l’éditeur visuel.