
This page is a translated version of the page WikiForHumanRights/Communications and the translation is 2% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Header for Wiki for Human Rights 2024 Meta Page: Right to a Healthy Environment GIF
Header for Wiki for Human Rights 2024 Meta Page: Right to a Healthy Environment GIF
#WikiForHumanRights 2024:Knowledge for a Sustainable Future

Social media

It is invigorating to get support for the #WikiForHumanRights Campaign. Feel free to share how you are participating in the campaign in your country! We would love your support in whichever way possible. Here are a few different ways you can do precisely that: Watch out for our Twitter handle and offer our posts. Every share counts.



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Sample posts

2024 examples

Please see the 2024 design for social media cards. You can also find them here

2023 examples

We are introducing a slightly different design for social media cards. You can find the template here

2022 examples

Hash Tags

Please consolidate the campaign around the main campaign hashtag:

  • #WikiForHumanRights
  • #KnowledgeForASustainableFuture

There are some local language versions of the hashtag i.e.:

  • #WikiporlosDerechosHumanos for Spanish

Non-Wikimedia hashtags

  • #WorldEnvironmentDay
  • #WED2024

Wiki For Human Right communication kits

Please use this slide deck template and adapt for your community events. It also contains a mini tutorial on the steps in adapting the slide deck.

Please use this T-Shirt design for your community events.

Please use this 2024 campaign Logo for your community events.

Request for media for 2024 Video

At the end of campaign we want to produce an easy to consume-voice of the participants, summary of what kind of impact that we had as a result of the campaign.

Timeline -- we need to have video from events and participants by 2-3 weeks before the end of July.

Our goal is to collect multimedia that represents the gender- and geographically- diverse communities that participate in the campaign. Please submit 1-2 minutes videos that we can edit into a much shorter “impact” video at the end of the campaign.

Please upload media to where you find it comfortable and submit media to



  • 編集者、主催者の皆さんへの質問:
    1. 当キャンペーンにおいて皆さんはどのような貢献をされましたか?
    2. そもそも、当キャンペーンの活動に貢献しようと決めたきっかけは?
    3. 皆さんの文脈において、環境あるいは人権に関して開かれた知識はどのような波及効果をもたらしますか?
    4. 今年の人権ウィキのキャンペーンでは、どんなワクワクする瞬間がありましたか?
  • 地域の調整役の皆さんへ -- 自然環境に囲まれてご自分自身を録画するときに、以下を盛り込んでください。
    1. 皆さんの文脈では、地域のコミュニティとどのように協働しましたか?
    2. ウィキメディア運動において、皆さんの文脈に沿ってコミュニティが注目した主題に対応するのはなぜ重要なのでしょうか?
    3. 皆さんの地域で、当キャンペーンが協働を進化させたり能力開発に役立ったのはどんな場面ですか?
    4. 今年の人権ウィキ・キャンペーンでは、どんなワクワクする瞬間がありましたか?
  • 主催者の皆さんへ -- 当キャンペーン期間中に活動に参加された人たちの録画録音や写真をご提供いただけるとありがたいです。
    1. リモート会議のスクリーンショットでも録音録画でもよいので、まさにイベントに「参加中の」人たちの姿をとらえて提出してください。
    2. 参加者を1人ずつ、ウィキメディアの主題に取り組む姿、あるいはウィキメディアのプロジェクト改善について複数で話し合っている姿。
    3. 皆さんのイベントで目的達成などお祝いをしている情景をお願いします。

When creating videos or multimedia consider the following prompts:

  • For organizers collecting media during the events, we recommend you prioritize the following:
    1. Video showing people participating in events (i.e. taking photos, working at computers, participating in activities not on the computer)
    2. Action photos or video of people presenting at the event during the day of an event.
    3. Pictures of people doing things together during the events, especially in natural spaces or participating in actions outside of an event space. This could include things like lunch breaks, walking breaks, tours by experts, etc.
    4. People discussing how the events affected them or had an impact on their local community (we suggest that the backgrounds should be outside of the event venue witnessing the local context).
    5. Pictures or videos of the theme or topic in context of your local community (i.e. if there was a photowalk, and you looked at workers doing an activity related to sustainability, or high quality pictures of sustainability solutions in your geography).
  • For Regional Coordinators, we recommend the following:
    1. We want videos of between 45 seconds and 90 seconds
    2. We suggest not doing it in the “interview” format -- i.e. sitting in front of a computer, reading from a script. Instead, we suggest trying to get the shot in context -- i.e. a selfie video after an event, walking somewhere that highlights the themes important to the campaign, or in a quiet space outside that gives a sense of local context.
    3. What makes the campaign exciting for people in your context?
    4. How does the campaign impact communities in your region?
    5. What themes excite organizers and participants from the campaign?
