WikiForHumanRights 2023 in the Igbo Community/To-do list

#WikiForHumanRights in the Igbo Community: Right to a Healthy Environment
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Wiktionary list


The Wiktionary list consists of English and Igbo words. To create Igbo words on the Igbo Wiktionary, click on the words under the 'Create on Igbo Wiktionary' column on the table below, it take you to the mainspace of the igbo Wiktionary to start creating entries, See tutorial video recordings and samples of already created entries as guide.

To ensure orderliness, edit the 'Status' column on the table below. Add the status of the entry you are creating or created with the following templates (Kindly note that the default status will be   Not done). If you have difficulty editing the status, kindly ask for help on the community group chat or on the discussion page

  •   Doing...
  •   Partly done
  •   Almost done
  •   Done

Edit the table

Refer to these samples of already created Wiktionary entries for guide: Mbize (erosion) and Mkpụrụanya (eyeball)

WikiForHumanRights 2023 To-do list
No. English word Create on Igbo Wiktionary Status No. English word Create on Igbo Wiktionary Status
1 Global warming Okpomọkụ gburugburu ụwa   Done 68 Renewable energy Ike emeghariri ohuru   Done
2 Climate adaptation Nnabata ọnọdụ Mgbanwe ihu igwe   Done 69 Climate mitigation Mbelata ihu igwe   Done
3 Climate policy Amụma ihu igwe   Done 70 Climate modeling Nlereanya ihu igwe   Done
4 Climate sensitivity Mmetụta ihu igwe   Done 71 Climate variability Mgbanwe ihu igwe   Done
5 Climate crisis Nsogbu ihu igwe   Done 72 Climate finance Ego ihu igwe   Done
7 Climate resilience Nkwado ihu igwe   Done 73 Climate justice Ikpe ziri ezi nke ihu igwe   Done
8 Climate action Omume ihu igwe   Done 74 Climate emergency Ihe mberede ihu igwe   Done
9 Climate agreement Nkwekọrịta ihu igwe   Done 75 Paris Agreement Nkwekọrịta Paris   Done
10 Climate engineering Injinia ihu igwe   Done 76 Climate feedbacks Nzaghachi ihu igwe   Done
11 Air pollution Mmetọ ikuku   Done 77 Water pollution Mmetọ mmiri   Done
12 Land pollution Mmetọ ala   Done 78 Noise pollution Mmetọ mkpọtụ   Done
13 Agricultural pollution Mmetọ ugbo   Done 79 Pollutant ihe mmetọ   Done
14 Clean technology Teknụzụ dị ọcha   Done 80 Pollution control Njikwa mmetọ   Done
15 Pollution prevention Mgbochi mmetọ   Done 81 Waste management Ijikwa mkpofu   Done
17 Recycling Imegharị ihe   Done 82 Sustainable consumption oriri na-adịgide adịgide   Done
18 Human rights education Mmụta ikike mmadụ   Done 83 Human rights violations Mmebi ikike mmadụ   Done
19 Human rights advocacy Nkwado ikike mmadụ   Done 84 Human rights instruments Ngwa ikike mmadụ   Done
20 Right to freedom of expression Ikike nnwere onwe ikwu okwu   Done 85 Right to education Ikike ịgụ akwụkwọ   Done
21 Right to health Ikike maka ahụike   Done 86 Right to work Ikike ịrụ ọrụ   Done
22 Right to food Ikike nri   Done 87 Right to housing Ikike nke ụlọ   Done
23 Right to water Ikike maka mmiri   Done 88 Right to a healthy environment Ikike maka gburugburu ebe dị mma   Done
24 Human dignity ugwu mmadu   Done 89 Humanitarian law Iwu ọdịmma mmadu   Done
25 Humanitarian aid Enyemaka ndi mmadu   Done 90 Habitat fragmentation Nkewa ebe obibi   Done
26 Overfishing Ịkụfe azụ̀   Done 91 Deforestation igkwatu osisi   Done
27 Desertification Ntọhapụ   Done 92 Land degradation Mmebi ala   Done
28 Ecosystem services Ọrụ gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 93 Ecological restoration Mweghachi gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
29 Conservation biology bayoloji nchekwa   Done 94 Protected areas Ebe echedoro   Done
30 Wildlife trade Azụmahịa anụ ọhịa   Done 95 Ecological footprint Akara gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
31 Habitat restoration Mweghachi ebe obibi   Done 96 Habitat loss mfu ebe obibi   Done
32 Species conservation Nchekwa ụdịdị   Done 97 Biodiversity conservation Nchekwa ụdị ndụ dị iche iche   Done
33 Environmental justice Ikpe ziri ezi gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 98 Environmental degradation Mmebi gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
34 Environmental pollution Mmetọ gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 99 Environmental health Ahụike gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
35 Environmental policy Amụma gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 100 Environmental law Iwu gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
36 Environmental ethics Ụkpụrụ gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 101 Environmental governance Ọchịchị gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
37 Environmental protection Nchekwa gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 102 Environmental impact Mmetụta gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
38 Environmental sustainability Nlekwa gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 103 Environmental awareness Mmata gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
39 Environmental education Mmụta gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 104 Environmental activism   Not done
40 Environmental remediation Ndozi gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 105 Environmental assessment Ntụle gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
41 Environmental stewardship Ọrụ nlekọta gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 106 Environmental regulation ụkpụrụ gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
42 Environmental compliance Nnabata gburugburu   Done 107 Environmental monitoring Nyochaa gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
43 Environmental management Nlekọta gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 108 Environmental responsibility Ọrụ gburugburu ebe obibi   Done
44 Sustainable development Mmepe na-adigide   Done 109 Green economy Akụ na ụba griin   Done
45 Air pollution Mmetọ ikuku   Done 110 Water pollution Mmetọ mmiri   Done
46 Soil pollution Mmetọ ala   Done 111 Plastic pollution Mmetọ plastik   Done
47 Electronic waste Ihe mkpofu eletrọnịk   Done 112 Hazardous waste Ihe mkpofu dị ize ndụ   Done
48 Pesticides Ọgwụ nje   Done 113 Heavy metals Ọla dị arọ   Done
49 Noise pollution Mmetọ mkpọtụ   Done 114 Light pollution Mmetọ ọkụ   Done
50 Recycling Imegharị ihe   Done 115 Circular economy Akụ na ụba okirikiri   Done
51 Pollution control Njikwa mmetọ   Done 116 Pollution prevention Mgbochi mmetọ   Done
52 Pollution monitoring nlekota oru mmetọ   Done 117 Civil rights Ikike obodo   Done
53 Political rights Ikike ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị   Done 118 Economic rights Ikike akụ na ụba   Done
54 Social rights Ikike ọha mmadụ   Done 119 Cultural rights Ikike omenala   Done
55 Extinction ikpochapu   Done 120 Endangered species nkwado nkpochapu agburu   Done
56 Habitat destruction imebi ebe obibi   Done 121 Habitat fragmentation Nkewa ebe obibi   Done
57 Overexploitation Imebiga ihe ókè   Done 122 Unsustainable agriculture Ugbo na-adighi adigide   Done
58 Ecological restoration Mweghachi gburugburu ebe obibi   Done 123 Conservation biology bayoloji nchekwa   Done
59 Protected areas Ebe echedoro   Done 124 Wildlife trade Azụmahịa anụ ọhịa   Done
60 cap and trade okpu na ahia   Done 125 climate anxiety nchegbu ihu igwe   Done
61 climate arson oku ihu igwe   Done 126 climate catastrophe ọdachi ihu igwe   Done
62 climate change mgbanwe ihu igwe   Done 127 climate crisis nsogbu ihu igwe   Done
63 climate denial ngọnarị ihu igwe   Done 128 climate emergency ihe mberede ihuigwe   Done
64 climate fire ngọnarị ihu igwe   Done 129 climate grief iru uju ihuigwe   Done
65 climate migrant ndi kwapụrụ maka ihu igwe   Done 130 climate refugee Ọgba ọsọndụ ihuigwe   Done
66 climate strike mfanye aka n'ụkwụ ihu igwe   Done 131 climate-changed ihu igwe-gbanwere   Done
67 climate-speak okwu-ihu igwe   Done 132 Climategate ọnụ ụzọ ihuigwe   Done

➡️ More lists can be found here

Wikipedia list


The list below are English Wikipedia categories. Each category has a break down beside it, e.g Air pollution (12C, 128P) shows that under air pollution there are 12 Categories and 128 Pages. To translate these pages or create them on the Igbo Wikipedia, on the Vector 2022 interface, click on any of the pages/articles, click on languages (if Igbo is not listed on the drop down, then it is not on the igbo Wikipedia), select add languages, select translate this page, the page navigates to the content translation tool, then start translating from English to Igbo, after translating publish/bipụta. Kindly refer to the tutorial recordings for guide.

Refer to these samples of already created Wikipedia entries for guide: 100% eneji emeghariri ohụrụ (100% renewable energy) and Ihe mkpofu efu (Zero waste)

➡️ More lists can be found here

Wikiquote list


These are English Wikiquote entries to translate to Igbo. Refer to the Tutorial recording to see how to translate these entries on the Igbo Wikiquote.

Refer to these samples of already created Wiktiquote entries for guide: Wangari Maathai and Nyawira Muthiga

➡️ More lists can be found here