WikiGap Nigeria Online Challenge/2021/Evaluation report



WikiGap Nigeria Online Challenge is a public writing challenge to create new articles for notable women and improve existing articles about women on Wikipedia. The aim is to bridge the contents gap about Women on Wikipedia, the world's largest online encyclopedia. In the previous years, the challenge took place in multiple Wikipedia languages but this year challenge would primarily focus on the English Wikipedia.

The Challenge is organized as part of the global WikiGap campaign by Wikimedia Nigeria in collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden in Nigeria.

The challenge took place from the 10th of March 2021 (GMT +01:00) to 10th of April 2021 (GMT +01:00).

Challenge results


A total of 6 editors participated in the challenge and a total of 44 articles were created. This is the lowest results since the challenge in 2017. There was a need to evaluate the campaign to understand what did not work well and what we need to do in the future to improve on this results. A survey was conducted for current and past participants to understands their thoughts on why the project did not work well. The survey result has been sent to the Swedish Embassy in Nigeria. The key findings have been reported in the section below.

Response rates and data quality/limitations


Data was received for a total of 62 respondents.

These Data were collected using a survey

Year of the challenge Number of respondents
2021 62

Values for a number of the key metrics were only reported, and in the cases of budgets and volunteer and staff hours these values could not be mined from other sources. Furthermore, data for the challenge were not normally distributed; the distributions are, for the most part, skewed. This is partly due to small sample size and partly to natural variation, but does not allow for comparison of means or analyses that require normal distributions. Instead, we present the median and ranges of metrics and use the term average to refer to the median average, since the median is a more statistically robust average than the arithmetic mean.’’ To give a comprehensive picture of the distribution of data, we include the means and standard deviations as references.


Respondents reported their reasons for not participating in the challenge this year. The two most popular reasons noted for not participating by at least 10% were (1) They do not hear about the challenge (2) They do not have internet data.

Key finding


Below are key findings of the evaluation report

  1. There was no adequate publicity and awareness about the challenge
  2. Lists of articles to be created were not proposed by the organizers
  3. Participants do not have internet data to contribute to Wikipedia
  4. Participations were limited to the English Wikipedia
  5. The prizes proposed was not significant
  6. The framework under which the challenge was implemented needs a review.


  1. Organizers of the challenge should improve on publicity about the challenge. Communication should be well-managed and improved. Social media posts should be optimal.
  2. Organizers should proposed list of articles to be translated or improved at least a week before the challenge and share the lists with the community or participants
  3. The organizers should provide internet supports for some participants who could not afford internet data.
  4. Participation in other languages such as Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo should be allowed by the organizer
  5. A reasonable prize should be provided to motivate participants
  6. The framework under which the challenge was implemented needs a review.