WikiIndaba 2023/Microfunding/Kiwix Wikimedians User Group

Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to WikiIndaba 2023 has just been submitted by 787IYO on 19-09-2023 and is awaiting support.



Program Title: "Kiwix Africa 2023: Bridging the Digital Divide"

Program Overview: Kiwix Africa 2023 is a series of local in-person events and community meet-ups organized by the "Kiwix Wikimedians User Group" across the Nigeria. These events are designed to complement the WikiIndaba 2023 conference in Agadir, Morocco, and promote inclusivity, knowledge sharing, and the use of Kiwix offline Wikipedia.

Program Objectives:

  1. Facilitate local engagement: Bring together Wikimedia enthusiasts from various African countries to connect, collaborate, and share experiences.
  2. Promote offline Wikipedia access: Highlight the benefits of Kiwix and offline Wikipedia in bridging the digital divide in underserved regions.
  3. Expand Wikimedia community: Encourage new contributors to join the Wikimedia movement and contribute to the growth of Wikipedia in African languages.

Program Activities:

1. Pre-Event Promotion (September - October 2023):

  • Use social media, mailing lists, and Wikimedia channels to promote the events and encourage participation.

2. Local In-Person Events (3-5 November 2023):

  • Organize local events in Nigeria African that align with WikiIndaba 2023.
  • Each event can include edit-a-thons, and presentations related to Wikimedia projects, Kiwix, and offline Wikipedia.
  • Encourage participants to bring their devices for hands-on Kiwix installations and usage.

3. Virtual Interaction (3-5 November 2023):

  • Facilitate live streaming of key sessions from the WikiIndaba 2023 conference.
  • Set up virtual discussion panels with conference speakers.
  • Encourage participants at local events to engage in online discussions and Q&A sessions.

4. Post-Event Follow-Up (November - December 2023):

  • Compile and share event reports and success stories.
  • Encourage participants to continue contributing to Wikimedia projects, especially in their local languages.
  • Provide resources and support for ongoing Kiwix and Wikipedia activities.

5. Long-Term Engagement (Ongoing):

  • Continue organizing local Wikimedia events and supporting Kiwix initiatives in Nigerian communities.
  • Foster collaborations with other Wikimedia affiliates and organizations to further the goals of offline Wikipedia access.

Conclusion: "Kiwix Africa 2023" is an inclusive program that aims to leverage local in-person events and community meet-ups to enhance Wikimedia engagement, promote Kiwix and offline Wikipedia, and bridge the digital divide in Africa. Through collaboration, learning, and virtual interaction, participants will contribute to the growth of Wikipedia in African languages and strengthen the Wikimedia community on the continent.

This year's WikiIndaba edition will take place on 3-5 November 2023 in Agadir, Morocco as a primarily hybrid event with local in-person gatherings across Africa. The organizers are providing microfunding for Wikimedia groups across the continent to organize local in-person events and community meet-ups in conjunction with the conference to be able to attend and interact virtually with live streamed and pre-recorded sessions.

Micro-grants of up to $300 will be allocated to local African communities for the occasion. The type of activity and the form it will take is at the discretion of the organizer, so don't hesitate to look at what is being done elsewhere or even innovate.

Grant applications and reports can be submitted in Arabic, French or English. The successful application may be awarded regardless of the recipient's geography (anywhere in Africa), but underrepresented communities/groups will be given more favorable consideration.

Applications should include a schedule of planned events, potential local partners, team biographies and a detailed budget. Grants will be reviewed and approved on a rolling-basis by a jury based on the quality of their proposal. Recipients will be required to sign an agreement (with grant deliverables/outcomes), provide key contact information, and banking or payment details.

The first requests will be served first, until the fund is exhausted. Once the fund is fully allocated, no applications will be considered. Therefore, requests submitted earlier are more likely than requests served later. In any case, requests will not be received after October 5, 2023.



The Usernames are: 787IYO, Galdiz, Misbahu Umar, Amusa34, Mohammadbama123, Hajjo30.

The request is from an affiliate User group yet to be confirmed by affcom ( Kiwix Wikimedians User Group). The fund will be received through the contact person (Ibrahim Yakubu ).

  • count



Event Title: Kiwix Africa 2023: Bridging the Digital Divide"

Date: November 4, 2023

Location: Kaduna, Nigeria

Event Overview: The Kiwix Wikimedians User Group is organizing a small-scale workshop in Kaduna, as part of the WikiIndaba 2023 conference's local in-person events. The workshop's primary focus is to introduce participants to Kiwix and promote the use of offline Wikipedia to bridge the digital divide.


1. Introduction to Kiwix and Offline Wikipedia (9:00 AM - 9:30 AM)

  • Welcome participants and provide an overview of the day's activities.
  • Explain the importance of offline Wikipedia access in regions with limited internet connectivity.

2. Kiwix Installation and Usage (9:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

  • Hands-on session: Assist participants in downloading and installing Kiwix on their devices.
  • Demonstrate how to use Kiwix to access Wikipedia content offline.

3. Wikipedia Editing Workshop (11:15 AM - 12:30 PM)

  • Teach participants the basics of editing Wikipedia articles.
  • Encourage participants to contribute to Wikipedia in their local languages.

4. Lunch Break (12:30 PM - 1:30 PM)

5. Showcasing Kiwix Success Stories (1:30 PM - 2:30 PM)

  • Share success stories of communities using Kiwix for educational purposes.
  • Discuss the potential impact of offline Wikipedia access in Africa.

6. Group Discussions and Q&A (2:30 PM - 3:30 PM)

  • Break participants into small groups for discussions on Wikimedia projects and Kiwix.
  • Collect feedback, answer questions, and address concerns.

7. Closing Remarks and Networking (3:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

  • Summarize key takeaways from the workshop.
  • Encourage participants to network and continue collaborating beyond the event.

Budget Allocation (Total: $300):

  • Venue rental: $100
  • Refreshments and snacks: $80
  • Printing materials (Guides): $40
  • Internet access: $30
  • Miscellaneous expenses (Merchandise etc.): $50


  • Share workshop materials and resources online for broader access.
  • Encourage participants to join the Kiwix Wikimedians User Group and continue their contributions to Wikipedia and Kiwix initiatives.

This small-scale event aims to engage approximately 15 participants, providing them with valuable knowledge about Kiwix and offline Wikipedia while fostering collaboration within the Wikimedia community in Nigeria.The budget is designed to ensure a successful and informative workshop within the $300 limit.


  • Name of contact person: Ibrahim Yakubu
  • Username of contact person:787IYO
  • Affiliate (if applicable): Kiwix Wikimedians User Group (Kiwix Wikimedians User Group)
  • Country: Nigeria
  • Event date and location: 3-5 November, 2023 and Kaduna, Nigeria


Item Unit price ($) Quantity Total ($)
Venue rental $100 1 $100
Refreshment and Snacks $80 15 $80
Printing materials (Guides) $40 15 $40
Internet access $30 15 $30
Miscellaneous expenses $50 --- $50
Total $300

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application

Jury decision


Dear 787IYO and colleagues from Kiwix Wikimedians User Group,

We are sincerely grateful for the time and effort you invested in applying for a micro-grant for WikiIndaba 2023. Your interest in contributing to this event is highly appreciated.

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that your application was not selected for the micro-grant. We received an overwhelming number of quality applications (77 applications for only 7 grants), which made the decision process extremely challenging. Given the constraints, our focus has been on projects from underrepresented communities or groups that lack on-site representation at the conference. The team decided therefore to provide the grants only to countries where there are no user groups at the moment.

Though your application was not selected, we greatly value your interest in WikiIndaba 2023. To stay engaged and catch all the latest updates, we invite you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and instagram. Additionally, we encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we'll be sharing conference highlights and key sessions. We also suggest reaching out to your group members who will be participating in the conference, so they can share experiences and learnings with you.

Best regards,

Organizing Committee, WikiIndaba Conference 2023 -- WikiIndaba2021 (talk) 14:16, 11 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]