مؤتمر ويكيإندابا 2014
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ويكي إندابا 2014نحن نريد متابعة النقاشات و الأفكار التي طرحت في مؤتمر التنوع عام 2013. الرجاء القاء نظرة على صفحة التعريف Diversity Dialogue و البدء بالمشاركة. Why a Wiki Indaba?Wiki Indaba was a 3 day conference held in Johannesburg (South Africa). It was a gathering of African Wikimedians and other open knowledge volunteers who are aligned to our mission. Access to mobile devices is on the increase in Africa and is expected to intensify in the next few years, increasing Africa's on-line presence. In order to take advantage of this projected growth, it is therefore important to establish and strengthen Wikipedia and Wikimedia structures in Africa. أهداف المؤتمر
Focus of the ConferenceTo help us organize sessions and accomplish our goals of developing a shared understanding and set of actions for improving wikimedia's foot print in Africa, we intend to focus this first conference on two aspects as follows: