WikiProject Hearing Health/Topics

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WikiProject Hearing Health

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item Article description
Q924684 Brodmann area region of the brain
Q5235918 David Kemp British physicist and researcher
Q130249022 Electrophysiology of Hearing and Otoacoustic Emissions: Principles and Clinical Applications book about electrophysiology of hearing
Q1519971 Eustachian catarrh inflammation of the auditory tube, typically associated with upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, and may be worsened by enlarged tonsils
Q320561 Eustachian tube tube found in the middle ear which equalises pressure and drains mucus, connecting the middle ear to the throat
Q65080570 Eustachian tube dysfunction dysfunction that prevents drainage and equalization of pressure between the middle ear and nasopharynx
Q117085837 Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing international collaboration of parent-led support groups for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and provides support, information, and systemic advocacy
Q129956982 Hearing aid service delivery approaches for low- and middle-income settings WHO implementation guidelines for community-level programs for the delivery of hearing aid services
Q131378262 International Classification of Vestibular Disorders evidence-based classification system for vestibular disorders standardizes the definitions of syndromes, diseases, diagnostic procedures, and treatments in neurotology
Q18521094 International Noise Awareness Day global campaign which aims to raise awareness of the effects of noise on the welfare and health of people. Celebrated the last Wednesday of April, annually
Q124389651 International Ototoxicity Management Group global consortium addressing healthcare gaps in ototoxicity management worldwide
Q60793100 International Society of Audiology international scientific organization of audiology
Q107405554 Ling sounds behavioral assessment procedure that evaluates the auditory detection ability in children and infants
Q130023683 Make Listening Safe Workstream World Hearing Forum initiative to change listening practices and behaviours
Q6765177 Marion Downs American pediatric audiologist, researcher, and professor (1914-2014)
Q129989401 Masking in audiological assessment: a practical guide audiology book on clinical masking
Q460167 Meniere's disease disorder of the inner ear, characterized by potentially severe and incapacitating episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness in the ear
Q106547275 National Policy for Hearing Health Care Brazilian public policy that ensures access to hearing health care at different levels of care within the Unified Health System
Q1543446 Noonan syndrome congenital, genetically widespread disease considered to be a type of dwarfism affecting boys and girls equally
Q3136081 P300 event-related potential
Q25447809 Paralisia facial Automatic description is not available
Q131010730 Rede de Atenção Psicossocial Automatic description is not available
Q131010731 Redes de Atenção à Saúde Automatic description is not available
Q1759298 Rinne test screening test for hearing named after Heinrich Adolf Rinne
Q1729848 Stenger test medical diagnostic method
Q106548003 Telefonoaudiologia speech-language pathology
Q130358135 Tubo de ventilação Automatic description is not available
Q1470699 Weber test sensory neural hearing loss examination
Q5815639 World Hearing Day annual campaign by the World Health Organization Office for the Prevention of Deafness
Q129730254 World Report on Hearing WHO guidance for Member States to integrate ear and hearing care into their national health plans
Q1504201 absolute threshold of hearing minimum sound level that an average individual can hear
Q110933862 acoustic environment environment
Q2230578 acoustic trauma injury to the eardrum as a result of a very loud noise
Q3882459 acoustic wave longitudinal wave that propagates by means of adiabatic compression and decompression;travels with the speed of sound which depends on the medium they're passing through
Q864028 acute otitis media otitis media
Q131351367 aided cortical auditory evoked potentials evoked responses in the auditory cortex to sound stimuli, confirming the physiological detection of these stimuli at the cortical level
Q130540843 air-bone gap difference in decibels between air conduction and bone conduction hearing thresholds, indicating a conductive hearing loss component
Q4741549 amblyaudia suppression of activity in the non-dominant auditory pathway by activity in the dominant pathway which may be genetically determined and which could also be exacerbated by conditions throughout early development
Q7107434 ampulla of semicircular canal Anatomical structure and class of anatomical entity, part of semicircular canal
Q11905393 ampulla of semicircular duct Anatomical structure, part of semicircular duct and ampulla of semicircular canal
Q4751053 analog ear model of the ear or of the cochlea (in the inner ear) based on an electrical, electronic or mechanical analog
Q29783705 anterior ampullary nerve branch of vestibular nerve
Q29729440 anterior bony ampulla anatomical structure
Q66542958 anterior limb of stapes Zone of stapes, part of stapes
Q29729444 anterior membranous ampulla anatomical structure
Q66542962 anterior process of malleus Process of organ
Q29717447 anterior semicircular canal semicircular canal, chiral organism subdivision type, and class of anatomical entity, part of inner ear and bony labyrinth
Q29717452 anterior semicircular duct anatomical structure
Q104549358 articular facet for malleus Zone of bone organ and articular surface, part of body of incus
Q124214163 articular facet for stapes Articular surface, part of lenticular process of incus
Q4800962 articulation index method of measuring hearing loss
Q2357982 attenuation gradual loss of flux intensity through a medium
Q781050 audiogram type of graph showing audiometer results
Q23905461 audiological center organization
Q1644347 audiologist health professional in hearing and other auditory problems such as tinnitus and balance
Q569965 audiology branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders
Q25339757 audiology and hearing health professionals in developed and developing countries audiology and hearing health professionals in developed and developing countries, covering roles, training, and access disparities
Q138569 audiometer electronic device used to conduct an audiometry test to determine an individual’s hearing thresholds
Q4819917 audiometrist health-care professional technician who has received special training in the use of Pure tone audiometry equipment
Q758881 audiometry hearing test that assesses a person's hearing ability
Q2870769 audioprothesist professional who sells, fits, adjusts and replaces hearing aids based on a written certificate from an ear
Q124134874 auditory term for use with the Accessibility Properties for Discoverability Vocabulary accessMode property that indicates that a resource contains information encoded in auditory form
Q23808025 auditory arrhythmia inability to replicate musical or rhythmic patterns
Q608256 auditory brainstem response process
Q18676 auditory cortex region of the brain
Q131339872 auditory ecology auditory environments in which humans live and function, the tasks to be undertaken by humans in these complex acoustic environments, and the importance of these tasks in daily life and daily routines
Q199428 auditory event subjective perception, when listening to a certain sound situation
Q4820025 auditory fatigue temporary loss of hearing after exposure to sound
Q60741138 auditory hazard assessment algorithm for humans mathematical model of the human auditory system that calculates the risk to human hearing caused by exposure to impulse sounds, such as gunfire and airbag deployment
Q424102 auditory illusion false perceptions of a real sound or outside stimulus
Q4820030 auditory integration training developing treatment for auditory disorders
Q1363413 auditory masking effect that occurs when the perception of one sound is affected by the presence of another sound
Q4820036 auditory neuropathy hearing disorder characterized by impaired transmission of signals through the auditory nerve, resulting in mild to severe hearing loss and poor speech perception
Q4820034 auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder specific form of hearing loss defined by the presence of normal or near-normal otoacoustic emissions but the absence of normal middle ear reflexes and abnormal auditory brainstem response
Q816052 auditory ossicle three short and irregular bones that form a chain located in the tympanic cavity of the middle ear
Q14914257 auditory receptor cell development process whose specific outcome is the progression of an auditory receptor cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure
Q15325710 auditory receptor cell morphogenesis any process that alters the size or shape of an auditory receptor cell
Q14914026 auditory receptor cell stereocilium organization process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a stereocilium
Q2135818 auditory recruitment medical condition of the inner ear that leads to reduced tolerance of loudness
Q131751616 auditory squelch improved ability to listen with both ears, independent of changes in the target-to-masker ratio, enhances speech comprehension in noisy environments
Q821413 auditory system sensory system used for hearing
Q4820022 auditory-verbal therapy method for teaching deaf children to listen and speak using their hearing technology
Q112228153 auditosensory cortex part of the auditory system that is associated with the sense of hearing in humans
Q186763 aural rehabilitation procedures for correcting hearing disorders
Q30645745 autoinflation minimally invasive treatment for serous otitis media using a nasal balloon to apply pressure to sinus cavities
Q684088 autophony medical condition
Q4839818 backward masking Wikimedia disambiguation page
Q1530280 balance ability to maintain the line of gravity of a body within the base of support with minimal postural sway
Q66542960 base of stapes Zone of bone organ, part of stapes
Q66542954 body of incus Body of organ, part of incus
Q2914915 bone anchored hearing aid type of hearing aid based on bone conduction
Q490249 bone conduction conduction of sound to the inner ear through bones other than the ossicles of the middle ear
Q262489 bony labyrinth bony structure of the inner ear
Q130273461 brainstem auditory evoked potencial curve I electrophysiological potential originating in the distal portion of the cochlear nerve
Q115926971 brainstem auditory evoked potential electrophysiological assessment of auditory system synchrony
Q66543482 branch of vestibular nerve Branch of vestibulocochlear nerve
Q66543464 branch of vestibulocochlear nerve Branch of cranial nerve
Q98139662 causes of hearing loss causes conditions of hearing loss, including aging, genetics, perinatal problems, loud sounds, and diseases.
Q190425 central auditory processing brain function responsible for detecting, analyzing, and interpreting sound stimuli, involving structures of the peripheral and central auditory system
Q130378384 central auditory processing disorder neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how the brain processes sounds
Q108132915 centro especializado em reabilitação Legal act, clinic, and public policy in Brazil, part of Sistema Único de Saúde
Q558230 cholesteatoma keratosis characterized by keratinizing squamous epithelium located in middle ear and/or mastoid, subepithelial connective tissue and by the progressive accumulation of keratin debris with or without surrounding inflammatory reaction
Q1088044 chronic otitis media hronic form of otitis media
Q1088055 chronic purulent otitis media suppurative otitis media which is persistent and long-lasting
Q317857 cochlea organ of the inner ear
Q584922 cochlear aqueduct Cranial conduit, anatomical space type, and class of anatomical entity, part of inner ear, bony labyrinth, and jugular fossa
Q843875 cochlear duct anatomic element
Q724965 cochlear implant prosthesis
Q130301413 cochlear microphonic electrophysiological response generated by the outer hair cells of the cochlea in response to sound
Q2519137 cochlear nerve nerve carrying auditory information from the inner ear to the brain
Q387776 cochlear nuclei two cranial nerve nuclei of the human brainstem
Q673205 cocktail party effect ability to pay attention to one conversation among many
Q5141209 cognitive hearing science interdisciplinary science field concerned with the physiological and cognitive basis of hearing and its interplay with signal processing in hearing aids
Q110852808 computational audiology branch of audiology that employs techniques from mathematics and computer science to improve clinical treatments and scientific understanding of the auditory system
Q115841338 conditioned play audiometry pediatric hearing test where conditioned responses to auditory stimuli are used to assess a child's hearing ability, often through games or activities
Q1581308 conductive hearing loss medical condition
Q5173263 cortical deafness agnosia that is a loss of the ability to perceive any auditory information but whose hearing is intact
Q2145485 day–evening–night noise level European standard to express noise level over an entire day
Q1539971 deaf person who is partially or totally unable to hear
Q124175573 deaf and hard of hearing people research area and label consisting of people who are deaf and people who are hard of hearing (e.g. through hearing loss)
Q25393960 deaf community community influenced by deafness that uses sign languages (or written languages) as the main means of communication
Q1118643 deaf-mute deaf person using a sign language or both deaf and could not speak
Q12133 deafness partial or total inability to hear
Q98139673 diagnosis of hearing loss identification of a hearing loss is usually conducted by a general practitioner medical doctor, otolaryngologist, certified and licensed audiologist, school or industrial audiometrist, or other audiometric technician
Q3090244 dichotic listening test auditory test to assess selective attention
Q5272531 dichotic pitch pitch heard due to binaural processing, when the brain combines two noises presented simultaneously to the ears
Q5279800 diplacusis hearing disorder whereby a single auditory stimulus is perceived as different pitches between ears
Q2178546 direct acoustic cochlear implant acoustic implant which converts sound in mechanical vibrations that stimulate directly the perilymph inside the cochlea
Q3357695 discharging ear human disease
Q130273498 distortion product evoked otoacoustic emissions assessment of the integrity of outer hair cells as a result of cochlear nonlinearity by two-tone stimulation of specific frequency stimuli
Q116789644 doenças infectocontagiosas e audição Hearing health
Q130301287 double-peaked tympanometric curve indicates a rare pathology such as ossicular disarticulation
Q5031084 ductus reuniens part of the human inner ear
Q7362 ear organ that detects sound; organ of hearing and balance
Q14863416 ear development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ear over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The ear is the sense organ in vertebrates that is specialized for the detection of sound, and the maintenance of balance. Includes
Q5325633 ear disease human disease
Q117768481 ear foreign body foreign body in the external auditory canal
Q118906812 ear fullness auditory sensation associated with a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, pressure in the ear, or a feeling of "stuffed ear"
Q15311454 ear morphogenesis The process in which the anatomical structures of the ear are generated and organized. The ear is the sense organ in vertebrates that is specialized for the detection of sound, and the maintenance of balance. Includes the outer ear and middle ear, wh
Q18557904 ear neoplasms uncontrolled cellular proliferation of the auditory organs
Q5325638 ear protection topics referred to by the same term
Q173801 eardrum membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear
Q5326918 earmold device worn inserted into the ear for sound conduction or hearing protection
Q673782 earplug device meant to be inserted in the ear canal to protect the user's ears from loud noises or the intrusion of water, foreign bodies, dust or excessive wind
Q76418 earwax waxy substance secreted by the ear
Q5357983 electrocochleography technique of recording electrical potentials generated in the inner ear and auditory nerve in response to sound stimulation, using an electrode placed in the ear canal or tympanic membrane
Q1327454 electronystagmography electrography of eye muscle movements
Q1154774 electrophysiology study of the electrical properties of biological cells and tissues
Q3824661 endolymphatic duct canal
Q107473133 endolymphatic hydrops disorder of the inner ear which consists of an excessive build-up of the endolymph fluid, which fills the hearing and balance structures of the inner ear
Q5376355 endolymphatic sac blind pouch
Q2478325 environmental noise noise pollution
Q18558207 eustachian tube disease human disease
Q5418653 evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles evolutionary event in which bones in the jaw of reptiles were co-opted to form part of the hearing apparatus in mammals
Q25303857 evolution of the cochlea structure and functional evolution of the cochlea across species
Q258328 external ear canal tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear
Q7562539 facial paralysis common problem that involves the paralysis of any structures innervated by the facial nerve
Q2359404 falls in older adults involuntary loss of postural stability, resulting in impacts against the ground or other objects, related to aging, audiological changes, and balance disorders
Q5502870 frequency following response evoked potential generated by periodic or nearly-periodic auditory stimuli
Q124176257 frequency modulation system systems that modulate frequencies, often as an assistive technology
Q1566641 hair cell auditory nerve cells
Q14902768 hair cell differentiation process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of an auditory hair cell
Q66542951 handle of malleus Zone of bone organ, part of malleus
Q69946825 hard of hearing person persons with a degree of loss of hearing
Q66542952 head of malleus Zone of bone organ
Q66542957 head of stapes Zone of bone organ, part of stapes
Q5689465 head shadow region of reduced amplitude of a sound
Q186819 headphone small loudspeakers worn on the head for listening to music or for communications purposes
Q4117845 health effects from noise health consequences of exposure to elevated sound levels
Q17619740 health problems of musicians occupational disease
Q160289 hearing sensory perception of sound by living organisms
Q323808 hearing aid small sound amplifiers worn in the ear (ITE) to compensate for hearing loss
Q5691656 hearing conservation program program to conserve hearing
Q45090926 hearing device in a wider sense, including cochlear implants, BAHA aids
Q1644260 hearing disorder human disease condition that impairs the ability to detect, process, or interpret sounds
Q130216486 hearing health interventions required to prevent, identify, and treat hearing loss and related ear diseases
Q119399115 hearing in autism spectrum disorder hearing alterations associated with autism spectrum disorder
Q5691657 hearing level Automatic description is not available
Q16035842 hearing loss form of hearing disorder
Q131302459 hearing loss in children partial or total reduction in hearing ability in children, impacting communicative and social development
Q106547597 hearing loss in music professionals hearing risks related to exposure to high sound pressure levels
Q10348495 hearing perception perception involves processing of signals that go through the nervous system, which result from physical stimulation of the ear
Q13405515 hearing protection protection device for auditory organs
Q65091626 hearing protection fit-testing test to objectively determining the attenuation offered by hearing protection devices (HPDs) to an individual
Q351087 hearing range range of frequencies that can be heard by humans or other animals
Q103884376 hearing science interdisciplinary study of the biological, physical, and cognitive processes involved in human hearing and sound perception
Q5691664 hearing test evaluation of the sensitivity of a person's sense of hearing
Q117377861 hearing threshold minimum sound level of a pure tone that an average human ear with normal hearing can hear with no other sound present
Q3508741 hidden hearing loss typically undetected hearing loss in conventional tests, affecting the ability to hear sounds in noisy environments or with multiple speakers
Q130273495 high frequency audiometry hearing test used for detection of hearing impairments caused by ototoxicity, noise exposure, and acoustic traumas or in the assessment of patients with tinnitus
Q131152189 human auditory ecology research program exploring the relationship between the acoustic environments people live in and their auditory needs within those environments
Q1421356 hyperacusis very rare and extremely debilitating hearing disorder characterized by unusual intolerance to ordinary environmental sounds
Q6124455 immittance combined measure of impedance and admittance
Q3307114 impedance audiometry tests of middle ear function based on the difficulty (impedance) or ease (admittance) of sound flow through the middle ear
Q497385 incus bone in the middle ear
Q107314101 individual sound amplification device device designed to improve hearing by making a sound audible to a person with hearing loss
Q29642076 inner auditory hair cell cell in the organ of Corti
Q212344 inner ear innermost part of the vertebrate ear
Q14859973 inner ear development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the inner ear over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
Q18555242 inner ear disease human disease
Q14877676 inner ear morphogenesis The process in which the anatomical structures of the inner ear are generated and organized. The inner ear is the structure in vertebrates that contains the organs of balance and hearing. It consists of soft hollow sensory structures (the membranous
Q21095395 inner ear receptor cell development process whose specific outcome is the progression of an inner ear receptor cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure; cell development does not include the steps involved in committing a cell to a specific fate
Q14903365 inner ear receptor cell differentiation process in which relatively unspecialized cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of inner ear receptor cells
Q21106218 inner ear receptor cell stereocilium organization process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a stereocilium (actin-based protrusion from the apical surface of inner ear receptor cells)
Q130534208 interaural attenuation minimum amount of frequency-variable acoustic energy required to move the skull out of inertia through vibration produced by sound stimulation
Q2421877 labyrinth structure in the inner ear
Q2038371 labyrinthitis inflammation of the labyrinth, fluid-filled channels in the inner ear
Q6471979 lagena part of the ear's vestibule
Q29783703 lateral ampullary nerve branch of vestibular nerve
Q29728284 lateral bony ampulla semicircular canal and chiral organism subdivision type, part of lateral semicircular canal
Q29728287 lateral membranous ampulla anatomical structure
Q66542961 lateral process of malleus Process of organ
Q29715897 lateral semicircular canal semicircular canal, chiral organism subdivision type, and class of anatomical entity, part of inner ear and bony labyrinth
Q29715904 lateral semicircular duct anatomical structure
Q66542966 lenticular process of incus Process of organ, part of long limb of incus
Q1069953 lip reading technique of understanding speech when sound is not available
Q6646450 listening hearing what others are saying, and trying to understand what it means
Q66542955 long limb of incus Process of organ and zone of bone organ, part of incus
Q21087161 macula thickened area in the vestibule of ear
Q3823855 macula of saccule hair cells surrounded by support cells in the saccule
Q6725774 macula of utricle Macula, subdivision of utricle of membranous labyrinth, and class of anatomical entity, part of utricle
Q319636 malleus bone of the middle ear (handle of malleus 5 mm, head of malleus: 2 mm)
Q845740 mastoid process Zone of petrous part of temporal bone, particular anatomical entity, zone of bone organ, process, and class of anatomical entity, part of petrous part of the temporal bone and mastoid part of the temporal bone
Q6593307 membranous labyrinth system of tubes and chambers in the inner ear
Q1759560 microtia congenital deformity where the pinna (external ear) is underdeveloped
Q501553 middle ear part of the ear that lies between the eardrum and the oval window
Q131291106 minimal hearing loss mild auditory changes that can impact language, learning, and quality of life, often underdiagnosed
Q2720968 mismatch negativity component in a sequence of stimuli
Q2054837 misophonia a disorder of decreased tolerance to specific sounds or stimuli associated with such sounds; these stimuli are experienced as unpleasant/distressing and tend to evoke strong negative emotional, physiological, and behavioural responses
Q64821719 mixed conductive-sensorineural hearing loss hearing loss caused by damage to or impairment of both the conductive elements and the sensorineural elements of the ear
Q17156859 models of deafness frameworks explaining perspectives on deafness: cultural, social, and medical models
Q6940333 muscle of auditory ossicle Muscle of head, muscle of head, and class of anatomical entity, part of middle ear
Q6942543 musical ear syndrome auditory hallucination associated with hearing loss
Q1956782 myringitis inflammation of the tympanic membrane, part of the middle ear, usually of infectious origin, often caused by influenza viruses
Q130304021 narrowband stimuli type of signal or noise concentrated in a specific and narrow frequency band
Q66542953 neck of malleus Neck of organ
Q119039611 neuromonics non-invasive sound therapy
Q14864368 neuron projection development process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron projection over time, from its formation to the mature structure; any process extending from a neural cell, such as axons or dendrites (collectively called neuri
Q7002460 neuronal encoding of sound representation of auditory sensation and perception in the nervous system
Q849491 neuroplasticity ability of the brain to continuously change over the course of one's lifetime
Q7888578 neurosyphilis infection of the central nervous system in a patient with syphilis
Q179448 noise variety of sound, usually meaning any unwanted sound
Q1879301 noise control strategies to reduce noise pollution or its impact
Q92251 noise pollution excessive, displeasing human, animal, or machine-created environmental noise
Q1475712 noise-induced hearing loss condition in which a person loses the ability to hear due to exposure to high intensity sound
Q220989 nystagmus condition of involuntary eye movement
Q17072363 occupational exposure limit upper limit on the acceptable concentration of a hazardous substance
Q20887524 occupational hearing loss hearing loss caused by occupational hazards
Q7088222 olivocochlear system component of the auditory system
Q1411862 oralism controversial method of teaching deaf people that emphasizes use of oral language and lip reading
Q1128309 organ of Corti type of mechanoreceptor
Q1596398 otalgia pain in the ear
Q480700 otitis inflammation or infection of the ear
Q680873 otitis externa inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal.
Q223254 otitis media otitis which involves inflammation of the middle ear
Q912019 otoacoustic emission mechanical energy produced by the rapid contraction of the outer hair cells of the cochlea
Q591800 otolith small calcium carbonate inner-ear vertebrates structure in the inner ear that aids in sensing gravity and motion
Q29654295 otolith organ structure in the inner ear that detects linear acceleration and head position relative to gravity
Q7108965 otolithic membrane gel-like structure in the inner ear that houses otoconia and helps detect linear acceleration and head position relative to gravity
Q1640326 otology branch of medicine dealing with the ear
Q560456 otomycosis human disease
Q3357696 otorrhagia bleeding from ear
Q756610 otosclerosis otitis interna characterized by an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear
Q1351381 ototoxicity property of being toxic to the ear
Q609753 outer ear the outer portion of the ear which includes the auricle and the ear canal and leads to the eardrum
Q2301793 oval window membrane-covered opening that leads from the middle ear to the vestibule of the inner ear
Q1361850 patulous eustachian tube eustachian tube disorder
Q103560322 pedaudiologist profession, in the field of pediatric audiology
Q2120283 pediatric audiology science of hearing disorders in children
Q115843905 perda auditiva em idosos Automatic description is not available
Q2562623 perforated eardrum an injury leading to a hole in the eardrum
Q117768578 perichondritis of the ear infection that affects the outer part of the ear
Q5679391 peripheral auditory system structures responsible for capturing sounds and converting them into electrical signals sent to the brain
Q106689705 peripheral hearing loss reduction in hearing ability caused by alterations in the outer, middle, or inner ear, before the auditory nerve
Q1333024 personal protective equipment protective clothing or equipment designed to help protect an individual from injury, Noise, infection, or other hazards
Q1404198 petrous part of the temporal bone anatomical feature
Q1688222 phonagnosia agnosia that is a loss of the ability to recognize familiar voices
Q17145476 place theory theory about mechanism of hearing
Q63537766 poly(ethyl methacrylate) hydrophobic synthetic acrylate polymer
Q29783706 posterior ampullary nerve branch of vestibular nerve
Q29730614 posterior bony ampulla anatomical structure
Q60596754 posterior incudal ligament suspensory ligament and class of anatomical entity
Q66542959 posterior limb of stapes Zone of stapes, part of stapes
Q29730618 posterior membranous ampulla anatomical structure
Q29718855 posterior semicircular canal semicircular canal, chiral organism subdivision type, and class of anatomical entity, part of inner ear and bony labyrinth
Q29718860 posterior semicircular duct anatomical structure
Q1756133 presbycusis cumulative effect of aging on hearing
Q131337426 pressurized otoacoustic emissions clinical test detecting cochlear outer hair cell energy by equalizing ear canal and middle ear pressure to improve accuracy and reduce false positives for sensorineural hearing loss
Q108045226 psychoacoustic assessment of tinnitus evaluation to characterize the parameters of tinnitus perception
Q557399 psychoacoustics scientific study of sound perception and audiology
Q7261165 pure tone audiometry hearing test
Q25303683 real ear measurement measurement of sound pressure level in a patient's ear canal developed when a hearing aid is worn
Q120884824 recrutamento de Metz Automatic description is not available
Q66557462 region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear Region of organ component
Q131360688 reverse correlation function impulse response associated with auditory processing
Q369503 saccade short, quick, simultaneous movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in the same direction; random eye movement
Q7396635 saccular nerve Branch of vestibular nerve and nerve, part of vestibular nerve
Q3494094 saccule membranous labyrinth in the vestibule of ear
Q106617201 safe listening practices to avoid hearing damage from intentionally heard sounds
Q2070426 selective auditory attention process of the auditory system where an individual selects or focuses on certain stimuli for auditory information processing while other stimuli are disregarded
Q1064403 semicircular canal tube located inside the ear
Q11829330 semicircular duct part of membranous labyrinth which is in the semicircular canal
Q928697 sensorineural hearing loss type of Hearing Loss
Q11101 sensory nervous system part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information
Q66542956 short limb of incus Process of organ and zone of bone organ, part of incus
Q34228 sign language language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning
Q11461 sound vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave
Q16642939 sound-image concept proposed by Francois Bayle to designate the auditory representation of a sound for its form and the perception that one can have of it (therefore involving the point of hearing), whether it is a tangible or metaphorical representation
Q73219200 speech audiometry measurement of the ability to hear speech under various conditions of intensity and noise interference using sound-field as well as earphones and bone oscillators
Q7575390 speech banana audiogram feature
Q643696 speech perception process of hearing and understanding language
Q130273449 speech perception ability to perceive linguistic structure in the acoustic speech signal
Q130273464 speech reception threshold minimum hearing level at which an individual can correctly repeat 50% of the speech material
Q33226 speech-language pathology the study and treatment of speech and language problems
Q3095145 spiral ganglion anatomical structure
Q60389461 spontaneous otoacoustic emissions self-generated faint acoustic signals from the inner ear
Q507538 stapedius muscle muscle in the human ear
Q1422835 stapedius reflex involuntary contraction of the stapedius muscle in response to high-intensity sounds
Q54810969 stapedius reflex finding Impedance audiometry and medical finding
Q499897 stapes bone of the middle ear
Q1618109 stria vascularis capillary or blood vessel in the wall of cochlear duct
Q66572180 subdivision of saccule of membranous labyrinth Region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear
Q66557479 subdivision of semicircular duct Region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear
Q66563602 subdivision of utricle of membranous labyrinth Region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear
Q66557588 subdivision of vestibular labyrinth Region of membranous labyrinth of internal ear
Q685200 superior canal dehiscence thinning or erosion of the bony layer covering the superior semicircular canal, causing abnormal exposure of the vestibular membranous labyrinth to the middle cranial fossa
Q1498613 surfer's ear common name for an abnormal bone growth within the external ear canal
Q7695702 tele-audiology use of telemedicine to provide audiological services
Q16313 temporal bone bones situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum
Q254643 tensor tympani muscle muscle in the inner ear
Q1098125 threshold of pain point at which pain begins to be felt
Q25303882 tinnitracks digital therapy app designed for the treatment of tinnitus through audio therapy
Q192309 tinnitus perception of sound within the human ear ("ringing of the ears") when no external sound is present
Q7808392 tinnitus masker white noise sound generating device
Q2435864 tinnitus retraining therapy form of habituation therapy
Q1036063 tone decay test auditory nerve function assessment by measuring the ability to sustain hearing a continuous tone, aiding in detecting retrocochlear disorders
Q130273494 toneburst stimuli short-duration tone used in auditory or acoustic tests
Q82654 tonotopy Arrangement of sound frequency processing in the brain
Q1570144 tympanic cavity small cavity surrounding the bones of the middle ear
Q3393910 tympanic duct one of the perilymph-filled cavities in the human inner ear
Q1838637 tympanometer device used to assess middle ear function by measuring the movement of the tympanic membrane in response to changes in air pressure
Q130301262 tympanometric curve type Ad indicates hypermobility of the tympanic membrane
Q130301273 tympanometric curve type As indicates dysfunction in the ossicular chain or increased stiffness
Q130301245 tympanometric curve type B indicates the presence of fluid or blockage in the middle ear
Q1671504 tympanometry examination used to test the condition of the middle ear
Q2199494 tympanosclerosis condition caused by hyalinization and subsequent calcification of subepithelial connective tissue of TM and middle ear
Q452921 tympanostomy tube medical device inserted into the eardrum
Q130273373 type A tympanometric curve indication of normality of the tympanossicular system
Q130273430 type C tympanometric curve indicates negative pressure in the middle ear
Q3813334 unilateral hearing loss hearing impairment
Q10380941 universal neonatal hearing screening policy of routinely testing the hearing of babies soon after birth
Q974231 utricle membranous labyrinth in the vestibule of ear
Q29783803 utricular nerve branch of vestibular nerve
Q20707977 utriculosaccular duct part of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear which connects the two parts of the vestibule, the utricle and the saccule
Q3505189 verbal auditory agnosia human disease
Q10686316 vertigo type of dizziness
Q7923449 vestibular aqueduct orifice
Q16678483 vestibular disease Human disease
Q70577989 vestibular evoked myogenic potentials electrical responses from muscles following stimulation of the ear vestibule
Q29654328 vestibular hair cell sensory receptor cells in the inner ear responsible for detecting head motion and maintaining balance
Q2146063 vestibular nerve branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
Q596832 vestibular system sensory system
Q3279041 vestibule of the ear central part of the bony labyrinth that connects the cochlea and semicircular canals, playing a key role in balance and spatial orientation
Q1883898 vestibulo-ocular reflex reflex where rotation of the head causes eye movement to stabilize vision
Q319317 vestibulocochlear nerve eighth cranial nerve
Q131339768 vestibulometry diagnostic test that evaluates the function of the vestibular system, which helps maintain balance and spatial orientation
Q130301332 wave II of the auditory brainstem response electrophysiological potential generated in the proximal portion of the cochlear nerve
Q130301388 wave III of the auditory brainstem response electrophysiological potential originating in the cochlear nucleus in the brainstem
Q130301396 wave IV of the auditory brainstem response electrophysiological potential generated in the superior olivary complex and lateral lemniscus
Q130301400 wave V of the auditory brainstem response electrophysiological potential originating in the inferior colliculus of the midbrain
End of auto-generated list.