

If you are a female contributor living in this country, your perspective is wanted
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Décimo Aniversario Wikipedia Colombia / Ten Happy Birthday Wikipedia Colombia

The official language of Colombia is Spanish. The internet penetration in Colombia is about 36.50% or 16,134,932 people having internet access in 2010.[1]

The Chapter and Offline Participation

Wikimedia Colombia is the official Wikimedia local chapter in this country.[2] Women attended Wikipedia's 10 Year Birthday celebration in Bogota.

  • In January 2012 Spanish language Wikipedia rank 4 out of 280 languages wikipedia, with 960 million page view per month. In December 2011 it has 4,300 active users (edited more than 5 times a month) and 531 very active users (edited more than 100 times a month). It is unknown how many contributors or their gender actually based in Colombia. In December 2011, there were 68,960 people and 41,060 women of all ages from Colombia who were interested in Wikipedia.[3] In December 2011, according to Alexa, Wikipedia was ranked the 10th most popular site in the country.[4] In the period between November 2010 and October 2011, 10.9% of the traffic to Spanish Wikipedia was from this country.[5]
Colombian women perspective to free knowledge


Women in Colombia

In the 19th Century, Colombian women were relegated to be housewife in a male dominated society and education was limited. Since early in 20th Century, women's rights in Colombia have been gradually developing. They have right to bodily integrity and autonomy, to vote, to get fair wages, and receieve education, but are excluded from combat arms units.

The Foundation

During the December 2011 fundraising appeal, no Colombians, men or women, were featured are part of the appeal. During the 2011 Summer of Research, the WMF hired eight research fellows. Of these, only one was female, and she was from the United States. There were four males from American universities, The other researchers included men from a Japanese university, a Swiss university and a Canadian university. There were no research fellows, male or female, from this country.