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Wiki Loves Birds

Birds are beautiful creatures of nature. Their beauty, sounds, behavior, ingenuity spark our imagination. Their carefree flight and ability to migrate thousands of miles can be inspiration and matter of study to us. They play very important roles in balancing ecosystem. Birds pollinate plants, disperse seeds, scavenge carcasses and recycle nutrients back into the earth.

There are more than 10000+ documented species of birds in the world. The avifauna of Nepal about 900+ species (893 species recorded) which are 9% of the total bird found in the world, among them one is endemic, one has been introduced by humans and 74 are rare or accidental. According to The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 13 percent of bird species are globally threatened. Among them 42 globally threatened species are still exist in Nepal. This leads to explore and introduce avifauna of Nepal in to the world.

Project Details


Phase I

  • Project Official Name – Wiki Loves Birds
  • Project LeadNirmal Dulal
  • Timeline – 01 February 2019 – 30 April 2019

Phase II

  • Project Official Name – Wiki Loves Birds
  • Project LeadNirmal Dulal
  • Timeline – 01 February 2024 – 31 March 2024

Project goal


The Wiki Loves Birds project is to increase the amount of free licensed materials of available Birds species of Nepal. The project will add photographs of birds found in Nepal in Wikimedia Commons; and improve the quality and quantity of Wikipedia articles (mainly in Nepali Language) about the birds of Nepal. Furthermore, the project also aims to update/add information of rarely available species of any location of Nepal in Wiki species. The Wiki Loves Birds project also targets at broad spectrum of outreach program, knowledge sharing and interest growing among people about birds as well as of Wikipedia, Wikimedia commons, Wiki species. The project will contribute quality images of birds of Nepal to Wikimedia commons involving more users.

Project scope and activities

  1. Photowalks and Exploration: We will organize photo-walks to relevant place, like mountains, jungle, and other birds habitats.
  2. Publishing: Upload pictures on Commons Wikimedia and create/develop articles on English and Nepali Wikipedia.
  3. Reporting: Create report after completing event.

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Wikimedians of Nepal

Collaboration and help from

  1. Bird Conservation Nepal
  2. Friends of Birds group