위키 러브 패션/리소스
출처 & 리소스
- 패션 역사 타임라인, Zotero
- 패션 산업, 브리태이커 백과사전
- 메트로폴리탄 미술관 - 아이린 루이스존 의상 참조 라이브러리 - 패션 리소스 - 도움 및 링크 찾기
- MyStyleBox - 비주얼 패션 어휘
- 전 세계의 패션 박물관, 구글 어스
위키 프로젝트
- 프로젝트 패션, 위키데이터
위키돈네(WikiDonne) 라이브러리의 일부인 패션과 관련된 책 몇 권을 공유하고자 합니다.
- The Concise History of Costume and Fashion, James Laver, Harry Abrams Inc. (1969)
- The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Costume and Fashion, 1550–1920 by Jack Cassin-Scott (1986), ISBN 0713718110
- Medieval costume and fashion by Herbert Norris, Dover Publication (1999), ISBN 0486404862
- Fashion: Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute, Kyoto Costume Institute (2002), ISBN 9783822812068
- Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion by Valerie Steele, Charles Scribner's Sons (2005), ISBN 9780684313948
- Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style, Smithsonian (2012), ISBN 9780756698355
- Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys by Kate Fletcher, Routledge (2014), ISBN 9780415644563
- Photographing Women: Posing, Lighting, and Shooting Techniques for Portrait and Fashion Photography, Jeff Rojas (2016), ISBN 9781681981741
- How to read a dress: a guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th century by Lydia Jenny Edwards (2018), ISBN 9781474286251
패턴 밑그림 및 의류 재단
- s:Index:The cutters' practical guide to the cutting of ladies' garments.djvu
- - A resource for costume designers. (but check the dates and copyright status)
- "Pattern guides male" search, Internet Archive
- "Pattern guides female" search, Internet Archive
- "Tailoring" search, Internet Archive
- - Being a "condensed" edition of the Cutter's Practical Guide by W.D.F. Vincent.
- "Garment cutting" search, Internet Archive
- The Cutter's practical guide to cutting and making shirts, undergarments, collars, and specialite clothing for various occupations
- The Cutter's Practical Guide' by W.D.F Vincent. At least 12 volumes on various aspects of the tailoring trade and garment cutting in the 1890'S to early 1900's
- 여기에서 일부 스캔: W. D. F. 빈센트의 재단사 실용 가이드 1893-1898