Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Elements/6
Elements on UNESCO Lists
These elements have been inscribed in the UNESCO Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Use these pages to explore them, and to find more images, add more information or upload images about them. See also the pages for inventories that show elements inventoried on the local level and elements by UNESCO Member State.
This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!
shrimp fishing on horseback in Oostduinkerke
Albanian iso-polyphony
Hitachi Fūryūmono
Furukawa Festival
Perfumeries of Grasse
Sumpango Festival
Fêtes de l'ours en Vallespir
Fest Noz
Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees
Celestinian Forgiveness
kente cloth
silbo Gomero
Sanké Mô
Dancing procession of Echternach
Namur stilt jousting
Durga Puja in Kolkata
Yunjin brocade
art of Ottoman illumination
Dances and expressions associated with the Corpus Christi Festivity
Oruro carnival
La Romería (the pilgrimage): ritual cycle of 'La llevada' (the carrying) of the Virgin of Zapopan
Seihaku Festival
Date palm, knowledge, skills, traditions and practices
Georgian scripts
Dainichido Bugaku
Mediterranean diet
Círio de Nazaré
Portuguese-Galician border ICH: a safeguarding model created by Ponte...nas ondas!
Barranquilla's Carnival
Sango Festival of Oyo
Barniz de Pasto technique
clinker boat building
Chinese paper cutting
Chichibu Night Festival
chedda of Tlemcen
carpentry in France
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If you wish to add the country of origin, follow this rule of thumb: For traditions, use the property country of origin (P495). You can use country (P17) for events that happen in a specific location (P276) or located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) and publications, such as ICH good practices.
The designations employed in the texts displayed on the Wiki Loves Living Heritage page do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning a) the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, b) the legal status of its authorities or c) the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.