Wiki Loves Living Heritage/Publish

Publish on Wiki Loves Living Heritage


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This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article Author Language Type Date
How to import an inventoryEnglishhow-to 
How to translate contentEnglishhow-to 
Benefits of opening content on Wikimedia projectsEnglishbest practice 
Living Heritage photo contestsEnglishhow-to 
How to register an activityEnglishhow-to 
Ideas for activitiesEnglishbest practice 
Contributing to Wikimedia as a cultural heritage organizationEnglishbest practice 
FAQ for safeguarding organizationsEnglishbest practice 
How to link a heritage element to Wiki Loves Living Heritage? CreateSusanna ÅnäsEnglishhow-to2023-03-13 
How to create and manage pages for inventories and heritage elements? CreateSusanna ÅnäsEnglishhow-to2023-03-14 
Introducing the playing cards for the Ethics of Open SharingEnglishblog post2023-04-14 
ICOM new Museum Definition embraces Living HeritageQ6451257
Englishblog post2023-05-04 
End of auto-generated list.

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Important resources