Wiki Loves Pride/2019/Health
Wiki Loves Pride - Health 2019 is an affiliated event of Wiki Loves Pride 2019, part of a global campaign in the Wiki Loves X outreach tradition.

This year's campaign also includes an art writing contest at Wiki Loves Pride - Art and a photography contest at Wiki Loves Pride - Commons.
Your topic could be either a biography or organization or movement or medical topic related to LGBT health. You can translate from another language, or start your article from the beginning. Eligible articles for this sub-contest should use be at least in significant part about LGBT health.
We will have prizes for winners, both overall and in special topic areas, with one point for every new art article and 0.5 points for every expanded art article
This is a global event, and all languages are eligible.
For any questions, or help with topics, ask on the discussion page.
editYou can participate by:
- 'Writing 1 new article', at least 300 words / 3k bytes, in any language, on an LGBT health topic.
- 'Expanding 2 existing articles', at least 300 words / 3k bytes, in any language, on an LGBT health topic.
The contest will run from 19 June 2019 (00:01 UTC) - 31 July 2019 (23:59 UTC).
Articles previously written or expanded as early as 1 June are also eligible.
edit- Grand Prize: US$300
- Most Points from HIV/AIDS Topics: US$100
- Most Points from Developing Country Topics: US$100
- Most Points from Family and Youth Topics: US$100
- Most Points from Bi Topics: US$100
- Most Points from Trans and Nonbinary Topics: US$100
- 8 Consolation Prize: US$25 Each
- Certificates to winners and the organizers
- Please see prize terms and means of distribution
Article recommendation
edit- Lesbian health
- Mental health in the LGBT community
- Substance abuse in the LGBT community
- Notable LGBT health professionals
- Translation of articles between different language Wikipedias
editList your contributions of new and expanded LGBT health topic articles, that fulfill the rules of the sub-contest.
You can sign up now, then fill in your contributions as you make them.
- Megan Penn (English)
- Csgir (English)
- John Samuel
- Mimihitam (Indonesian), 9 new
- Homoseksualitas dan psikologi, new article, 3.645 kilobytes.
- Psikoterapi afirmatif gay, new article, 5.253 kilobytes.
- Disforia gender pada anak-anak, new article, 3.493 kilobytes
- Kontroversi donor darah lelaki seks lelaki, new article, 3.405 kilobytes
- Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, new article, 3.155 kilobytes
- Kesehatan transgender, new article, 7.174 kilobytes kilobytes
- Perawatan kesehatan transgender, new article, 6.152 kilobytes
- World Professional Association for Transgender Health, new article, 5.366 kilobytes
- Terapi hormon transgender, new article, 3.278 kilobytes
- JoAlanen (Finnish), 15 new, 3 expansion
- Verenluovutuskielto miesten välisestä seksistä, new article, 11.449 kilobytes
- Seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvien nuorten itsemurhat, new article, 7.419 kilobytes
- Väkivalta seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjä vastaan, new article, 16.433 kilobytes
- HIV miesten välisestä seksistä, new article, 8.582 kilobytes
- LGBT Health, new article, 3.153 kilobytes
- Hivpoint, new article, 4.595 kilobytes
- AIDES, new article, 3.675 kilobytes
- Evelyn Hooker, new article, 7.951 kilobytes
- Simon LeVay, new article, 8.041 kilobytes
- Selma Dritz, new article, 3.551 kilobytes
- Gaëtan Dugas, new article, 4.049 kilobytes
- Gay Men's Health Crisis, new article, 3.222 kilobytes
- PEP, new article, 3.412 kilobytes
- PrEP, expansion, +3.530 kilobytes
- HIV, expansion, +4.179 kilobytes
- Tenofoviiri-emtrisitabiini, expansion, +3.562 kilobytes
- HIV-rokote, new article, 3.085 kilobytes
- Raskaus transsukupuolisilla, new article, 4.860 kilobytes
- The Living love (Hausa) 3 articles created
- Luwadi new 5,464 bytes
- Madigo new 3, 100 bytes
- Laverne Cox new 4,471 bytes
- Jpc.sim (English)
- BRCoolatta (Spanish) (English), 4 expansions
- Homosexualidad en Etiopía, expansion, 6,501 bytes.
- LGBT rights in Zimbabwe, expansion, 31,551 bytes.
- LGBT rights in Burkina Faso, expansion, 6,949 bytes.
- Donald Laub, expansion, 9,419 bytes.
- Meenakshi nandhini, (Malayalam) 35 new article
- സ്വവർഗ്ഗലൈംഗികതയും മനഃശാസ്ത്രവും, new article, 1,85,420 bytes
- അർക്കാദിജ, new article, 10,398 bytes
- എച്ച്.ഐ.വി./എയ്ഡ്സിന്റെ ചരിത്രം, new article,15,988 bytes
- എച്ച്.ഐ.വി. വാക്സിൻ, new article, 12,229 bytes
- മെർമെയ്ഡ്സ് (ചാരിറ്റി), new article, 16,980 bytes
- മാനേജ്മെന്റ് ഓഫ് എച്ച്.ഐ.വി./എയ്ഡ്സ്, new article, 24,056 bytes
- എച്ച്.ഐ.വി./എയ്ഡ്സ് ഗവേഷണം, new article, 12,562 bytes
- റെയിൻബോ പ്രോജക്റ്റ്, new article, 10,977 bytes
- നാഷണൽ ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ഓഫ് മെന്റൽ ഹെൽത്ത്, new article, 15,471 bytes
- ഒറാക്വിക്ക്, new article,12,126 bytes
- കുട്ടികളിലെ ലിംഗപരമായ ഡിസ്ഫോറിയ, new article, 15,831 bytes
- സെറോഫോബിയ, new article, 16,664 bytes
- വേൾഡ് പ്രൊഫഷണൽ അസോസിയേഷൻ ഫോർ ട്രാൻസ്ജെൻഡർ ഹെൽത്ത്, new article, 17,306 bytes
- ഫിനാസ്റ്ററൈഡ്, new article, 20,900 bytes
- എയ്ഡ്സ് ഓർഫൻ, new article, 14,500 bytes
- ക്രിസ്റ്റിൻ ബേൺസ്, new article, 14,462 bytes
- ദ വെൽ ഓഫ് ലോൺലിനെസ്സ്, new article, 25,101 bytes
- ലെസ്ബിയൻ സാഹിത്യം, new article, 11,678 bytes
- ഹോമേഴ്സ് ഫോബിയ, new article, 14,817 bytes
- സിൽവിയ റിവേര, new article, 17,538 bytes
- ഗേ ലിബറേഷൻ ഫ്രോണ്ട്, new article, 15,301 bytes
- ഡ്രാഗ് ക്യൂൻ, new article, 16,939 bytes
- ഫെൻവേ ഹെൽത്ത്, new article, 9,948 bytes
- നാഷണൽ ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ഓഫ് അലർജി ആൻഡ് ഇൻഫെക്ഷ്യസ് ഡിസീസ്, new article,12,392 bytes
- എച്ച്ഐവി / എയ്ഡ്സ് ഇൻ സിംബാബ്വെ, new article, 9,921 bytes
- നാഷണൽ ചലഞ്ചസ് ഓഫ് എച്ച് ഐ വി / എയ്ഡ്സ്, new article, 21,121 bytes
- ചെറി ഗ്രോവ്, ന്യൂയോർക്ക്, new article, 15,671 bytes
- സ്റ്റോൺവാൾ ഇൻ, new article, 17,338 bytes
- ഹാർവെ മിൽക്ക് ഹൈസ്കൂൾ, new article, 11,233 bytes
- ഹാർവെ മിൽക്ക്, new article, 19,326 bytes
- സ്റ്റോൺവാൾ കലാപം, new article, 28,972 bytes
- ഡൊറോത്തി ആലിസൺ, new article, 14,060 bytes
- ബുച്ച് ആന്റ് ഫെമ്മെ, new article, 18,067 bytes
- ലാംഡ സാഹിത്യ അവാർഡ്, new article, 11,837 bytes
- ലെസ്ബിയൻ സെക്സ് മാഫിയ, new article, 13,926 bytes
- User:RXerself (Indonesian), (English), 41 new, 6 expansions
- Vaginoplasti, new article, 9,979 bytes.
- Penanganan HIV/AIDS, new article, 13,745 bytes.
- Terapi penentuan ulang seks, new article, 13,842 bytes.
- Terapi hormon maskulin, new article, 8,082 bytes.
- Perempuan seks perempuan, new article, 9,062 bytes.
- Denialisme HIV/AIDS, new article, 9,072 bytes.
- Terapi hormon feminin, new article, 7,723 bytes.
- Gay Doctors Ireland, new article, 5,467 bytes.
- Mermaids (yayasan), new article, 8,946 bytes.
- Transgender Victoria, new article, 5,203 bytes.
- National LGBTI Health Alliance, new article, 8,097 bytes.
- HIVToolbox, new article, 3,929 bytes.
- OraQuick, new article, 8,259 bytes.
- Serosorting, new article, 5,892 bytes.
- Perilaku seksual berisiko, new article, 5,534 bytes.
- Finasterid, new article, 19,076 bytes.
- Dutasterid, new article, 18,765 bytes.
- Testosteron enantat, new article, 10,517 bytes.
- Testosteron undekanoat, new article, 14,514 bytes.
- Testosteron sipionat, new article, 10,169 bytes.
- Deklarasi Durban, new article, 5,402 bytes.
- Sterilisasi paksa, new article, 9,433 bytes.
- UCSF Alliance Health Project, new article, 4,766 bytes.
- American Institute of Bisexuality, new article, 3,363 bytes.
- Fritz Klein (psikiater), new article, 7,387 bytes.
- Kinsey Institute, new article, 7,959 bytes.
- Fenway Health, new article, 6,913 bytes.
- Terrence Higgins Trust, new article, 4,412 bytes.
- Treatment Action Campaign, new article, 5,054 bytes.
- Zackie Achmat, new article, 18,631 bytes.
- Anak transgender, new article, 12,496 bytes.
- Bunuh diri pada orang Mormon LGBT, new article, 19,593 bytes.
- Estradiol valerat, new article, 12,896 bytes.
- Skala Riddle, new article, 4,304 bytes.
- Bareback (seks), new article, 7,466 bytes.
- Simon LeVay, new article, 7,282 bytes.
- Marci Bowers, new article, 8,011 bytes.
- Robert Frascino, new article, 11,489 bytes.
- Bugchasing, new article, 5,296 bytes.
- Chest binding, new article, 6,658 bytes.
- National AIDS Commission of Indonesia (en), new article, 7,372 bytes.
- Seks anal, expansion, +7,185 bytes.
- Sindrom Klinefelter, expansion, +22,378 bytes.
- Frot, expansion, +9,944 bytes.
- Skala Kinsey, expansion, +10,159 bytes.
- The Trevor Project, expansion, +4,989 bytes.
- Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS, expansion, +7,227 bytes.
- User : Santamarcanda (Spanish)
- User : Elisardojm (Galician),(Spanish) 33 new
- Psicoloxía da homosexualidade, new article, 11.157 bytes
- Controversia sobre a doazón de sangue de homes que teñen sexo con homes, new article, 60.825 bytes
- Terapia hormonal para transxénero, new article, 13.571 bytes
- World Professional Association for Transgender Health, new article, 3.648 bytes
- Psicoterapia afirmativa gai, new article, 8.290 bytes
- Disforia de xénero en nenos, new article, 4.967 bytes
- Normas de atención á saúde das persoas transexuais, transxénero e de xénero, new article, 11.561 bytes
- Asistencia sanitaria transxénero, new article, 28.037 bytes
- Suicidio entre mozos LGBT, new article, 14.005 bytes
- Violencia contra persoas LGBT, new article, 3.557 bytes
- VIH e homes que teñen relacións sexuais con homes, new article, 36.871 bytes
- LGBT Health, new article, 3.906 bytes
- Homosexualidade en Etiopía, new article, 5.926 bytes
- Asistencia sanitaria LGBT na Administración da Saúde dos Veteranos dos Estados Unidos, new article, 17.952 bytes
- Gay Doctors Ireland, new article, 5.409 bytes
- Mermaids (ONG), new article, 9.504 bytes
- National LGBTI Health Alliance, new article, 7.810 bytes
- Transgender Victoria, new article, 6.507 bytes
- GMFA, new article, 9.131 bytes
- Rainbow Project, new article, 4.888 bytes
- Orfo da SIDA, new article, 3.213 bytes
- Lactancia e VIH, new article, 9.175 bytes
- OraQuick, new article, 4.540 bytes
- Sarcoma de Kaposi, new article, 7.262 bytes
- HIVToolbox, new article, 4.059 bytes
- Complexo de demencia asociado á SIDA, new article, 8.801 bytes
- Vacina contra o VIH, new article, 10.833 bytes
- Serofobia, new article, 4.854 bytes
- Profilaxe post-exposición para o VIH, new article, 3.597 bytes
- Profilaxe preexposición para o VIH, new article, 6.817 bytes
- HIVToolbox (es), new article, 3.990 bytes
- Laverne Cox, new article, 15.455 bytes
- Terapia hormonal para transgénero (es), new article, 13.942 bytes
- Tata (Indonesian) (Javanese), 2 new
- Bedah maskulinisasi wajah, new article, 8.737 kilobytes.
- ꦣꦶꦱ꧀ꦥ꦳ꦺꦴꦫꦶꦪꦒꦺꦤ꧀ꦢꦼꦂ, new article, 10.133 kilobytes.
Text(Experienced Tree Service)