This page is a translated version of the page Wiki Project Med and the translation is 41% complete.
Wiki Project Med

Sot Wiki Project Med Foundation (WPMEDF) ji, á̱ ka ndyen a̱mami Wikimedia movement nang Wukimedia A̱ki̱kan a̱ni, yet sotnta̱m á̱pyia̱-a̱lyiat Wukimedia ja ji̱ nwuak a̱pyia̱nji ji̱ mba byi̱k ma̱ng sa̱u nkhang tazwa gbi̱ngban a̱mami a̱guguut nzi̱t ka.

More broadly, we are an independent corporation founded in December 2012 committed "to make clear, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date educational resources and information in the biomedical and related social sciences freely available to all people in the language of their choice online and off."

We do this by forming collaborations with other like-minded organizations, giving talks at universities and other organizations, and working to develop greater access to the medical literature for Wikipedians, among many others.

We are incorporated in New York State and tax-exempt in the United States, but are a global group with members from all continents with permanent residents.

We are recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation as a thematic organization, and so granted the right to use the "Wikimedia Medicine" name, since Summer 2019.

How to get involved:

⇒ Join at no associated cost

⇒ Nwuak kurum!


To make clear, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date educational resources and information in the biomedical and related social sciences freely available to all people in the language of their choice on and off line.


Some of our projects include:


Membership is free for active contributors of medical content to a Wikimedia project (such as MDWiki or Wikipedia) or participants in an organization whose mission aligns with Wiki Project Med's. As of 2023 members must have a MDWiki account. More details about the exact requirements can be found here.

After filling out the application form, please be sure to add your name to the public list as well.

Mat nkhang njhyang, nat mi̱