Wikicat Technical Design/MARC21 Manifestation Mappings

MARC 21 Mappings for the Manifestation and related entities.



Mappings for populating the MANIFESTATION_IDENTIFIER table.

010: Library of Congress Control Number



  • SCHEME_CODE = 'lccn'
  • ID = $a / $z
  • CANCELLED = TRUE if entity is created from $z
  • REPLACEMENT_ID = row created from $a if entity created from $z

020: International Standard Book Number



  • SCHEME_CODE = 'isbn'
  • ID = $a / $z
    • Formatting: all-digit form produced by stripping off whitespaces, dashes, and qualifying text -e.g. "...(alk. paper)" at the end of the field
  • CANCELLED = TRUE if entity is created from $z
  • REPLACEMENT_ID = row created from $a if entity created from $z



Mappings for populating the Manifestation TITLE table.



Titles are formatted according to ISBD principles (followed by AACR2-formulated records as well) with standard punctuation marks to separate different title data, such as parallel titles, title remainders, and title part number/part name data. Multiple title propers may also be contained in the field for aggregations without collective title. Complicating things is the fact that these divisions exist across as well as within subfields. The following is the ISBD punctuation used for title data (whitespace is significant here):

  • ' = ' (space equals space): introduces a parallel title
  • ' ; ' (space semi-colon space): introduces the next title proper for aggregates with no collective title, or the next statement or responsibility
  • ' / ' (space slash space): starts the title remainder or statement of responsibility
  • ' : ' (space colon space): other title data
  • '. ' (period space): begins a title part number
  • ', ' (period comma): begins a title part name

See the OCLC documenation and annotated MARC 21 manual for examples. ISBD principles can be found in ISBD(G) as well as content-specific ISBD manuals.

245: Title Statement


Field 245 contains the title proper taken from the chief source of title information on the item[1][2]. Since the field is not repeatable, ISBD/AACR2 punctuation is used to separate additional title data- see above.

Destination Table: TITLE

  • TITLE_TYPE = 'prp' , 'pll' , 'oth'
  • TITLE_TEXT = $a or $b
    • Formatting: see above
  • ENTITY_TYPE = 'mnf'
  • TITLE_LANG = from 008 /35-37 or 041 $a
    • Subordinate titles inherit the language of their super/parent title; main titles use either 008 /35-37 or, if a parallel title, 041 $a with the order of the parallel title determining which occurrence of subfield $a is used
  • TITLE_SCRIPT = from subfield $6 in 008 or 800; else a function of the title language (for languages with multiple scripts, the most recent or common script is assumed- e.g. Latin, rather than Arabic for Turkish)
  • SUPER_TITLE_ID = linking occurs for subordinate title types at the time of insert
  • ORDERING = determined by position within field

Destination Table: TITLE_PART

  • PART_NUMBER = $n
    • Formatting: see above
  • PART_NAME = $p
    • Formatting: see above

Each occurence of subfield $p or $n results in a new row in the TITLE_PART table. A title part is always associated with the title created from subfield $a .

Note: because of ambiguities inherent in the ISBD punctuation, no attempt is made to extract part name/number data from sub-fields $b or $c . This is because punctuation in abbreviations (e.g. "T. S. Eliot") cannot be distinguished from part number punctuation.

242: Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency


Title translation produced by the cataloging agency. Present when no parallel title appears on the work itself. Almost identical to field 242 with the following differences:

Destination Table: TITLE

222: Key Title


A unique title for a continuing resource assigned in conjunction with the ISSN number. If there is title qualifying information it is created as a sub-ordinate title element with its own row in TITLE.

Destination Table: TITLE

  • TITLE_TYPE = 'key' or 'qlf'
  • TITLE_TEXT = $a or $b
  • SUPER_TITLE_ID = linking occurs for key title qualifying information at the time of insert

Publication and Manufacture


Information related to the the publication/distribution and manufacture of the Manifestation's exemplars.



The following ISBD punctuation can be contained within subfields:

  • ' ; ' (space semi-colon space): introduces the next place of publication
  • ' : ' (space colon space): introduces a name, either a publisher or manufacturer
  • ', ' (comma space): introduces a date, either or release or manufacture
  • '(' (left parentheses): begin manufacturing info section
  • ')' (right parentheses): end manufacturing info section

260: Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint)


This field contains both publication/release and fabrication information.

Destination Table: RELEASE


Destination Table: PLACE_RELEASE

Destination Table: MANUFACTURE




880: Alternate Graphic Representation


Appears when textual data is represented by alternate scripts. Any field linked to a 880 field by delimiter $6 will result in the 880 field being parsed and the datamodel populated as per the linking field, except with textual data in the alternate script form. A 880 field is structured (via subfields and ISBD-punctuation) identically to the linking field.

Technical Specifications
