Wikicat Technical Design/Serial Enumerated Types

Wikicat datamodel serial and continuing resource enumerated types.

Serial Type


Defines the various serial/continuing resource typess.

    > DESC serial_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    serial_type_code VARCHAR2(3) Serial type primary key
                  NOT NULL         
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Short name of the serial type
                  NOT NULL
    description   VARCHAR2(100)  Description of the serial type
                  NOT NULL
    > select * from serial_type;
    serial_type_code  name
    per               Periodical
    mon               Monographic Series
    nws               Newspaper
    oth               Other
    udb               Updating Database
    ull               Updating Loose-leaf
    uwb               Updating Web Site

Values taken from UNIMARC field 110 $a/0 and MARC21 field 008 /21.

Regularity Issue


The regularity of issue of a serial or continuing resource.

    > DESC reg_issue_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    reg_issue_code VARCHAR2(3)   Regularity of issue primary
                  NOT NULL       key
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Short name of the regularity of
                  NOT NULL       issue
    > select * reg_issue_type;
    reg_issue_code    name  
    rha               Regular Harmonic
    rnh               Regular Non-Harmonic
    irr               Irregular

A completely irregular schedule of issue has no regularity. A regular schedule of issue, though, can be either harmonic or non-harmonic with respect to the annual calendar. For example, a periodical issued 7 times each year is non-harmonic but regular.

Values taken from MARC21 field 008 /19.

Series Supplement Availability


Availability of various series supplements- for example: volume index, volume titlepage.

    > DESC series_supp_avail_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    ser_supp_av_code VARCHAR2(3) Supplement availability code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Availability type name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * series_supp_avail_type;
    ser_supp_av_code   name  
    pii               Per Individual Issue
    lil               Last Issue Volume Loose
    lia               Last Issue Volume Attached
    liu               Last Issue Volume Unpaged     
    nfl               First Issue Next Volume Loose
    nfa               First Issue Next Volume Attached
    nfu               First Issue Next Volume Unpaged
    sfr               Seperate, Free Upon Request
    sfa               Seperate, Free Automatically Sent
    spr               Sepearte, Purchase Upon Request
    ps                Published Parent Serial
    oth               Other
    na                Not Applicable
    np                Not Published

Taken from UNIMARC field 110 $a/8,9.

Series Transaction Type


Types of transactions that can occur between series.

    > DESC series_trxn_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    series_trxn_code VARCHAR2(3) Series trxn code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Short name of the transaction type
                  NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
    description   VARCHAR2(100)  Description of the transaction type
    > select * series_trxn_type;
          name                      description
    abt   Absorption Target         Serial being absorbed
    abr   Absorper                  Serial absorping another
    cnp   Continuation Predecessor  Serial being continued
    cns   Continuation Successor    Serial continuing expired one
    mgp   Merger Predecessor        Serial merge antecedent
    mgs   Merger Successor          Serial merge result
    spa   Split Predecessor         Serial split antecedent
    sps   Split Successor           Serial split result

Series transaction relationships taken from AACR2 Logical Structure I, Table 27, pp. 18-26.