Wikidata/Development/UI Layout Concept

This page deals with the general layout concept that should be applied instead of the currently implemented layout. The mockups down below do not imply detailed design aspects but rather give a general impression on how elements should be arranged on a Wikidata page.


  • editing is more important than browsing: there needs to be a clear focus on edit options
  • structure edit potential since there are many edit triggers
  • stick to MediaWiki style(s) as far as possible trying to not interfere with user expectation
  • ensure compatibility with mobile devices

Phase I layouts


(The following mockups do not yet consider all phase I tasks.)


Variant 1


Showing all the existing site links with the user languages in a section on top.

Alternatively, just skip any special handling of user languages. Decision has been made to use this method.

Variant 2


Showing all languages (even those without links), filtered by user languages initially.

The second variant is more consistent in the context of other layout components and less prone to bugs. Although it might benefit from a textual site (language) filter.

Phase II layouts


Grid layout mockups regarding phase II in development order.

See also

