Wikidata/Logo voting
This logo was created by Arun Ganesh (User:Planemad) and received 89 of the nearly 1000 votes.
- And the winner is… - Wikimedia Deutschland blog post
Voting is closed
Wikidata needs a logo. Here you can cast your vote before Thursday July 12th 23:59 UTC. The winner will then be announced at the Wikidata panel at Wikimania.
If you have an account that was created before July 1st 2012 you are eligible to vote. You can cast as many votes as you'd like but not more than one per candidate. For more details see this blog entry.
To vote click on the link next to the logo and add your signature. Votes are not shown on this page until the end of the vote period in order to influence voters less.
Logos on this page get shuffled with every reload to make sure that the order does not influence the vote as well.
Explanation: Represents the sourcing of centralized data by several target sites. Uses the Wikimedia colors. Instead of arrows pointing outwards, rounded extensions are used, to prevent the logo from resembling the chaos symbol.
Explanation: This image is meant to suggest several displays that relate to structured data: the cells of a spreadsheet, bar graphs, a computer display (at least, in science fiction movies), a sound equalizer, and even a genome display. One cell is left blank to suggest that the work of creating Wikidata is never finished, in the manner of the Wikipedia logo.
Explanation: The idea is, the red circle is the Wikidata repo which "feeds" the wikis (in blue). Furthermore, it ressembles MediaWiki, in a sense (not intended, though).
Explanation: This Wikidata logo proposal obviously derives from the Wikipedia logo. Wikidata will be an integrated part of Wikipedia, the logo may express this fact. While Wikipedia is symbolized as some kind of jigsaw puzzle that will never be completed, Wikidata is the same in a finer grained way. It will be one puzzle piece that will inegrate into Wikipedia. The Wikidata piece itself holds many pieces of information - it has its own "universe", its own context that is symbolized by its own puzzle which the Wikidata puzzle piece consists of.
Explanation: The central red dots represent Wikidata's information, and the grey lines connecting them to other dots show how this data can be used and reused and shared among other projects, WMF-wide and beyond.
Explanation: It all starts with the Sun which connects us, and gives us life. It is the origin, and to it everything belongs.
Explanation: Wikidata is not just some kind of database application. Consequently, a logo for Wikidata should not focus on the pure technical aspect. It is the democratic purpose of Wikidata that has to be expressed by the logo - Wikidata's data is for everyone. This logo proposal symbolizes that very granular level of Wikidata - regarding both aspects that are actually meaningful from a user perspective: Gathering and distribution of data. Small chunks symbolizing chunks of data are joining together to form a harmonic superset: Wikidata. The growing circles symbolize the data distribution - Wikidata will send out its data without applying any privileges - everyone may use the data.
Explanation: A red data cube with white and blue arrows pointing away, all made of the same hexagonal shape.
Explanation: Three hexagonal shapes spinning around an axis, forming new shapes and colors.
Explanation: The logo is inspired by the fact that Wikidata integrates several datasources, mixes and merges semantic data. So the logo depicts a linear article in the middle which contains parts from several sources. The three Wikimedia colors fit nicely in the geometrical construction of the logo. The text "WIKIDATA" uses the official Gill Sans font and Wikimedia dark grey.