
Wikiesfera Grupo de Usuarixs was officially recognized by the Affiliations Committee on May 9, 2018. However, it was born in 2015 as a stable working group in the culture centre Medialab Prado in Madrid (Spain), so in January 2020 it has turned 5 years old. During 2019 and the first months of 2020, the group has continued to establish and expand its learning community in Madrid with weekly activities and other occasional events with a greater number of visitors. In all of them, new editors have been incorporated and dozens of new articles have been published in Wikipedia. During the period of confinement in Spain as a result of COVID-19 (March-May 2020), we started virtual meetings and managed to multiply the number of attendees by being able to incorporate people who do not live in Madrid. In the following report, the most relevant achievements made by Wikiesfera during the last year are presented, although a detailed list of activities can also be consulted in this link.
editSince its inception in 2015, Wikiesfera has had a permanent working space at the Medialab Prado culture centre in Madrid (Spain) and this year we have celebrated those 5 years of life with an increasingly consolidated group of participants. We made a presentation with the beginnings of Wikiesfera and some significant data that we have achieved since the group was founded:
- 275 editorsxs: participants in editatonas; regular attendees to the working group.
- 1,000 new articles: mostly women's biographies; no record of the deletion of any of them.
- 20,000 editions: improvements and updating articles; inclusion of references (4,000 new ones).
- 147 million views of articles created and edited: high impact of the group's contributions.
- 10,000 files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons: contribution with the corpus of free content.
We made this celebration coincide with the 19th anniversary of Wikipedia and organized a birthday cake party.
Besides who already know the group, people interested in learning how to edit in Wikipedia are joining regularly. These meetings, about 60 in 2019 and the first months of 2020 and with an average attendance of 12 people, do not have previously established objectives, but are designed so that each person works on those aspects they want, from starting to edit articles, solving doubts, sharing progress and problems, etc. Those who have come to these weekly meetings have joined the mailing list which already has 250 people, and on which doubts are resolved, new articles are shared for others to verify and improve, and information is offered on activities related to Wikiesfera.
editOn 15 March 2020, a state of alarm was declared in Spain and we were confined to our homes for three months. During that period, in order not to lose contact or the activity of Wikiesfera, we used a videoconference system maintaining the weekly meeting on Mondays as well as other types of meetings and activities. As the face-to-face meeting did not exist, many people who were on the list and could not attend regularly due to difficulties in travelling to the centre or because they no longer lived in Madrid, attended the virtual meetings, so participation multiplied. This experience has helped us to consider hybrid meetings (face-to-face and virtual) for the new course that will begin in September 2020.
editSince 2015, Wikiesfera has been fighting the gender gap in Wikipedia by creating editatonas on different topics in order to raise awareness of this problem and get more female editors to join the project. The meetings have a playful character and the participants are guided during the whole activity so that they can enjoy the experience, since the aim is not to make it a training activity but an experiential one: to publish an article as a stimulus to learn how to edit and publish more. In addition, collaborative work is encouraged for the location of data and the writing of the text. A high percentage of the people who attend the editatonas later join the working group to become editors.
During 2019 and the first half of 2020, editatonas were made on STEM women (9J 2019, 28N 2019, 11F 2020), climate activists, 100 Women BBC, women journalists, artists and scientists LGBT, and two editatons, one about circus and another on the world of debt, with an average attendance of 25 people and the creation of some 200 articles.
Editatón del mundo del circo (Madrid)
Editatona sobre mujeres STEM (Torrejón)
Editatona de activistas climáticas (Madrid)
Editatona de mujeres STEM en UCO (Córdoba)
Editatona sobre 100 Mujeres BBC (Madrid)
Editatona sobre mujeres periodistas (Madrid)
Editatona virtual sobre científicas LGBT
editWith the goal of enlarging the community of editors, Wikiesfera established a collaboration with Be Hoppy (Madrid), a beer store where we organized several meet ups during the second half of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. These were informal meetings convened by the social networks of Wikiesfera and the shop itself in which we invited people to learn how to edit articles related to the world of craft beer.
editDuring 2019, Wikiesfera has been present in talks and round tables of various kinds, conveying the importance of more people contributing to Wikipedia and other spaces of the Wikimedia movement to make them more diverse. Wikiesfera was granted for the first time to participate in Wikimania, organized in August 2019 in Stockholm. It was a very enriching experience and several people from the Wikimedia Foundation (Community Engagement) showed their interest in the way Wikiesfera has generated a stable, face-to-face working group over the years. Wikiesfera also participated in the lunch organized by WikiWomen in which the next edition of the WikiWomen Camp was announced, after the 2017 meeting in Mexico City organized by Wikimedia México.
Foto de grupo en Wikimania 2019 (Estocolmo)
Foto de grupo del hackathon en Wikimania 2019 (Estocolmo)
En la comida del grupo de WikiWomen en Wikimania 2019 (Estocolmo)
Con el grupo de WikiWomen en Wikimania 2019 (Estocolmo)
In September 2019, Wikiesfera also participated in the international conference "Human Rights in Digital Environments" organized by Wikimedia Argentina. The founder of Wikiesfera, Patricia Horrillo, was part of the Panel 1: Human Rights and Memory in Digital Environments, together with representatives of Centro Internacional para la Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (UNESCO), Parque de la Memoria (Monumento a las Victimas del Terrorismo de Estado), EnRedadas Nicaragua and Museo de Memoria Histórica de Colombia (CNMH). In this context, she presented a proposal for a Historical Memory project to be developed in Spain.
Foto de grupo de WikiDDHH 2019 (Argentina)
Intervención de Patricia Horrillo en una de las mesas en WikiDDHH 2019 (Argentina)
Patricia Horrillo presentando el proyecto de Memoria Histórica en WikiDDHH 2019 (Argentina)
Patricia Horrillo presentando el proyecto de Memoria Histórica en WikiDDHH 2019 (Argentina)
Foto de grupo de WikiDDHH 2019 (Argentina)
Vídeo resumen de las jornadas DDHH
edit- In May 2019, the Cepaim Foundation published El viaje. Hombres feministas with a script by Alicia Palmer and illustrations by José Javier Mínguez. This book, which aims to incorporate work with men as a strategy for achieving gender equality, mentions the work of Wikiesfera and the editatonas in making women visible in history.
- In November 2019, Editions Hatier contacted Wikiesfera to prepare an article on Wikipedia for a French textbook on teaching Spanish: Via Libre Espagnol Tle - Éd. 2020 - Livre élève. The piece is part of the section "La cultura en acción gracias a las redes" of Unit 8, and is entitled Tú también escribes la Historia con Wikiesfera (p. 125).
- In July 2020, Wikimedia Argentina presented a web page with Recursos comunitarios para wikimedistas which includes some of the guides developed by Wikiesfera.
editOn May 25, 2019, Wikesfera coordinated an editatona in Lisbon (Portugal) Editatona Visibilizando as Margens. Juntes editamos a Wikipédia, with the help of some activists interested in learning how to edit. From that first meeting, Wiki Editoras Lx was formed as a permanent working group with face-to-face meetings. Over the months, they wanted to organize a new editatona on March 8, 2020 and Patricia Horrillo was invited to energize the activity. Both meetings were very successful and allowed the group to continue growing. The collaboration between Wikiesfera and Wiki Editoras Lx has continued virtually and we have established a protocol of translations of the biographies of lusophones that they are developing from Portuguese into Spanish. This collaboration aims to make visible in our language women from different disciplines of which we were not aware and to save some articles that are questioned as not relevant by the community of Portuguese language editors.
Editatona organizada por Wiki Editoras Lx el 8 de marzo de 2020 (Portugal)
Editatona organizada por Wiki Editoras Lx el 8 de marzo de 2020 (Portugal)
Foto de grupo de la editatona (Portugal)
Some of the institutions that have invited us to talk about Wikipedia or develop some activity have been the Facultad Ciencias Políticas y Sociología from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Universidad de Córdoba, La Casa Encendida (Madrid), Circo Price (Madrid), the Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda or Google Campus (Madrid).
Social Media
editWikiesfera has an official Facebook page that currently has 229 followers. It also has a Twitter account which is followed by 503 people.
In addition, we created a YouTube channel where we uploaded useful materials for new editors, as well as the conferences that took place during the confinement. We have also taken advantage of the opportunity to make visible in a playlist all the media appearances on Wikiesfera.
editMany of the events we have celebrated had strong media repercussion. A selected list of meaningful national and international media mentions and interviews follows:
- 29-05-2019 | Público | ¿Por qué hay tan pocas mujeres en la Wikipedia? El vídeo de Eres una Caca que 'pisa' el machismo en la enciclopedia.
- 01-06-2019 | La Vanguardia | Entrevistamos a Patricia Horrillo, la periodista española decidida a acabar con el machismo en Wikipedia.
- 07-06-2019 | Artezblai | Princesas y Darthvaders, 5ª edición del festival de humor, cultura de guerrilla y feminismo.
- 11-06-2019 | Público TV | La larga brecha de género que existe en Wikipedia.
- Video report at Dailymotion.
- 14-06-2019 | Público TV | ¿Quién se esconde detrás de la Wikipedia? ¿Y cuántas mujeres trabajan en ella?
- Video report at Dailymotion.
- 17-06-2019 | El País | Tú también puedes escribir la historia. | Reportaje en vídeo en YouTube.
- 18-06-2019 | Podium Podcast | Patricia Horrillo y Wikiesfera.
- 26-06-2019 | RNE3 | Interview with Patricia Horrillo about Wikiesfera.
- 04-08-2019 | Aragón Radio | Interview with Patricia Horrillo about Wikiesfera.
- 03-11-2019 | El País | Juego de tronos en la civilización de las hormigas.
- 13-12-2019 | La Marea | Wikipedia con perspectiva climática: faltan activistas y sobre todo mujeres.
- 03-02-2020 | Ahora Córdoba | Las investigadoras de la UCO viajan por la provincia en el Día de la Mujer y la Niña en Ciencia.
- 05-02-2020 | Diario Córdoba | Editatona llega al Día de la Niña y la Mujer en la Ciencia.
- 11-02-2020 | Canal Sur Noticias Córdoba | Pieza sobre la editatona de mujeres STEM.
- 12-02-2020 | El Día de Córdoba | Más de 20 mujeres se reúnen en Córdoba para incluir más contenido femenino en Wikipedia.
- 12-02-2020 | Cordópolis | Tú también puedes escribir en ‘Wikipedia’ las historias de las mujeres que nadie cuenta.
- 19-02-2020 | Canarias 7 | Más mujeres canarias en la Wikipedia.
- 27-02-2020 | Cadena SER Canarias | AKELARRE con Patricia Horrillo creadora de Editatona.
- 29-02-2020 | Cadena SER Madrid | Interview with Patricia Horrillo about editatona of women journalists.
- 04-03-2020 | Radio Televisión Canaria | Interview with Patricia Horrillo about the Editatona Gran Canaria.
- 05-03-2020 | Radio Televisión Canaria | Interview with Pino Caballero about the Editatona Gran Canaria.
- 05-03-2020 | El País | Editar la Wikipedia para combatir la brecha de género.
- Video report at YouTube.
- 06-03-2020 | El País | Las mujeres que luchan contra la brecha de género de Wikipedia.
- Video report at YouTube.
- 11-03-2020 | Publico | Porque a Wikipédia precisa de mulheres, há uma maratona de edição no Porto. (Portugal)
- 14-04-2020 | Europea Radio | Interview with Patricia Horrillo about Wikiesfera.
- 16-04-2020 | Onda Cero | El futuro inmediato de los aviones. ¿Volaremos con mascarilla?
- 08-05-2020 | Público | Recomendación semanal: charlas TEDx.
- 29-05-2020 | Público | Una peli, una serie, un evento y un libro.
- 10-06-2020 | Explica | Women Fighting Wikipedia’s Gender Gap.
- 19-06-2020 | Vogue | Estas mujeres se encargan de editar Wikipedia con perspectiva de género. (México)