

See examples with other foundation logos below.

Current discussion

  • Looks like a simplified variation of the w:Ubuntu Logo or leafes in autumn, the children reading books are hard to see. --Matthias 07:20, 23 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • That's because the depths are wrong - the heads should be on top - currently they are between the table and the books for some reason! --HappyDog 22:25, 24 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • It's pretty good this one but completely abstract - reading this discussion now I realise where it comes from. But no-one will spot that if it's used; its impact is best considered as an abstract logo. --Mcld 17:02, 28 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Has potential. Needs to be reworked. Tkgd2007 01:13, 31 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Needs to be more colorful, but its my choiceSarindam7 20:12, 8 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • More colorful? It's really quite colorful. Look at it compared with the other Foundation logos (see below), and it really pops out. I like this proposal more than I dislike it, but it is far too close to the Ubuntu logo for me to vote for it. The very first thing I thought when I saw it was "Ubuntu!" (and I use Kubuntu, not Ubuntu). The colors are the same, the concept is the same, and it just is too similar. It's also too abstract an idea for me to choose for use with youth. The text is jumbled and difficult to read, too; not a good thing for young readers. Again, I basically like this logo, but I can't vote for it for several reasons. --Willscrlt (Talk) 10:35, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • The design is very nice. The only problem is the difficulty to make out there are children reading. -- RaminusFalcon «…» («it.wikipedia») 07:58, 19 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • The kids reading premise would be more obvious if the heads were green too, like the text, (and maybe on top like a previous comment suggested). 22:22, 2 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Since people seem to be responding to the colorscheme rather than the shape, I've created a second version that retains the colors, the wordmark and the idea of a stylized reading child, but uses a shape that is perhaps better suited for this project. While the child may still be hard to make out (I don't consider that a big problem, personally) the logo should convey the idea of a project focused on children better. Risk 14:39, 27 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I really like it but i thing it should be green and blue to be more inline with other logos.
  • I don't mean any offense, but the color scheme here is really awful. It hurts my eyes just to look at it. Maybe shift it more towards light blue, I guess?

Previous discussion


Here is how WikiJuniorLogoProposalRisk.png looks with other Wikimedia Foundation logos:

  Meta-Wiki - Coordination   Wikipedia - Encyclopedia   Wiktionary - Dictionary
  Wikisource - Sources   Wikijunior - This is the example   Wikiquote - Quotations
  Wikispecies - Species   Wikinews - News   Wikiversity - Learning tools


Here is how WikijuniorLogoProposalB2Risk.png looks with other Wikimedia Foundation logos:

  Meta-Wiki - Coordination   Wikipedia - Encyclopedia   Wiktionary - Dictionary
  Wikisource - Sources   Wikijunior - This is the example   Wikiquote - Quotations
  Wikispecies - Species   Wikinews - News   Wikiversity - Learning tools