Wikimédia Magyarország/2013 Programme Plan


This page presents Wikimedia Hungary's programme plan and associated budget for the year 2013. This plan only includes programmes that specifically require funding; further programmes may be carried out based on the initiative of our members, utilizing our existing reserves, IT infrastructure, the office to be opened, and the support of our staff member.

The programme plan is based on strategic priorities identified during strategic planning workshops held in 2012 under a pilot project of the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan was developed through consultation with members, a planning workshop on 18 August and a board meeting on 25 September. It will be discussed, possibly amended and approved at the General Assembly held at the end of November.



The total budget for 2013 is 16 845 000 HUF, which is distributed among the various strategic objectives as shown on the pie-charts. All amounts are in Hungarian forints, amounts in US dollars are only for informational purposes.



Strategic goals Program Comment Costs (HUF) Costs (USD)
Improving Wikipedia content quality
Article writing and photocompetitions 500 000 2,272.73
Microgrants programme Extension of the existing micro-grants programme to cover costs related to article creation. The budget would cover around 20 grants. 100 000 454.55
Community health, including editor recruitment
WikiCamp The fourth installment of our WikiCamp event. Its aim is to bring together community members and new editors. 250 000 1,136.36
12 Wiki meetups monthly Wiki meetups (8 smaller, 4 larger; two of the latter are together with the General Assembly) 750 000 3,409.09
Community budget The aim is to support spontaneous local meetups, wikiproject-organized events and other community gatherings and projects. 100 000 454.55
Presentations about Wikipedia Presentations and workshops about Wikipedia and editing 50 000 227.27
Travel (community) Support for community members to travel to Wikimania, local and international meetups, conferences; scholarships to invite and support foreign Wikipedians' travel and accommodation costs 3 500 000 15,909.09
Ensuring that more free content is available in Hungary
Support Hungarian groups with similar aims but less means Creative Commons, Open Street Map stb. 100 000 454.55
PR, networking, increasing support for Wikipedia/media and free content
Wikimedia booths at public events Book Fair and similar 300 000 1,363.64
Increasing activity in the chapter, engaging more volunteers
Promotional material Promotional material to motivate people who take on tasks and responsibilities and to distribute at fairs, events and meetups. 300 000 1,363.64
Organizational development, capacity building
Employee 1.0 FTE for administrative and some project tasks. 5 000 000 22,727.27
PR consultant To help in volunteer management, and publicizing our events 500 000 2,272.73
Furniture and supplies for the office For the new, public office place 1 000 000 4,545.45
Administrative costs
Accounting 250 000 1,136.36
Postal costs 100 000 454.55
Banking fees 75 000 340.91
Printing costs 50 000 227.27
Telephone costs 100 000 454.55
Server hosting 450 000 2,045.45
IT equipment laptop, WiFi/3G router, etc. on an as needed basis and for our employee and volunteers 250 000 1,136.36
Legal fees 250 000 1,136.36
Office space We are renting 1 square meter of office space at the Budapest University of Technology that allows as to use the university as our official address and we plan to rent a public office place to serve as a community hub and workplace for our employee 2 500 000 11,363.64
Board meetings Venue rental, food. 50 000 227.27
Supervisory Committee meeting The Supervisory committee of the association has to meet at least once annually to create its internal audit report. 20 000 90.91
Official travel Travel of board members and employees in an official capacity.
Board members are subject to the same reimbursement policy as community members where legally and financially possible.
300 000 1,363.64
Total 16 845 000 76,568.18


Income tax allocation (1%) from the fiscal years 2011 and 2012 2 000 000 HUF $9,090.90909090909
Membership fees 100 000 HUF $454.54545454545456
Amount requested as FDC Grant 14 845 000 HUF $67,477.27272727272
Total 16 945 000 HUF $77,022.72727272728