This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete. If you want to revive the topic, you can use the talk page or start a discussion on the community forum. |
Other languages: English There was an international media and writing contest during July and August, concluded at Wikimania on August 7 2005. One did not have to attend to nominate excellent work; anyone could nominate his/her own work as well as that of others. (rules and details) Nominations for the writing and media competitions are listed below. Note that all contests were language-independent; entries were considered in all languages. WritingeditThe following are nominations in the nine categories of the 2005 writing and media competitions. Any content created in any language, on any Wikimedia project is eligible for entry. The overall winner [of our love, cheers, and a big bag of Wiki] was the article on Welding, by Spangineer. 1. Articles - History & BiographyeditFinalistsedit
Other nominationsedit
2. Articles - Humanities, Social science, Art & CultureeditFinalistseditOther nominationsedit3. Articles - Natural science & TechnologyeditFinalistsedit
4. Articles - Current Events & Pop CultureeditFinalistsedit
5. News (both summary and original reporting)editFinalistsedit
Other nominationseditORIGINAL REPORTING SUMMARY REPORTS 6. Primary source materialeditWinneredit
Other nominationseditNote: to be eligibile for this award, the content in question has to have actually been uploaded before August 4 to some Wikimedia site.
(preferably not formerly available elsewhere online) 7. Book modules & collectionseditFinalistseditOther nominationsedit8. Quote and Dictionary collectionseditWinnereditit:wikt:Categoria:Cristianesimo (a category with many words in many languages, it was a very topical project in the period when the pope died and a new pope was elected. An example of cooperation between different wiktionaries, with many words with pronunciations.)
9. Wikimaniaeditcontent written at or on the way to Wikimania...(no serious submissions in this category) MediaeditThese are the nine media categories for the Summer 2005 media competition. Please upload entries themselves to the Wikimania Media Competition page, and link to them from here. Any content created by a wikimedian for any Wikimedia project, or freely-licensed for this contest, is eligible. PD content found and repurposed is generally not, unless it was unknown or otherwise unavailable beforehand. See commons:Wikimania Media Competition and the finalists please.
Donated awardseditTo donate an award to a specific contest, please list what you are donating, for which category.
Special Categoriesedit
Suggested categorieseditPlease suggest new special award categories below!
de: Wikimania enthält auch ein mehrsprachiges Schreib- und Media-Wettbewerb. Einträge können bis 3. August 2005 nominiert werden. en: Wikimania is having a multilingual writing and media contest. Entries may be nominated until August 3, 2005. es: Wikimanía incluye una competición plurilingüe de artículos y multimedia. Las entradas pueden ser nominadas hasta el 3 de agosto de 2005. fr: nl: Wikimania heeft ook een meertalige schrijf- en media-wedstrijd. Inzendingen kunnen worden genomineerd tot 3 augustus 2005. |