Wikimania-Meetings/22 March 2005

A largely-offline meeting of the programme committee was held in Berlin on Tuesday 22 March.

  • The Wikimania website is launching at the end of March. We need to aim to get the public information about the programme on there before then.
  • Meta, not the Wikimania wiki, should be used for translations.
  • Erik will update the speakers list with the results of today's meeting.
  • We could ask the global voices people for speaker suggestions.
  • Should LiveJournal be invited? Find out if this would be useful for the developers.
  • Speakers focusing on projects other than Wikipedia need to be included:
  • Wemedia project? Has this finished?
  • Invites to speakers should be sent through OTRS using the cfp address. See the standard letter
  • Angela to advertise the cfp to the mailing lists (incl translation-l, de, eo, es, fr, ja , nl), with links to Translation requests/Wikimania
  • Programme to be updated into three columns
  • Speakers to be invited – see Erik's list for who is inviting whom.
  • Programme: Is there social space outside of the three rooms for use if talks are happening in all 3?
  • Programme to include a press conference on Friday at 12.
  • Add to the template that we don't know about travel costs – Jimbo to sort out sponsorship first.