Wikimania-Meetings/9 March 2005

Combined program/planning meeting commenced without an agenda. Topics discussed:

  • Presentations
    • List of possible guest speakers established on the Wikimania wiki, with a system for contacting them and establishing availability/willingness
    • Call for papers needs to be finalized and released; deadline on not established, but will likely be pushed back from original April 1 date
    • Presentations should be solicited from within the organization (editors) for a roughly 50/50 "inside/outside" balance
    • Guest speakers may need to be accommodated off-site; akl is calling nearby hotels to establish cost/logistics
  • Activities
    • May allow rough schedule to be organized by the community at large before final revision by program committee
    • Leave schedule open for subproject/wikigroup events
    • Workshops to be discussed
  • Registration
    • ... should be open by the deadline (end of March)
  • On-site technical
    • HdJ floor plan to be constructed by presroi within the next few weeks; more detailed planning to follow

Changing the usual meeting time to better accommodate working Americans was also briefly discussed, and tabled to the mailing list.