
Not all interested people will be able to attend wikimania in person. For the people that are unable to come for wichever reason, we'll try to put transcripts of talks online or in irc. Therefor we're looking for people that are fast typists (for irc transcripts) or capable of making good notes of a talk (written transcripts to be published at a later date). We would like to try and add video covering of the major talks as well. If you're able to provide material for either of these types of transcripts, please let us know (write your name on the list), If you're able to operate the equipment as well even better. If you have part of the equipment, let us know, maybe somebody else can take care of another part (e.g. You have a videorecorder but limited recording media).

There will be audiotranscripts of the main sessions, so you can help out even without attending wikimania.

If you are able to help out, please add your name to the list, if possible put in wich talks you're thinking about watching, that way there's less chance of 20 people transcribing the same talk, while other important talks are left without transcription.

Equipment&Operators of the equipment




