Wikimania 2005 Call for Papers

A dated CfP, from 2005:

We are now accepting papers and other submissions (from everyone within and outside the Wikimedia and Wikipedia communities) for presentations, workshops, and discussion groups. We are also accepting nominations for speaker panels and keynote speakers, and suggestions for other activities. Send all submissions to

The audience will mainly consist of around 300-400 active Wikipedia users from all over the world. You can put your work under the licence you like, but freely licensed works are preferred. We strongly encourage you to license submissions under GFDL or CC. You can also directly write the paper at or another wiki.

Call for Papers and Lectures


The text of the call for papers can be found at Wikimania Call for Papers. Feel free to distribute this far, and wide.

Program Committee


The program committee consists of ???. If you want to help, please let us know. Selection will be based criteria such as understandability, relevance to Wikimedia and the space and time we have.

See also



Apr 15  - Proposal deadline for speaker panels, workshops and tutorials
May 10 May 22  - Extended abstract deadline for panels, papers, posters and presentations 
May 30  - Submission deadline for research paper drafts
Jun 30  - Final copy of papers and posters due (for printing and translation).
Jul 10  - Final copy of presentation-slides due ( "  " )
Aug 4-8 - Wikimania!



Everyone within and without the Wikimedia communities are invited to suggest panel discussions they would like to see; submit abstracts for lectures, workshops, and tutorials; and submit abstracts for brief papers or posters they would like to present. Everyone is also welcome to submit a full paper or presentation they would like to give at one of the conference sessions. The audience will consist primarily of active Wikimedia users from all over the world.



The official languages of the conference will include English, German, and French. Abstracts and papers may be submitted in any living language, ideally with an accompanying translation into one of those three languages.



You may submit any of the following:

  • Paper/Presentation (30 minutes to present and discuss a topic)
  • Short presentation (max. 10 minutes to present a topic)
  • Poster (display of some work related to one of the tracks)
  • Workshop (a lecture with more audience-participation)
  • Tutorial (where the goal is to teach people things)

Submission Details


Each submission should include:

+ an abstract (a 300-word / 1 page outline)
+ the type of submisson (Poster, Short pres, Workshop, Lecture, other)
+ the language(s) of the submission
+ its primary author(s) (you may include hyperlinks and/or wiki usernames)
+ the target audience (any previous knowledge required?)
+ a license (GFDL, CC-by, PD, normal copyright, ...)
+ which days the authors can participate in the conference (NB: you may submit work even if you cannot come to the conference in person)

- Poster submissions should also include a draft of the poster content (text-only is fine)

- Full papers and presentations should also include a draft of the paper or slides for your presentation

See also Translation requests/Wikimania/CfP (currently showing the old CfP from 2005).