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This was the page used to gather links to city bids to host Wikimania 2008. Alexandria was selected as host city.


  • August 20, 2007: Bidding opens
  • August 20: Jury selection announced
  • August 30: Bidding creation ends. List of running cities announced.
    All cities which intend to run for the bidding process should have created a page on meta and entered the official list. New bids will not be accepted after this date.
  • September 23 (0:01 UTC): Bidding ends. All major information on bidding pages must be finalized.
  • September 23 (15:00 UTC): Public meeting with existing bidders
  • September 23: Question & Answer from jury begins.
  • September 23 - October 5: Refining of bids and answering jury's questions.
  • October 5: Question & Answer from jury ends
  • October 6: Jury deliberation.
  • on or before October 10: Announcement of host city to public.

Bidding for Wikimania 2008


Since the first edition in 2005, Wikimania has been organized in the city that proposed the best location for it to happen in good conditions. Each year, many community members get together to propose their city to host Wikimania. 2008 is no exception, and we hope to find many good cities to choose from. If you wish to set up a bid for your city, please follow the rules:

  • Read the 2008 requirements for bidding cities and the criteria by which bids may be judged.
  • Start a bid at [[Wikimania 2008/Bids/xxx]] where xxx is the name of your city
  • Get input from other wikimedians to help you with your bid on the various wikimedia lists (foundation-l, wikimania-l, wikipedia-l...)
  • Ask questions on the 2008 talk page or to the organizers of the previous years.


Wikimania 2008 candidate cities
Continents: Africa North America
Countries: Egypt South Africa United States
Cities: Alexandria talk Cape Town talk Atlanta talk
Q&A Sections: Alexandria Cape Town Atlanta

Two other bids, Karlsruhe and London, withdrew before the September 23 finalization deadline. Toronto dropped out of contention on October 1 to focus on 2009.

Unofficial bids


Unofficial bids, prior to bid opening on August 20, may be found here: Wikimania 2008/Bids/Unofficial bids

Published page template


{{Wikimania 2008-bids}}

