Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Children

To meet the necessities of the volunteers involved in the organization and to offer a relevant program for all the attendees, children-care and activities for children are planned in collaboration with local institutions. The cost of the child-care will be cover meals, insurance and staff.

The sound installation Animagus by Roberto Paci Dalò in Villa Clotilde
Age Description # places available Where Who
2-5 years old Playing space for children. 20 children. Only Saturday and Sunday. Kindergarden Scuola dell'infanzia di Esino Lario (non profit organization supported by the city council). Coordinator Giusy Nasazzi.
6-10 years old Green week (settimana del verde). Workshops, excursions and activities to discover the nature and culture of the Grigna Park. 40 children. Space next to the kindergarden (sala dell'oratorio) and outdoor. Parco regionale della Grigna Settentionale (organizing the week in Esino Lario since 2012). Coordinator Tecla Barindelli.

Esino Lario was awarded in 2010 the Prize FamilyWork for its project Esino Lario child-friendly (Esino Lario a misura di bambino), which included activities, workshops, artworks and a simple communication system with logos which identify available services for children. The prize is promoted by Lombardy Region and ALTIS, a research unit at the Catholic University of Milan.

