Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Expected number of participants

We expect 700 participants at Wikimania Esino Lario and the event is designed for 1'000. At the moment, the events which have reached a larger number of participants have been Wikimania in English-speaking cities, including also daily registrations and occasional attendees. Having an event in English in a non English speaking countries has a specific impact on daily registrations and occasional attendees; we expect some people to pass-by (around 100 people who have a house in Esino Lario and 100 people for Milan area coming for the day), but Esino Lario is not a large city and – for how our event is conceived – the emphasis is on the people staying for the entire event and we are not focusing on occasional pass-by attendees.

Group photo at Wikimania Haifa.
Group photo at Wikimania Hong Kong.

A larger outreach program is designed through communication and with a specific series of presentations, meetings and training in Italian before and after the event; Wikimania is a great chance to provide visibility to the Wikimedia projects, but not all events and initaitves needs to take place during the conference week. Our plan is to take advantage of the Wikimania momentum to involve the territory and to reinforce the activities of Wikimedia Italia and Wikimedia CH.

It can be relevant to note that the planning of Wikimania Esino Lario has already allowed to establish links with Expo Milan 2015 (in the first months of planning we were considering organizing the event in 2015), and we had already meetings with provincial and regional public administrators, and with institutions and companies. We expect the implementation of the event to take full advantage of these contacts to foster communication of the Wikimedia projects and the implementation of the "before and after the event" program.

Hypothesis participants


See also Wikimania/Target.

Hypothesis number of participants
Estimated participants Number Lunch Accommodation in Esino Lario Accommodation Varenna (higher level 4 and 5 stars) Pendular Number of rides by bus if nobody among the pendular has a car Possible car (and parking spots)
Organizers Wikimedia 100 100 100 Possible car 20
Organizers Esino Lario 100 50 House in Esino Possible car 20
Organizers Extra 30 30 30 Possible car 6
Organizers from the territory 50 50 House in the area 50 Possible car 10
Attendees from Italy 50 50 40 10 10 Possible car 10
Wikimedia Chapters (board and staff) 100 100 100
Wikimedia Foundation (board, committee and staff) 100 100 77 23 23
Scholarships 250 250 250
Attendees from abroad (Europe + North America and Oceania). Including journalists. 80 80 70 10 10 Possible car
Researchers from Europe and US 40 40 30 10 10
Occasional visitors from Esino (conference days) 100 House in Esino Possible car 20
Occasional visitors (conference days) - Including journalists from Milan and the territory, stakeholders 150 150 For the day 150 Possible car 30
Total 1.150 1.000 697 53 253 7 116
Hypothesis main interest of the participants

This hypothesis is only meant to have some references to plan flows (in participants possible numbers for pre-conference, conference and post-conference).

Estimated interests Description Number Percentage
Organizers (not included international) Wikimedia, Esino Lario, Extra and from the territory 280 24%
Politics (board, staff, commitee) Wikimedia Foundation, chapters and 30% of the scholarships 275 24%
Active contributors Half of the attendees from Italy and from Europe and US; half of the scholarships 190 17%
General - potential newbies Half of the attendees from Italy and from Europe and US; 20% of the scholarships; occasional visitors 365 32%
Researchers 40 3%
Total 1.150 100%
Hypothesis provenance of the participants

This hypothesis is only meant to have some references to plan transport, visa and flows (in participants possible numbers for pre-conference, conference and post-conference). This hypothesis is based on the numbers above (with the assumption that participants in an event in Italy might be more numerous from Italy and Europe) and it is based on the estimates below (related to Wikimedia Chapters and scholarships).

Estimated location of arrival and departure Number Percentage
Varenna (probably trains from CH, DE) 61 11%
Airport Orio al Serio 61 11%
Airport Linate 61 11%
Airport Malpensa 388 68%
Total 570 100%
Estimated provenance (necessary to plan transport) Number Percentage Total of non local Percentage of non local
Local 580 50%
Europe 242,5 21% 242,5 43%
North America and Oceania 190 17% 190 33%
South America 47,5 4% 47,5 8%
Africa 30 3% 30 5%
Asia 60 5% 60 11%
Total 1150 100% 570 100%
Visa requirements 137,5 11,96%
Wikimedia Chapters (board, staff, further scholarships) - Excluding Italy Number Percentage
Europe 70 70%
North America and Oceania 5 5%
South America 10 10%
Africa 5 5%
Asia 10 10%
Total 100 100%
Scholarships Number Percentage
Europe 112,5 45%
North America 25 10%
South America 37,5 15%
Africa 25 10%
Asia 50 20%
Total 250 100%

