As planned |
Differences compared to the initial plan
Done Participants reached Esino Lario by airplane, train and private transport.
Done Direct transport from the airports was organized (cost 25 euro each way). We organized 28 bus rides.
Done Transport between Varenna and Esino Lario was increased and made available for free. We organized 81 bus rides and 28 directly from Lecco to allow interns to reach the event.
Done Three info points were organised at Malpensa Airport, Linate airport (in the main arrival days) and in Varenna-Esino railway station (during all the event).
Done Esino Lario reception-registration site also served as an info point.
Busses between Varenna and Esino Lario.
Infopoint in Varenna station
Infopoint at Malpensa airport.
Infopoint at Linate airport.
Added Local trasport was organized by providing free taxis and busses.
Added Electric cars were provided for free by the partner eV-Now!.
Added A little free tran with wifi was organized to connect all the meeting rooms.
Added Scooters for people who informed us about mobility limitations were provided for free.
Added Protezione Civile and Alpini support the circulation in Esino Lario.
The treno express.
Electric cars.
Done Wikimania was indeed organized in Esino Lario :)
Done Connectivity was provided in all the meeting rooms and outdoors in the park of Villa Clotilde and in Piazza Pietro Pensa. Connectivity is still operating at a higher standard as before Wikimania and it is provided for free.
Done Local resources were valorized during Wikimania Esino Lario despite the complexity of managing a large number of providers.
Done Accommodation was provided in Esino Lario and managed directly by the Wikimania Esino Lario team. A full detailed database was created and 738 beds were confirmed. Participants also found accommodation outside Esino Lario in the near-by villages.
Done Food was available. Thousands of meals were provided plus 15'000 bottles of water, 12'000 chocolates, 10'000 coffee.
Done Safety
Done Accessibility
Done Health and medical care
Done Insurance
Done Cleaning and environmental impact
Added Connectivity was provided by Eolo with a strong and very relevant partnership. The initial plan changed and optical fiber was distributed in all meeting rooms permanently thanks to the city council and the involvement of other partners. Internet is now accessible and free in all the meeting rooms involved in Wikimania and outdoors in the park of Villa Clotilde and in Piazza Pietro Pensa.
Added A Unità di crisi (crisis unit) was set in the city council in collaboration with the police and all the local authorities.
- We duplicated 523 keys and participants returned 523 keys.
Meeting rooms
Done Conferences took place in existing structures of the village (public buildings and a venue owned by a non profit association).
Done Electricity
Done Rooms were equipped as planned.
Done Equipement rental/A-V expense
Done Videos
Done Forniture
Added Many more infrastructural interventions than planned thanks to further fundraising.
Programme during Wikimania
Done Target. Identification of the target groups and included in the programme the target of the different sessions.
Done Theme. Wikipedia as a driver for change
Done Working sessions
Done User digest
Done Critical issues
Done Posters, chapter villages. We did not make the brochures but we used the brochures as format for the posters.
Done Discussions
Done Meetups
Done Training
Done Hackathon
Done Collaborative space. A room was provided open 24/24 in the primary school.
Done Evening programme
Done Free as free beer. We provided a free beer only in few events for safety reasons (the safety unit was worried to have dangerous situations by providing free alcohol).
Done Workshops organized during the day not in the evening.
Done Performances
Done Video projections only used to allow to watch soccer.
- Thematic dinners. Very few.
Done Excursions.
Done Wikimania takes Lake Como
Done Programme for children.
Added Double blind peer review of the critical issues.
Added Establishment of a commission to select the discussions due to the high number of proposals.
Programme before and after Wikimania
In progress… Activities with city councils. libraries and museums (planned until May 2017).
Done Event planned for 1'000 participants.
Done Registrations.
Done Visa. Very high successful rate. We could not get to Italy 2 people with a Wikimedia Foundation scholarship from Nepal; and we did not have enough time to support the attendance of 1 person with a Wikimedia CH scholarship from Cameroon.
Done Cost for participants.
Done Scholarships.
Added 1368 participants (we expected 700)
Done Pillars.
Done Team.
Done Volunteers.
Done Staff. The involvement of staff was reduced to the minimum and the entire organisation was managed and implemented by volunteers.
Done Providers.
Done Accounting and bookkeeping.
Done Communication.
Done Target and communication tools.
Done Local media.
Done National media.
Done International media.
Done Communication materials.
Done Evaluation. A survey designed by Wikimedia Foundation and review by our programme team was submitted in English to the participants at the end of Wikimania.
Done Expenses.
Done Financial plan.
Done Request to Wikimedia Foundation.
Done Planned income from registration.
Done Income.
Done Confirmed support.
Added Very significant fundraising.