Wikimania 2022/Individual Reports/Ahzziaa
Welcome back from Wikimania 2022! Please write your report here. Once you have completed the application, please email the link to (by 30 September 2022). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us.
- Username
- Ahzziaa
- How did you attend Wikimania (virtually or in-person)?
- What did you spend the scholarship funds on?
I used it with a small top up from my savings to buy for myself a PC from a Used laptop store. Its a dell latitude E7240 with intel core i7 processor[1], 256 GB SSD storage and 8GB RAM. I've been waiting to buy this for a long period of time, thanks to the scholarship. I've attached the picture below.

- Takeaways – choose 3 specific Wikimania sessions you attended and describe your key take-aways per session.
On the first day, I was yet understanding the platform, figuring out where I could catch the best access to wikimania sessions, Pheedloop Go was kind of sticky with videos at my end so I didn't really catch up well but I followed them up on Youtube later on.
Wikimedia Sound Logo Production Masterclass
16:10 - 15:00 Day 1 By Joe Bush and Emma Byford of Massive Music.
This session was hilarious, I didn't even realize that the little audios I always hear around represent a lot for a product until I got to wake myself up in this session, I figured how it triggered me when someone switched on their Nokia phone that the sound that comes out of there would make me know what phone it was without even having a look.
Well, I learnt some basic Audio terminologies like; tracks, keys, tempo/speed and instruments/timbre.
I as well learnt the music production processes like; the open source software(DAWs),recording tracks, editing them and the mixing process.
Centering Race and Equity at Art and Feminism
17:05- 17:55 day 2 By Kira Wisniewski the ED of Art & Feminism
Just know while this session was starting, I was Absent minded a little bit then boom, something sounded like "Centering and over representing the US culture," and then immediately I got attracted to it.
I was able to understand into details what racism and equity was well defining them in my mind with my own terms and realizing that all communities deserve equal representation at every table and be viewed at the same levels in all aspects.
I learnt that art can be a beautiful weapon to preach equity and feminism all over the world, because its a language that doesn't even need interpretation.
Everyone has a role to play in pulling or pushing the marginalized groups to floating or flying levels just like others.
Whereas on this day 2 of wikimania, I walked into some video which wasn't even listed on Pheedloop Go titled "Making a Movie with Wikimedia Commons." I was flirted with how the presenter Zachary Maccune gathered photos from some ancient Moroccan photographer Flandrin to create an incredible short movie with a stunning story behind. It taught me how anything con come out from nothing at no cost.
Copyright at the Roundtable: Know your rights when using copyrighted material for the public good
13:45 - 14:35 Day 3 By Douglas Scott & Sean Flynn
This was my best session I guess, because it fed me with a big section knowledge that I'd kept unfilled for long. I was able to take away the understanding of creative commons, copyright terms around the world and freedom panorama. I was most interested in the status of copyright advocacy in East African region but was a little bit late to present my question, anyways next time better.
- How did you connect with other people during Wikimania 2022? How did you celebrate at Wikimania 2022?
I basically only connected to people online especially on pheedloop Go since I was new to the whole thing and had limited guidance. Can you imagine I didn't know of the local celebrations in my country Uganda which was right under my nose! I just got to see the video on youtube afterwards, I promise myself never to miss it next time. I celebrated it by playing the videos loud in my room, especially the musical performances.
- (Optional) Please share link(s) to your social media post(s) about Wikimania