Wikimania 2022/Individual Reports/Ngozi osadebe

Welcome back from Wikimania 2022! Please write your report here. Once you have completed the application, please email the link to wikimania(_AT_) (by 20 September 2022). If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us.

Ngozi osadebe
How did you attend Wikimania (virtually or in-person)?

I attended virtually

What did you spend the scholarship funds on?
I spent the scholarship fund on internet data, diesel for a stand-by generator, and wage to a babysitter.
Takeaways – choose 3 specific Wikimania sessions you attended and describe your key take-aways per session.

I attended many Wikipedia sessions but the ones I will discuss here are the ones that appealed to me most. 1. Ukraine- Culture, Music and Films. Day 3, Tent 1, Session 1.

The presentation was a short film documentary on Ukraine.
The lessons I learned from the short documentary are as follows:
a. Documenting knowledge is important. Despite the war in Ukraine, Ukraine kept its identity as a nation alive by documenting their history, culture, films, and music on Wikipedia. 
b. Despite all the destructions that might have befallen a person or nation as is the case of Ukraine, people can still learn about the individual or society through open knowledge. 
c. It is important that information in open knowledge is documented by people without bias. In the documentary on Ukraine, the documentary was not praising Ukraine or its inhabitant: or taking sides in the War, the documentary presented the information without bias.

2. I am a Wikipedian, not an accountant. Here is how fiscal sponsorship can get your grant going. Day 1, Tent 3. The lessons I learnt from the session are as follows

a. I learnt about fiscal sponsors, who they are, and what they do.
b. Kiwix as a fiscal sponsor can help people to manage finances during project execution by doing all the paper work needed for the project as it regards receiving and managing money.
c. Fiscal sponsors such as Kiwix make it possible for non-registered organizations in a country to receive money form donor agencies in countries where there are restrictions on that angle.

3. Digital Security Basics. Day 1 Tents 3. Lessons learned from the presentation.

a. It is important to be security conscious while online.
b. Use different passwords for different platforms
c. Use pseudo names for creating or editing Wikipedia pages instead of one's real name.
How did you connect with other people during Wikimania 2022? How did you celebrate at Wikimania 2022?

During Wikimania 2022,I was able to connect to people through the chat box. However, the poor quality of the audio forced me to switch over to YouTube which did not give room for chatting or connecting with people. Wikimania 2022 was fun. Many people in my group received the stipend and attend the event. We were very happy. If it is possible, I will recommend the use of "Remo" the platform used for the 2021 Wikimania conference. It is better than Pheedloop

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