Wikimania 2022/Scholarships/Hausa Wikimedians User Group/Report

editDid you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
- Yes
editPlease report on your original project targets.
- We have pledged to organize the program in two different states; we achieved that. We organized the party two locations.
- Supporting at least 60 people with internet data; We achieved that. 30 people were given in each location.
- Collaboration with Nigerians Commons Photographers UserGroup (Planned Group) was achived as projected.
editProjects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
What worked well?
editActually, so many things worked well for us during this Wikimania 2022 virtual conference. Except few hitches with regarding to funding delay, the planning of the in-person event went well. The disbursement of the data package and hardware support for the recipients also went well. There was a lot of passion and zeal by our members to participate, and many more people applied for the data package support than we anticpated, which showed how a lot of people are interested in our local activities.
What did not work so well?
edit- Some of our members found Pheedloop software a bit difficult to navigate (more difficult compared to the software used last year). Those subset of users followed through the Wikimedia Foundation Youtube channel.
- There was a long delay in processing the grant and releasing the fund. The delay in receiving the funds contributed to a delay in completing some activities and purchases on right time.
- We encountered some problems with Internet services we subscribed in the event location .
- More people than we could support requested for the data package support. We wish we were able to support all.
What would you do differently next time?
edit- Organize at least a pre-Wikimania program in order to orient the participants about the virtual platform software to be used.
- Explore utilizing locations with better projection systems /event LED screens that will allows particpants to watch comfortably from distance.
- Explore better alternatives for providing strong and reliable internet data that scales with the number of our expected participants
- Design events, purchases and service payments to take into account possibility of delayed receipt of funds.
editGrant funds spent
editThe following are the expenses for the programs in two locations,
- Conference hall rent: $250 x 2 = $500
- Data packages to distribute to Wikimania participants: $15 x 60 = $900
- Small hardware expenses to support access to the virtual platform: $10 x 40 = $400
- Light breakfast: $5 x 70 = $350
- Lunch and beverages: $12 x 70 = $840
- Wikimania Retractable banner: $100 x 2 = $200
- Posters, flyers and stickers design and production: $500
- Internet: $400
- Wikimania T-shirts for organizers: $18 x 20 = $360
- Camera rental services for event coverage: $160
- Programs management/coordination: $200
- Total: $4,810
Remaining funds
editDo you have any remaining grant funds?
Anything else
editAnything else you want to share about your project?