Wikimania 2022/Scholarships/Wikimedia New York City/Report

editDid you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
Wikimedia New York City hosted the Wiki World's Fair from August 12-14, 2022, with the flagship event on Saturday August 13 at the Queens Museum. In addition to local lightning talks, we also tuned into the global Wikimania stream and shared talks from Queens, NY to the world. We toured the Panorama of the City of New York and also held a T-shirt design contest during the event to generate a shirt for the conference. We produced a shirt with the winning design by User:Bagelpigeon. We promised to the attendees the shirts would be given, free of charge, to those that attended the conference. User:Wil540_art designed the back of the shirt to display the conference’s schedule. We produced 25+ shirts and are currently distributing them to the attendees. WMNYC is very happy with how the Wiki World's Fair 2022 turned out considering it was held during the COVID-19 pandemic. WMNYC is also very happy with how the Wiki World's Fair 2022 t-shirts turned out.
editPlease report on your original project targets.
Target outcome | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
30-50 participants will attend in-person meetups. | 60+ in-person attendees | We exceeded expectations, and our primary focus became to support these attendees. |
10-20 participants will receive data packages to support their participation at Wikimania | N.A. | This outcome did not make sense given the relatively widespread internet access in our region. |
10 participants will receive hardware support | N.A. | We ordered a hotspot device, but this arrived in shipping too late. In the end, it was not necessary, as our venues had wifi or we could borrow devices from others. |
3-5 participants will receive childcare support to support their participation at Wikimania. | N.A. | There was not sufficient demand to have a childcare program. |
editProjects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
- What worked well?
We had a large crowd of 60+ attendees, drawn from the local community and those as far away as Toronto and California. There was a particularly strong out-of-town representation from WikiJournal User Group, and it was a de facto mini-conference for that thematic area as well. We engaged participants successfully at three different locations around the city, on three successive days, providing a diversity of experiences. A positive GLAM relationship was built up with the Queens Museum, and the livestream segment of lightning talks broadcast to Wikimania went particularly well. A little bit of A/V equipment and some practice on the broadcast software went a long way.
- What did not work so well?
We should have defined our metrics differently, as several of our outcome categories were not used.
editGrant funds spent
editPlease describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
- Friday food: $437.48
- Saturday food: $619.21
- Sunday food: $356.62
- A/V: $163.36
- Hotspot: $196.95
- Shirts (post-event): $860.03
- Total spend: $2,633.65
We had a $1000 sub-grant approved for t-shirts. $860.03 of that was spent on the conference shirt order (including four samples of other shirt cuts including long sleeve and hooded sweatshirt), leaving a $139.97 remainder in that category.
Remaining funds
editDo you have any remaining grant funds?
Yes, we have $2,366.35 in unspent funds.
We would like to use the remaining funds (or perhaps just the remainder of the shirt sub-grant) to continue the production of merchandise for chapter events.
Anything else
editAnything else you want to share about your project?