Wikimedia Argentina/Activities per program 2017

Education Program: description activities planned for 2017

Education Program 2017
Activity Description of the activity
Online course: “Bridges for a free, digital, school culture " We develop two online training courses for educators, of a 5-week duration each, to address the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and encourage the educators’ ability to edit in the classroom and in their educational projects. These courses are aimed at educators and university students with the objective of generating exchange on the use of the Wikimedia projects in the school syllabus. The focal point is the editing tool as the main element to tackle Wikipedia content and add it to their educational activities. The final objective of these dynamics is the production of projects by the educators, so they can practice looking up and editing Wikipedia during their classroom activities with their students. These online experiences are carried out on our online campus, designed with the goal of consolidating the region’s own online spaces within the community.
Online courses carried out together with higher education institutions We develop at least two courses in the frame of online distance activities together with higher education institutions. We take part in the design and development of online projects that emphasize how to edit Wikipedia and its main characteristics. These projects adapt to the institution and the kind of educators/students that we are working with, narrowing the training course and the edition of content to the specific themes on which they work. The objective is that the institutions take ownership of the tool in their educational projects and in the content evaluation.
Editing Club with high school students We develop 3 training sessions for educators (48 hours of work, approximately), follow-up activities in the classroom and we close with an editing club for students, related to the subjects on which we work during the activity. The objective is offering training sessions for educators that provide tools to tackle the work with Wikipedia inside the classroom, the search for information and analysis of sources to support the articles. We back this work dynamics with educational resources and online support. The aim is to close the activity with an Editing Club for students, generating a space where they can put into practice what they have learnt during the training sessions.
Photography and Editing contests with schools from all over the country We develop at least two contests in collaboration with other regional organizations that involve the Argentinean education community in the Wikimedia projects, especially in Wikimedia Commons and Wikiviajes. We encourage educational activities that aim at increasing the value of the historical heritage of each place and the history of the school. In pursuit of contributing to the construction of a collective memory that tackles the students’ representation of their reality and their surroundings, using Wikimedia projects as engines of such transmission.
Wikimedia in your province We develop training courses (divided into 3 different stages – 3 months of work) for students and educators of different Argentinean provinces. In each stage we work with student mentors and also educators from the schools. The objective is to consolidate good practices that include Wikimedia in the schools and inside the classrooms. The aim is to work with the education community of the province and articulate with different governmental institutions of the same province to generate events and activities that lead to the adoption and exchange of educational experiences supported by the use of Wikipedia as an educational tool.
Wikipedia at the university We develop 3 training sessions (3 days of work) for university students and professors. We offer an intensive session about Wikimedia and its projects, to later go into detail about the edition of content in Wikipedia. We are particularly interested in the creation of projects that can support the research done by the classes that get involved with our program. We aim at encouraging professors and students to use the Wikipedia platform as another space to consolidate debates and content within the academic world.
Training program for educators We develop training courses for educators and educational references of secondary and higher education. We offer three sessions. In the first one, we present the Wikimedia Argentina Foundation, our projects and the main characteristics of the Argentinean chapter. Then, in the following two sessions, we go into detail about the editing tools of Wikipedia and offer activities to take Wikipedia into the classroom.
Wikilesa We develop spaces for the edition and production of content related to Crimes against Humanity perpetrated during the period of State terrorism in Argentina in the 1970s and 1980s. This project is carried out in collaboration with Cosecha Roja , with the aim of updating and consolidating the existing Wikipedia content on the process of Justice and the role of Human Rights organizations in our country. In the frame of this cooperation, we organize editing events about this theme in educational and cultural spaces at a national and regional level.

GLAM Program: description activities planned for 2017

GLAM Program 2017
Activity Description of the activity
Editing workshops One of the foundations of Wikimedia is enabling access to free knowledge. With this goal, Wikimedia Argentina offers trainings about free culture, how the Wikimedia community is organized locally and at a global level. Then we explain how to write quality articles and how to articulate one’s own project in Wikipedia.
Edit-a-thons These are in-person editing sessions where members of the Wikipedian community and anyone interested in Wikipedia content gather to edit on a specific subject. No previous experience is required to attend these events, but we recommend an editing workshop to make the most out of the Edit-a-thon.
Wikipedian in Residence Our Wikipedian in Residence is in charge of training on free licenses.
  • Training on the use of the scanner.
  • Offering technical support to the scanner.
  • Training on post-processing the digitalized files.
Editing challenges We offer different activities to improve Wikipedia in Spanish: improvement of articles, translations, spelling corrections, or even generating articles on specific subjects or themes.
Contests The contests organized by Wikimedia Argentina have three objectives:
  • Making the Wikimedia projects known outside our community.
  • Getting people involved through different activities: photography contests, edition in projects like Wikiviajes, Wikisource and Wikidata.
  • Fostering and promoting Argentina’s cultural heritage.
  • Improving content related to the themes of Argentinean culture and gender.

Digitizing Program: description activities planned for 2017



We believe that the digitalization program is not just about collaborating with the GLAM institutions and the community to provide the technical and human resources to help in the liberation of content. For this reason, during 2017 we will focus on raising awareness about the project and the ideals on which it stands. We believe that the digitalization of material is just as important as the promotion and training on its use, especially in regions where it is vital to provide this content for the benefit of both the users and the institutions.


The main challenge for 2017 will be the expansion of the program, both in terms of territory (take it to a national level) and the quantity of the content to be digitalized. Another challenge is to replicate WikiGLAM activities, adapting them to the local needs, so that we can bring not only the program but also its idea to different institutions so they can take part in the projects in an autonomous and independent way. Another challenge is to integrate other projects, apart from Wikipedia and Commons, like for example Wikidata and Wikisource.

Activities planned

Digitizing Program 2017
Activity Description of the activity
New scanners placed A constant objective is finding institutions where we can position a scanner. This year, we look to assemble 2 DIY scanners, adapted to the needs of the beneficiary institution. We will prioritize that these scanners are used in places of Argentina’s inland, although it won’t be an excluding condition
New cultural partners involved We will use the occasion of the talks that we will organize during the year to scout for new institutions or partners (at least 4) that wish to collaborate by providing small quantities of multimedia material that is already digitalized and they wish to broadcast. The institutions would also benefit from the wide circulation of their material.
Approach and reach of new cultural audiences The aim is to organize or take part in workshops with digitalization professionals and amateurs. How to carry out a project from scratch, how to use Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource, etc.
Workshops and trainings within cultural institutions The aim is to take part in at least 3 talks in institutions and GLAM events, in order to present and broadcast Wikimedia Argentina’s digitalization project, and also to talk about the Creative Commons licenses, how this project benefits digital literacy and libraries.
Launching of the 1Lib1Ref program in the local context We aim at replicating the “1Lib1Ref” program, from WikiGLAM, adapting it to the local context, in at least one subnational institution that gathers different libraries, so we can promote the use of this content.
Editing Contest We will launch Wikisource and Wikidata contests, in order to encourage the community to be a part of these projects and thus improve the quality of the content in both projects. Content will be corrected, have new data, references and be positioned in different projects.

Community Support Program: description activities planned for 2017

Community Support program 2017
Activity Description of the activity
Community surveys Surveys are a great tool to get to know the interests of our community and organize activities accordingly. During the year, we conduct at least two major surveys: one to know the interests that will define our activities, and another to assess our work. Surveys at the end of activities are conducted throughout the year with the objective of assessing our projects.
Support to projects and proposals of our community Provide technical and financial support to projects promoted by our community. We offer our offices as a space for creation and to guarantee the necessary traineeship to successfully promote the projects of our community.
Positioning new leaders We offer training courses to position new members of our community in specialized spaces that are aligned to Wikimedia Argentina’s objectives. We promote project leaders who can articulate with new counterparts and bring new initiatives. This also implies offering these leaders the opportunity to participate in national, regional and international events.
Community meetings We foster meeting spaces so the community can meet, get to know one another and strengthen bonds.
Training for volunteers We offer training opportunities to volunteers to improve their performance as wikimedians.
Positioning Wikimedia Argentina at an international level We aim at positioning Wikimedia Argentina at the Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania, as well as in any space within the programs at an international level. Another objective of this activity is to take part and build new work groups.

Iberocoop activities: description activities planned for 2017

Iberocoop activities 2017
Activity Description of the activity
Regional mentoring program We plan on promoting an in-person space in the frame of the Regional Mentoring Program again. The main goal, apart from learning from other chapters, is to consolidate new alliances and strategies for 2017 in the frame of our three programs. Specifically we hope to articulate a regional education strategy during 2017.
Editing contests The Iberocoop contests have three objectives:
  • Positioning our culture in Spanish-speaking spaces.
  • Getting new editors from other Wikipedias involved.
  • Fostering and raising awareness about our regional cultural heritage.
  • Reducing the gap gender in Wikipedia, in terms of content and women editors
Incorporating strategic alliances Strengthening regional alliances through the chapters and groups of users in order to support new initiatives in our region.
Designing new resources Designing and conducting new training possibilities and new resources to be used by the entire region. Here, we include the standardized education activities that are ready to be used in all local contexts at a regional level.