Wikimedia Argentina/GLAM Program Evaluation 2016/Meeting and Stories 2016

GLAM Program: meetings and stories


New editing contest

  • Date: January 14th
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina released its first editing challenge of the year. From January 15th to February 14th, our online community and editors participated in our editing challenge focused on wikifying sport's articles. The results weren't the expected, but even though it was summer, 49 articles were improved.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Editors involved: 14
  • Results: See the resuts here

Designing of new guides

  • Date: January
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: Community support - GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina is strongly committed to the movement and to generated learning guides for the community. We take advantage of this time of year for working in guidelines.

We are currently putting together three guides for promotional projects and cultural institution :

  1. A manual on Wikimedia Commons.
  2. How to organize a sensitization workshop.
  3. How to organize an edit-a-thon.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 2
  • Gender approach: 2


  • Date: February 16th
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina present our GLAM program to the chief communication officer of MUNTREF. In this meeting we show interested in making an edit-a-thon in the Hotel de los Inmigrantes.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: 3

Editing challenge: End of contest

  • Date: February 14th
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: We finished our first editing contest of the year. Find more information of the contest here
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: not yet available.

Mentoring programa with Wikimedia Mexico

  • Date: 25-26-27-28th of February 2016
  • Activity: Empowering the community
  • Program: Community Support Program - GLAM - Education program
  • Description: During four days we have meeting with the president Protoplasmakid and the secretary of Wikimedia Mexico Wotancito to exchange knowledge abour our different programs. They have expertise in GLAM and Gender projects and Wikimedia Argentina has a great expertise en Education.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 2



Workshop and edit-a-thon: Art and feminism

  • Date: Marcha 12th
  • Activity: Free culture awareness/Empowering the community
  • Program: Community Support Program - GLAM Program
  • Description: The event 's main objective was to show how a Wikipedia article is constructed from a gender perspective and continue to collectively improve the encyclopedia on topics of art and feminism. The workshop was given for Jaluj.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 3
  • Gender approach: 10

Wikilesa I

  • Date: March 17th
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina made an edit-a-thon in the University of La Plata dedicated to Human Reights and crimes against humanity.
In the event Wikimedia Argentina and the community worked on the preparation of profiles of different participants repressors of the last militar dictatorship.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 1
  • Gender approach: 19

Wikilesa II

  • Date: March 19th
  • Activity: Participation and Content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina, Cosecha roja and Agrupación HIJOS made a new edit-a-thon and worked in the profiles os militaries who were vinculated in crimes agains humanity.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Editors involved: 25
  • Gender approach: 13
  • New articles: 15

Workshop in the newsroom of Anfibia Magazine

  • Date: Marcha 23th
  • Activity: Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: The editors ofAnfibia magazine and Cosecha roja magazine have a workshop for them. In this activity Wikimedia Argentina show them how to build a Wikimedia article from the start.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Gender approach: 5

Launching the Woman you never met




New tutorials released

  • Date: 1st of April 2016
  • Activity:Liberation and creation of content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina has designed 5 new tutorials to link GLAM program activities and proposals of our volunteers. Published in Spanish are now available on Wikimedia Commons, available to the entire community.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: 2
  • Gender approach: 1 women involved

New press conections

  • Date: 1st of April 2016
  • Activity:Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: One of our main goals in 2016 is to witness the GLAM program in the media. In this sense , Wikimedia Argentina established new press contacts to position our activities through Elle magazine and newspaper Página 12 .
  • Staff involved:1
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 1 women involved

New edit-a-thon planned

  • Date: 1st of April 2016
  • Activity:Participation and content/Edit-a-thon
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina is driving this 2016 its project Wikimedia Takes GLAM . Through this project we intend to work steadily and long-term with cultural institutions. In this regard, we will establish an agreement to work during 2016 with the Immigrant Museum. In order to further strengthen the line of work of construction of the historical memory of Argentina, we will carry out different activities :
  1. Evaluate the material can be digitized and put into value Wikimedia Commons
  2. Two editing workshops to leave installed capacity in the institution
  3. A editaton in mid-July .
  • Staff involved:2
  • Volunteers involved: 1
  • Gender approach: 3 women involved

WikiLesa: next steps

  • Date: 5th of April 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content/ Long-term relationships
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina held two activities , Wikilesa I and II , whose objective was to improve in Wikipedia profiles of repressors and militars convicted of crimes against humanity of the Argentina dictatorship. In order to make this work sustainable throughout the year , we met with our counterparts , Cosecha Roja and H.I.J.O.S, to organize future actions that will allow us to continue working on this important issue for society Argentina .
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 3
  • Gender approach: 5 women involved

Visit from the Public Policy Department Wikimedia Foundation

  • Date: 7th of April 2016
  • Activity: Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina was visited by Jan Gerlach, public policy manager from Wikimedia Foundation. During one day, we worked together to strengthen the work between the two organizations regarding advocacy in Latin America. During the meeting, Wikimedia Argentina, presented not only its programs but the challenges and opportunities offered by the Latin American context.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 1
  • Gender approach: 3 women involved

Organizing our annual contest with UNESCO

  • Date: 7th of April 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina is hosting its annual photo contest with UNESCO. This work is the continuation of our work in previous years. During 2015 we learned how to improve and enhance the participation of more students and schools, also organizing properly the modalities of participation . For this reason, this year we will be introducing audiovisual resources to guide students in their participation.
Beyong the meetings with the institutions involved, having new and better resources is necessary.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 4 women involved

Approaching the gender gap with new partners

  • Date: 7th of April 2016
  • Activity: Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina is working to incorporate new women editors in Wikipedia. But it's still an issue that is not entirely present in the public agenda. Therefore we have been strengthening our presence in specific spaces in where position the issue and continue to incorporate women as editor of Wikipedia . To do this , we add as a new partner to the Foundation Mujeres en Igualdad
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 3 women involved

The Woman you never met: end of the contest

  • Date: 12th of April 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Find the contest report and results here
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: At least 6
  • Gender approach: Not yet available

Wikimedia Argentina participating in Foss4arg 2016

  • Date: 9th of April 2016
  • Activity: Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina participated in the discussion and dialogue panel on open data and free software in the 2016 FOSS4ARG Congress.
During the conference with 31 participants, of whom 16 were women, we promoted and generated on the public agenda the debate on the role of open data in emergencies. We worked with partners like the Red Cross , Unicef , the National Government, the open knowledge foundation etc. Wikimedia Argentina presented through different projects as Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata how we use the data available and we positioned Wikipedia through its social role.
A day of creation and inspiration to further strengthen our presence in very specific spaces.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 16 women involved

Video tutorial for the UNESCO contest

  • Date: 13th of April 2016
  • Activity: Participation and Content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina is launching again its annual photography contest with UNESCO. This year , the goal is to improve Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia through images of Argentina's natural parks. According to this, and after learning that both teachers and students need clear guidelines, we made a tutorial video to accompany the participants in their performance.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 3 women involved

Brunch along with Mujeres en Igualdad Network

  • Date: 15th of April 2016
  • Activity: Free Content Awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina was invited to join the working breakfast of the organization Mujeres en Igualdad. This working breakfasts are very prestigious in Argentina. During our participation we presented our programs and we introduced the importance of including new women actively as editors of Wikipedia. The proposal was very well received and new contacts (9) were done during our participation.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 56 women involved

Fostering our relationship with Open Knowledge chapter

  • Date: 19th of April 2016
  • Activity: Liberation and creation of content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina has begun working with the foundation Open Knowledge and its local chapter. Both organizations carry out similar work and we consider very important to work together. We articulate the possibility of designing two different projects during the year.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Gender approach: 3 women involved

Red Pea online contest released

  • Date: 28th of April 2016
  • Activity: Liberation and creation of content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina has release an online contest with Red Pea. The contest's goal is to improve the content related to sustainable development in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons by the students from the PEA network. The contest means the continuation of our partnership with UNESCO, with whom we have been working since 2014.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Women involved: 5 women

Iberocoop editing challenges released

  • Date: 2nd of May 2016
  • Activity: Participation and Content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina along with Iberocoop has launched the editing challenge Translating Ibero-America. The main goal is to improve the content in the english Wikipedia related to Ibero-American culture. For the 1st time, Iberocoop launches a contest in the english Wikipedia. We believe that by putting in value our cultural heritage in other languages we are improving the impact of our culture outside our bordiers.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: 7
  • Women involved: Not yet available

Iberocoop editing challenges released

  • Date: 2nd of May 2016
  • Activity: Participation and Content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina along with Iberocoop has launched the editing challenge Translating Ibero-America. The main goal is to improve the content in the english Wikipedia related to Ibero-American culture. For the 1st time, Iberocoop launches a contest in the english Wikipedia. We believe that by putting in value our cultural heritage in other languages we are improving the impact of our culture outside our bordiers.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: 7
  • Women involved: Not yet available

Participation in LACNIC 2016

  • Date: 3rd-6th May
  • Activity: Free Culture Awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: From the 3rd to the 6th of May Wikimedia Argentina participated in the Congress of LACNIC in Cuba . We were invited to share a panel with other women leaders in technology, with the aim of sharing our work in Wikimedia Argentina, our programs and the work we do on gender gap through Wikipedia. The congress, with more than 800 people, presented for the first time a panel of women with the aim of favoring the incursion of women in technology.
Wikimedia Argentina approach in the panel the social role of Wikipedia as an inclusive project.
Similarly the congress was the perfect space to bring the Wikimedia Argentina project to reach new audiences, to let us know from other spaces, which generally we don't get involved. In this sense , we could also make new contacts and :tap into the technology industry that to date was not an ally work space for our actions.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Women involved:35%- 280 women involved
  • New contacts: 12 new contacts done

Open talk in Comunes

  • Date: May 6th 2016
  • Activity: Free culture awareness
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina participated in the convention Comunes,international meeting of collaborative economies and free culture. Wikimeidia Argentina staff participated of the open talk Free public policies for culture and collaboration.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Women involved: Not yet available
  • New contacts: 2

Second editing challenge launched

  • Date: May 10th 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina continues organizing and launching editing contests/challenges to involve, encourage and build community with its online editors. As the community meaning was redefined last year, we try to balance the activities proposed for our offline and our online community. From May 10th to June 7th, online editors can participate in our editing challenge focused on categorizing and editing articles in Wikidata. In addition, building community, these activities help us keep quality ratios in the Spanish Wikipedia and its content.
As well and after 6 previous editing challenges, we are giving prizes to the participants. We believe that although we all share the same goal of improving Wikipedia, giving our online editors something back is a great way to share with them the importance of their contributions for the project. Prizes can be material gifts or banners, per example.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Women involved: Not yet available
  • Results:
  • Date: From May 2016
  • Activity: Digitizing and creation of content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina enrolled its first WIR during 2016. Mauricio V. Genta has become the fist Wikipedian in Residence of Wikimedia Argentina. Argentine cultural institutions are very tight, so it is impossible for us to summon a person inside at this moment. Even with the difficulties, Mauricio V. Genta is since May 2016, the focal point with the cultural institutions we work in our digitization project and works three days per week with our 4 partner institutions .To date , 3 workshops have been conducted, scanners have been put into operation (those who had not started functioning in 2015), we have signed two new agreements and we have defined the work to do per institution.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Women involved: 1
  • Results of the program: Find the main activities here



Meeting with MUNTREF

  • Date: June 3th of 2016
  • Activity: Participationg and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: We reunited with the vice rector and the chief communication officer of the National University of Tres de Febrero. In that meeting we designed and organized the next edit-a-thon in the Hotel de los Inmigrantes.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: 3

Editing contest: end of the contest

  • Date: June 7th 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: The May editing challenge driven by Wikimedia Argentina ended on June 7, 2016. During one month,16 editors created and improved 2604 new articules in Wikipedia and Wikidata.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Editors involved: 16
  • Women involved: 1
  • Results: find the results here

Wikisource contest release

  • Date: June 10th of 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina continues focusing its work in new Wikimedia projects. As part of this strategy we continue organizing and launching editing contests/challenges to involve, encourage and build community with its online editors. From June 10th to July 14th, online editors can participate in our editing challenge focused on Wikidata and Wikisource projects.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: not yet available.
  • Gender approach: not yet available.

WikiTour 2016 launched

  • Date: June 20th
  • Activity: Participation and Content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Wikimedia Argentina did not launched any photo contest in 2015. The main reason was that our editors and volunteers believed we has enough quality pictures and images from our cultural heritage. They believed too, that uploading just new photos in Wikimedia Commons is not worth it enough as does not mean a direct improvement in Wikipedia. For this reason, and after working with 3 volunteers, we are launching this 2016 our first photo-editing contest. As one of our main goals for 2016 is diversify the projects we work with, we are inviting the participants to take photo regarding our cultural heritage that would mean an improvement or creation of articles in Wikivoyage.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Editors involved: not yet available
  • Gender approach: not yet available

Organizing the women work group

  • Date: June 2016
  • Activity: Empowering community
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: During 2016 Wikimania we established the alliance between Wikimujeres, Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Mexico. Through this partnership we intend to put forward proposals that involve increasingly women as editors. We also hope that this content in Wikipedia is increasingly higher quality. For this we are driving the development of specific measurement indicators to measure our proposal correctly.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Editors involved: 6
  • Gender approach: 6

Wikilesa III

  • Date: 14th June 2016
  • Activity: Wikilesa III
  • Program: Participation and content
  • Description: Wikilesa has already become a long-term program within Wikimedia Argentina. In June we held our third edition. In this case we edited at the University of Avellaneda. + 15 articles were created/improved.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Editors involved: 3
  • Gender approach: not yet available



Meeting with MUNTREF

  • Date: June 4th of 2016
  • Activity: Participationg and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: We reunited with the projecto manager of the w:Hotel de Inmigrantes to solve logistics issues of the Edit-a-thon.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: 1
  • Gender approach: 2

Workshop in MUNTREF

  • Date: June 7th of 2016
  • Activity: Participationg and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: We made an introductory workshop to the staff of the National University of 3 the Febrero. In this workshop we answered the questions that the staff of the university had of Wikipedia.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 10
  • Gender approach: 8

Meeting in the Ministery of Turism

  • Date: July 12th of 2016
  • Activity: Participationg and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: We have a meeting with the secretary of tourism promotion of Argentina. The main goal of the meeting our contest Wikitour 2016 and our project Wikiviajes.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: -

Organizing Las imprescindibles project

  • Date: July 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM Program
  • Description: Together with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimujeres we are promoting a new project to balance the representation of women in all Wikipedias. This project that aims to have global reach seeks to position all these essential women in Wikipedias as much as possible. It also seeks to add new women editors, to raise awareness of the invisibility of women in Wikipedia and improve the quality of the articles.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Editors involved: 7
  • Gender approach: 7

Open Houses meeting

  • Date: July 13th
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We had a meeting with one of the founders of OPEN HOUSE Argentina. The objetive of this call was to know our organizations and think ways to work together.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Editors involved: 1
  • Gender approach: 1

Edit-a-thon Hotel de Inmigrantes

  • Date: July 16th
  • Activity: Edith-a-ton
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made an edith-a-ton in an iconic building of Buenos Aires, the Hotel de Inmigrantes. For this event we made a workshop with the staff of the University of Tres de Febrero and together we curated the information of the edith-a-ton after that we made a tour guide for the building to prepared to all the visitors for the main event. Here yo can find part of the results. 12 articles were edited.
  • Staff involved: 4
  • Editors involved: 7
  • Total of participants: 63
  • Gender approach: 48

Meeting with the Foundation

  • Date: July 20th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We have a meeting with Alex Stinson, GLAM coordinator of the Wikimedia Foundation about our GLAM program. We tell him our best practice of our programa and the struggles we have in the every day job. We was very interested in our digitizing project and he asked us if we could make a case study.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: 2

Meeting with the Foundation

  • Date: July 20th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We have a meeting with Alex Stinson, GLAM coordinator of the Wikimedia Foundation about our GLAM program. We tell him our best practice of our programa and the struggles we have in the every day job. We was very interested in our digitizing project and he asked us if we could make a case study.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: 2

Meeting with the staff of Parque de la Memoria

  • Date: July 27th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: EDUGLAM
  • Description: We have a meeting with staff of the Parque de la Memoria to organize some activity with students in november and december.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 1
  • Gender approach:



Meeting Open House

  • Date: August 3th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: This was our second meeting with the board of Open House Argentina to start thinking about different ways to work together.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -

Wiki Loves the Olimpic

  • Date: August 5th
  • Activity: Contest
  • Program: GLAM - Iberocoop
  • Description: Along with the iberocoop initiative we promote a contest editing about the Olimpic Games. You can see the contest here.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -

Meeting Conocimiento Abierto

  • Date: August 5th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We met with the director of Open Knowledge to organize an edith-a-ton of Wikidata.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -

Workshop ONU Mujeres

  • Date: August 6th
  • Activity: Workshop
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made a workshop with a group of women about gender gap and how to write articles in Wikipedia Here are the results of the workshop and here the testimony of one partipant.
  • Staff involved: 3

Meeting Open House

  • Date: August 3th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: This was our second meeting with the board of Open House Argentina to start thinking about different ways to work together.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -

Scanner Set-Up at "Biblioteca de la Legislatura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires"

  • Date:august 17th
  • Activity: Scanner Set-Up
  • Program: Digitizing program
  • Description: We setted-up a new scanner at the Buenos Aires province Senate library. We expect start receiving book on mid september.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -
  • Gender approach: -
  • Result: New institution and scanner ready for work.

Meeting Un Pastiche

  • Date: August 25th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: During our workshop about gender gap we met the director of Un Pastiche, a web site about comunication and feminism. We have a meeting and we´re going to start working together.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -

Meeting MACBA

  • Date: August 26th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We reunited with the director of the MACBA. In this museum are working with artist with a gender view and they´re going to give us the venue for an edith-a-ton.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: n/a

Launching WikiLovestheOlympics


Editing challenge launched




Meeting RedPea

  • Date: September 9th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Me met with the REP PEA team to work in the final part about our contest [ Actitudes Sostenibles]
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: -

Meeting María Mansilla

  • Date: September 9th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We´re working in the design of the edith-a-ton about writers.
  • Volunteers involved: -

Wikitour 2016

  • Date: September 16th
  • Activity: Contest
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: End of the Wikitour contest. During the three months of the contests the community upload 299 photos.
  • Volunteers involved: -

End of WikiLoves the Olimpics

  • Date: September 18th
  • Activity: Contest
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made the contest Wiki loves the Olympicsthat involved the creation of articles of athletes of the Olimpics Games.
  • Volunteers involved: Iberocoop

National meeting of conservation and digitization

  • Date: September 19th
  • Activity: Lecture
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Mauricio V. Genta gave a lecture in the national meeting of conservation and digitization. The report is here.
  • Volunteers involved: 1

Discussion board in the first forum about open government

  • Date: September 28th
  • Activity: Lecture
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Giselle Bordoy participated of the discussión board of citizen technology a lecture in the first forum of open goverment.
  • Volunteers involved: n/a
  • Asistent of the event: 1500.

Design of our GLAM course

  • Date: September 28th
  • Activity: Design and call
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Giselle Bordoy reunited with Iván Martinez, Wikimedia México president to work about the design of the GLAM online course.
  • Volunteers involved: n/a

Meeting with Open House Argentina

  • Date: September 29th
  • Activity: Work project
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Giselle Bordoy and Mauricio Genta reunited with the staff of Open House to start to work in a join contest about architecture.
  • Volunteers involved: n/a



End of Red Pea Contest

  • Date: 3rd of october 2016
  • Activity: Contest
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: Along with the network of rural schools UNESCO held a contest to improve Wikipedia articles. That contest resulted in the participation of 53 students and 17 schools.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 0
  • Total of participants:53
  • Gender approach:
  • Result: We upload in Wikimedia Commons photographs of sustainable development.

Participation in "RBP: Ideas para el cambio"

  • Date: 3rd of october 2016
  • Activity: Participation and content
  • Program: Digitizing program / GLAM
  • Description:The network of public libraries from the Buenos Aires City goverment, invited us to a meeting with librarians, Marshall Breeding and Carol Brey (from the USA embassy) to present and discuss plans for the next years. We established new contacts, and we expect to make some partnerships soon.
  • Staff involved: 1
  • Volunteers involved: 0
  • Total of participants:54
  • Gender approach: 34 women
  • Result: We have established new contact among libraries and the goverment city libraries network to work with them in the future.

Meeting RIPVG

  • Date: October 13th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We met with the coordinator of the international network of journalists with a gender perspective and we discussed the possibility of working together.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -

Politic Edithaton

  • Date: October 16th
  • Activity: Edithaton
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made a workshop of Wikidata an edithaton about politicians of Argentina with the Open Knowledge Foundation.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 3

Writers of Argentina Edithaton

  • Date: October 22th
  • Activity: Edithaton
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made a workshop of Wikipedia and start editing about Argentinian writers with a group of women. The results of the event.
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 2

Meeting with EcoFeminista

  • Date: October 27th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We have a meeting with the media Economía Feminista to start thinking projects for the next year.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 1

Meeting with Dirección General del libro

  • Date: October 31th
  • Activity: Meeting
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We have a meeting with the the institution Dirección general del libro to start thinking projects for the next year.
  • Staff involved: -
  • Volunteers involved: 1



Online course

  • Date: November 3th
  • Activity: Online course
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We launch the first GLAM online course, this course it will last four weeks.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: 1

Wikiarte Edithaton

  • Date: November 12th
  • Activity: Edithaton
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made an edithaton of latin american art
  • Staff involved: 3
  • Volunteers involved: 5

Actitudes Sostenibles awars

  • Date: November 13-14-15th
  • Activity: Awwars
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We travel to iguazú to deliver the prizes of the contest Actitudes Sostenibles.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -

Open House training

  • Date: November 14-18-19th
  • Activity: Trainig
  • Program: GLAM
  • Description: We made a free culture training for the volunteers of Open House Buenos Aires.
  • Staff involved: 2
  • Volunteers involved: -

Media coverage


Gender approach


Eduglam edith-a-tohn


