Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Project Babel in Chinese Wikipedia is breaking language barriers of spreading knowledge.

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  • Project Babel in Chinese Wikipedia is breaking language barriers of spreading knowledge
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Wikipedia believes languages should not become the barrier of spreading knowledge, so as many Chinese volunteer translators who translate many high-quality contents from English World and introduce to the Chinese audience. Youdao, the largest online dictionary website in China owned by one of the largest internet companies of China NetEase, recently recruited some of its volunteers and asks them to translate high-quality contents from English Wikipedia to Chinese.

Rather than display these efforts only Youdao own website, Youdao believes enriching Chinese Wikipedia by these works will benefit more to the Chinese audience. Thus, they start cooperating with Wikimedia User Group China, a local community based in Mainland China, that Chinese Wikipedians help to integrate translated content into Chinese Wikipedia. In past ten months, fifty-two articles have been integrated into Chinese Wikipedia, including two good articles Gumbo and Dengue fever.

Du Qiqi, an undergrad medical student


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