Wikimedia Brasil (historical)

This chapter's approval was rescinded by the board based on their failure to sign by September 1, 2012 as set by a unanimous vote to a March 31, 2012 board resolution.
- Movimento Wikimedia Brasil Mutirões pelo conhecimento livre

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Unidos construindo um mundo no qual cada ser humano compartilhará livremente a soma de todo o conhecimento.

O Movimento Wikimedia Brasil é um grupo de contribuidores voluntários dos diversos projetos do Movimento Wikimedia, que se mobilizam para articular, incentivar, implantar, promover, fomentar, desenvolver e difundir atividades que visam a produção colaborativa e a disseminação inclusiva de conhecimentos livres, especialmente, mas não restrito, em língua portuguesa e de povos indígenas no Brasil.

O Movimento Wikimedia Brasil não é uma personalidade jurídica e não representa oficialmente a Wikimedia Foundation. A participação nele é aberta a todos, observando o respeito à sua Carta de Princípios. Se você é novo por aqui e deseja conhecer e colaborar, entre em

Wikimedia Brasil Movement - Mutirões pelo conhecimento livre

States building a world in which every human being freely share the sum of all knowledge.


Wikimedia Brasil
Country codeBR
Main officeSão Paulo
Official language(s)Português
Incorporation paperBylaws
AffiliationsWikimedia Foundation

Wikimedia Brasil Movement is a group of Brazilian volunteers from Wikimedia movement engaged in promoting activities with the aim of developing and disseminating free content in Brazil.



We are 18 identified people (and 190 generally interested) in different projects and with different levels of activity. There are content volunteers, including administrators pt.wikipedia, pt.wikibooks, pt.wikiversity, pt.wikiquote... basic all, en.wikipedia, eo.wikipedia, other projects in Esperanto, Wikimedia Commons... And background projects as Strategic Planning, OTRS, grant commission... Ten of us already attended regional meetings, and 8 of us already attended Wikimania or other international meetings (e.g. Iberocoop Conference). Eight of us are living in São Paulo or in its nearby cities.

Time path


In early 2008, the Brazilian community started a process for establishing a local organization to promote the WMF projects within the country. In September of that year, we submitted to the ChapCom a proposal for creating the chapter Wikimedia Brasil, which was approved. Nevertheless, in the same year, the volunteers have chosen not to establish a formal chapter in that time. The reasons were pointed out in the Chapter Report 2008, but this discussion never concluded.

In 2011, the whole Brazilian community has finally reached an agreement, in order to create a minimum legal structure to support and expand our activities across the country. Those activities will keep being freely created and driven by volunteers, but with legal, institutional and financial support by WMBR Board. With such model in mind, we have re-written our bylaws, which is now completely reviewed by lawyers. The next step will be submitting it to the ChapCom and asking for the new reconsignment as a chapter. All our steps are being widely announced, either in our mailing-list as in social networks and also discussed in our wiki and in many IRC-meetings.

The history are here: Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Brasil



We have made several activities over this time, including community meet-ups, editing and awareness workshops, meetings with chapters/WMF staff and with local and global partners, presentations, photo scavenger hunts, editing contests etc.

Planned activities


With the formalization, we expect to have the possibility to manage funds and therefore expand the actual projects, as well as organize other kind of activities, e.g. GLAM partnerships, our own outreach events and an annual national community meet-up.

Future members


By looking to the other chapters, it would be reasonable to reach 100 volunteers at the end of the first year.

Lawyer review


The Portuguese text of our bylaws was reviewed by a lawyer from Instituto Pro Bono (, a non-profit association that is kindly providing law assessment to our group.

To-do tasks

# Step Status
1 Gathering the people Done
2 Goals and Structure Done
3 Pilot program Done
4 Fundamental documents Done
5 Apply to be approved Done
6 Get some money Doing...
7 Register with the authorities Doing...
8 Go! Doing...

See also

Previous proposal