Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2012/City Tour

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If you want to meet Belgrade we can offer some of these tours.
Kalemegdan Fortress - panoramic view



Downtown Walking Tour

Skadarlija - bohemian quarter
  • Place: Downtown, Belgrade
  • Date: Sunday, October 13, 2012
  • Time: 06:00 PM – 08:30 PM
  • Meeting point: Republic Square
  • Price: Free (if you are satisfied with a tour, tips at the end for a tour guide)



Meeting point at Republic Square. Stories about nearby institutions and The Horse. First stop at Skadarlija – bohemian quarter. Stories about street, kafanas, Đura Jakšić and bohemians. Dorćol contrasts – Museum of Dositej and Vuk, Belgrade Mosque, Strahinjića Bana Street – silicon valley, prices, hyperinflation in 1993. Stories about Serbian food, Belgrade Zoo and famous animals. Next stop at the Victor monument, and stories about 1999 bombardment, Belgrade Cathedral, Kafana “?” (Question mark), Oldest school in Belgrade. Finishing tour at the plateau of National Bank of Serbia.

Tour guide


Željko Petrović – Master of science in Geography and tour guide for Old town of Belgrade.



If you are interested in this tour, please send an email to to apply.