Live Documentation:

12 October (Friday) 13 October (Saturday) 14 October (Sunday)
09:30 Walk-in Walk-in 09:30
09:45 09:45
10:00 Opening Introduction of the day 10:00
10:15 Introduction of participants GLAM in CEE region Technological issues across CEE countries 10:15
10:30 10:30
10:45 Break 10:45
11:00 Organizational management Mutual cooperation 11:00
11:15 11:15
11:30 Break 11:30
11:45 Educational projects Wikidata 11:45
12:00 12:00
12:15 12:15
12:30 Break 12:30
12:45 CEE and Wikimedia Chapters Association Break 12:45
13:00 Freedom and Wikimedia 13:00
13:15 13:15
13:30 13:30
13:45 13:45
14:00 Lunch Lunch 14:00
14:15 14:15
14:30 14:30
14:45 14:45
15:00 Funds Chapters professionalization Working group I Working group II Working group III 15:00
15:15 15:15
15:30 15:30
15:45 Report back 15:45
16:00 Break Break 16:00
16:15 Volunteer management Social media communication and public relations Closing 16:15
16:30 16:30
16:45 16:45
17:00 Wrap up 17:00
17:15 Summary of the day 17:15
17:30 17:30
17:45 17:45
18:00 Wrap up 18:00
18:15 18:15

13 October (Saturday)



Duration (min): 15
Facilitators: Tanja Mladenović, Julija Vojinović
Speaker: Miloš Rančić

The meeting will be opened by one of the initiator of the creation of CEE group, who will introduce himself and introduce the others in the meeting.

Introduction of participants

Duration (min): 30
Type of session: discussion
Facilitators: Tanja Mladenović, Julija Vojinović

The facilitators will introduce the participants with the conference program and how the works will be going on during the conference days.

Organizational management

Duration (min): 90
Type of session: discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović
Speaker: Miloš Rančić

The main purpose of this session is to give the smaller communities an insight of the work within the Wikimedia Chapters and the activities that they have. It's a good opportunity as well for the young chapters and other organized groups to find out ways how to progress with their activities. The most important questions that should be answered during the discussion include:

  • How to run an NGO?
  • How many people are necessary to work in an NGO
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of running a Wikimedia Chapters?
  • What changes should be made to promote development of a chapter?
  • To what extend an informally organized group of people can succeed by doing work for an NGO?

Mutual cooperation

Duration (min): 90
Type of session: presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović
Speakers: Nicole Ebber, Kiril Simeonovski

This session will focus mostly on the past and current cooperation among the different communities and chapters from the CEE region in order to find ways how to strengthen it and discuss the benefits from it. Most of the countries share many similarities in tradition and culture, thus making it a clear opportunity for mutual cooperation in many different fields. The main questions concerned with this topic are the following:

  • What is the status of the current cooperation between the communities from the CEE countries?
  • What are the things that were done together in the past?
  • Why the mutual cooperation is so important and how to make a use of it?
  • How to start working on international projects that the global community may benefit from?
  • How to minimize the restrictions made by the differences in the legal systems of the involved countries?

CEE and Wikimedia Chapters Association

Duration (min): 75
Type of session: interactive presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović, Julija Vojinović
Speaker: Fae (Ashley Van Haeften)

One of the main topics that deserves attention is surely the Wikimedia Chapters Association. The region of Central and Eastern Europe is rich with chapters that will participate by having an important role in the newly established association. It's still not clear what will be the single role of any of the chapters from the region, but discussions about the possible impact that these chapters may collectively have is a critical point. Important questions that need to be answered in this session include:

  • What can a chapter from the CEE region do for the WCA?
  • Should we expect the WCA to do something for the development of the CEE region?
  • What are the things that the CEE chapters need help from the WCA for?
  • How to define the role of the CEE partnership in relation with the WCA?
  • Should the CEE chapters be afraid of the Wikimedia Foundation in the future?


Duration (min): 60
Type of session: presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović
Presenter: Asaf Bartov

This session aims to provide a global overview of the sources that the chapters use to fund their activities and the ways to maintain financial sustainability in an NGO. It should also provide some general information about the Grant Advisory Committee and the Fund Dissemination Committee and their role in the distribution of funds to support activities that the Wikimedia Movement will benefit from. The time slot is reserved for a presentation with tutorial and analysis of the grant-making process.

Chapters professionalization

Duration (min): 60
Type of session: discussion and panel
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović
Speakers: Marek Stelmasik

Some of the Wikimedia Chapters have already started their professionalization by employing paid-staff to manage with their annual program. This is usually supported with the statement that hiring staff with much experience will fuel the development of the chapter and increase the number of projects and activities done in the year, while others argue it as being too expensive to make any greater benefit and something that challenges the freedom of Wikimedia. The discussion should give answers to the following questions:

  • What should a chapter achieve before hiring paid-staff?
  • What position should be considered for the first employee?
  • What are the things that an NGO is not able to do without hiring employees?
  • How to keep the volunteerism in an organization with paid-staff?
  • Does the paid-staff in the Wikimedia Chapters really matters the freedom of Wikimedia?

Volunteer management

Duration (min): 60
Type of session: discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović
Speakers: Asaf Bartov

Wikimedia and its society is driven by volunteers, so it appears to be of keen importance to know the ways to work with them. Volunteers are people who donate their time to something that aims to provide positive outcome, and they always expect something that will motivate them to keep up doing the same as long as possible. Many different ways to manage with the volunteers are being implemented, but none of them have been generally accepted. Some of the important questions that need to be answered properly by the discussion in this session are the following:

  • What is the volunteer management?
  • What do we need volunteers for?
  • How to respond on the problems concerning the volunteer activity?
  • What are the best practices used to improve the volunteer management?
  • How to increase the volunteer efficiency?

Social media communication and public relations

Duration (min): 60
Type of session: presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović
Presenter: Raul Veede

This session should discuss the role of Wikimedia in the social media and how to use them in order to promote the activities inside the movement. Most of the questions regarding the social media communication and the way that the public relations are arranged are still open and need further clarification and definition. There are some positive examples across the movement that can be used as a good starting point for the following activities. The time slot is also reserved for a presentation with examples about the topic.

14 October (Sunday)


GLAM in CEE region

Duration (min): 75
Type of session: presentations with discussion
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović
Presenters: Andy Mabbett, Adam Kliczek

The main purpose of this session is to provide information about some interesting projects related to the GLAM sector across the CEE region. Special part of the session will be dedicated to the new perspectives in the sector worldwide and the possibility of its implementation in the region. The time slot should include presentations about the positive examples of projects in the GLAM sector.

Technological issues across CEE countries

Duration (min): 75
Type of session: presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović
Presenters: Nikola Smolenski

This session aims to open some technological questions that are present in the CEE countries and how to manage with them to find a proper solution. One of the main problems is the existence of multiple writing system in some languages, while another one is the localization of content. The session will include presentations focusing on the related issues.

Educational projects

Duration (min): 60
Type of session: presentations with discussion
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović
Presenters: Filip Maljković, Ivan Matejić, Jan Loužek

It is always deemed that introducing Wikimedia in education provides a good source for natural growth of the communities, but also leads to promotion of the content available on the Wikimedia projects. How to reach out to the educational institutions and what is the programme that should be implemented are among the most important questions that should be answered during the session. The time slot is also reserved for presentations with some positive examples of educational projects and some tips that should be taken into account when starting up such initiatives.


Duration (min): 60
Type of session: presentation with discussion
Facilitator: Tanja Mladenović
Presenter: Nikola Smolenski

The initial idea for the creation of a new Wikimedia project called Wikidata was conceived by Wikimedia Deutschland and is still in its developing phase. The main goal is to make a collaboratively edited database that should support Wikipedia. The time slot is reserved for a presentation about the new project, as well as some time to discuss about its development and use.

Freedom and Wikimedia

Duration (min): 60
Type of session: short presentation, then discussion
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović, Tanja Mladenović
Speaker: Nikolas Becker

The main purpose of this session is to discuss the freedom of Wikimedia as seen after the law proposals in some countries, such as PIPA, SOPA, or ACTA, that restrict the spreading of free content on Internet and thereby Wikipedia. Some of the communities have already reacted to these proposals by blacking out the main page and blocking the content on some projects, while intensive protests against the introduction of such laws were held across several European cities. It is planned the discussion in the session to include sharing some experiences of the people from the communities that felt endangered by the law proposals. The main questions related to the topic include:

  • How to prepare in order to protest the implementation of restrictive laws?
  • Can Wikipedia be able to retain its image after the introduction of such laws?
  • What the Wikimedia Chapters can do to keep a higher level of freedom?
  • How to assure the authorities about the benefits of Wikimedia projects?
  • How can Chapters be better coordinated to avoid duplication of effort?

Working groups

Duration (min): 45+15

This time slot is reserved for three working groups.

Working group I

Topic: Communication in virtual community.

Working group II

Topic: Making a grant application.

Working group III

Topic: Translation of articles.


Duration (min): 45
Facilitator: Julija Vojinović, Tanja Mladenović
Speakers: each of the attendees

The meeting will be closed by the organizers with the assistance of the participants sharing their impressions and conclusions.