Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015/Programme/Article contests/Georgian Wikipedia Project - Country of The Month

Title of your proposal

Name(s) and/or username(s)
Mikheil Chabukashvili / User:MIKHEIL
Type of submission (Please choose one)
  • Lecture (one-to-many)

Since 2009, Georgian Wikipedia have a project of the month. Within a month, we write articles about particular country, wich we choose by voting. We have already written thousands of articles about 81 countries. In this lecture, I will try to share with you our experience, specific details etc. I can say, that this is definitely one of the most successful project of Georgian Wikipedia.

Preliminary preparation (if necessary)
Expected outcomes

Achieving skills for organizing projects of the month;

Point out the outcomes of such projects on the example of Georgian Wikipedia.

Duration (without Q&A)

20 min

Specific requirements


Slides or further information
Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).