Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016/Programme/Submissions/Content Translation: The Game Changer in Wikimedia translating

Content Translation: The Game Changer in Wikimedia translating


Name(s) and/or username(s)

Esperanto kaj Libera Scio, co-coordinator


  • Content Translation

Type of submission (Please choose one)

  • Presentation (one-to-many)



Attention: This session will intentionally share a big part with the same-topic session at WM CEE Meeting 2015. Now will be provided some updates, but the session is intended mostly for people who didn't attended the 2015's session.

Despite Wikipedia is the biggest encyclopedia in many languages, there is quite small amount of content overlapping between individual language versions. For example, the German Wikipedia in significantly smaller than the English one, but half of its articles does not have equivalent in the English one. That makes huge opportunities for interlanguage-collabouration. Translating is much faster than writing from scratch and by following some basic rules, it provide high quality content for bigger audience.

There was several proposals for tools assisting the translation process inside of Wikimedia context. There will be presented the WMF's tool Content Translation, which is now integrated into all Wikipedias and helped to translate more than 100,000 articles.

During the session will be presented the tool Content Translation from user point of view and in nowadays state, some scratch of future and possibilities for organisations to use Content Translation on maximum.

Expected outcomes

  1. Participants will better understand context of translation inside of Wikimedia movement.
  2. Participants will be able to use Content Translation on basic, sufficient level.
  3. Participants will be aware about possibilities of tweaking Content Translation for their languages and community context.

Duration (without Q&A)


15 minutes (KuboF's part)

Specific requirements


Projector, internet, speakers loud enough for the room.

Slides or further information


presentation slides

Project page and Wikimania 2014 presentation of Content Translation.

Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).

  1. --Γλαύκος (talk) 08:00, 25 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]